
A stripper dating service? (A serious one.)

Friday, March 16, 2012 4:31 PM
My GF has been dancing for like 13 years, and is well networked with other dancers that have relatively normal lives. Many are still single, and have trouble meeting regular guys for serious long term relationships. So my ever enterprising "M" is thinking about starting a dating service. This is not for guys who just want to bang hot strippers; but guys interested in long term relationships and marriage, and would be tolerant of their partner's career choice, plus other skeletons in the closet (past substance abuse, sex for money, drama, mental illness). It's guaranteed that the women would be beautiful, put-together and classy looking, intelligent, and somewhat sophisticated. You could take them anywhere. Some would be well educated and/or have other careers. Most would be open and liberated about sex - after a relationship is established. Maybe your dream girlfriend, or even wife. How much would you pay? $1000-5000 upfront, plus a few hundred a month? It would be pretty exclusive. Basically, M would round up about 20 women, and screen about 20 guys, do some matchmaking, and throw a cocktail party. Both women and men would report back. M would do further matchmaking as necessary. She figures she could round up another 20 women every 3 months. The women would probably not put out until a real romantic relationship is established. None of these women are hard up for money, or sex. Men would have to be stable, desirable, and marriage or LTR minded. Any interest?


  • Stiletto25
    12 years ago
    This is a very interesting idea. Given all the dating sites out there that are obviously making good money, I would think this type of business may have a future. If anything, it would be fun
  • deogol
    12 years ago
    $1,000 to $5,000 upfront? That is not a dating service, that's a sugar daddy service - no matter how much you compare it to "The Millionaire Matchmaker." And stripper only? You got to know what that looks like. I have been on [view link] and others - the strippers are always easy to see because they dress up their ad like a stripper would (including pictures.) My reaction has always been, "self-employed alright!" and clicking "Next." A guy looking for a LTR is going to be in his 30s+ and way past tolerating having some crew of dudes pawing at his wife. A guy in his 20s is looking for one thing, a guy in his 30s+ - for the most part, a very different attitude. It might start out OK, but then there will be one who starts charging for dates - BAM. You're a pimp and gonna get busted. You have to be prepared to throw people out and contracts stating exactly what is OK and not.
  • HB13
    12 years ago
    For that much money? That's highway robbery there. They can easily go on [view link], [view link], etc. for all the free dating sites. And even the online pay sites are reasonable (E-harmony does like $130 for 3 months, $200 for 6 months).
  • sharkhunter
    12 years ago
    Even if I had the money I wouldn't want to spend it when you can just visit clubs and if a dancer is single and interested, she'll often let you know after you get to know her. A lot of times dancers are not shy and you can tell quickly. If a guy is successful enough to have 1000 or more to throw around, he's going to want something for all that money. I could probably get a lot of dancers to spend the whole night with me for less than half that without hardly even knowing them. Well for some girls it might only be an hour or two but that is plenty of time unless you're going to sleep. One of my past friends who hooked up with a different girl every week offered to give me the numbers of a couple of dancers. I declined right away. I once promised myself not to ever go out with any more dancers. I thought they had more drama and were more hassle. After several years, one dancer I met made me forget. I don't know. Maybe some rich guys would be interested. I think the 1000 bucks seems crazy for a long term relationship just to meet up.
  • sharkhunter
    12 years ago
    Never mind. I forgot long term relationship for a dancer might only be a few weeks or few months.
  • bang69
    12 years ago
    Sounds like fun where do I sign up
  • deogol
    12 years ago
    It should have both the dancer and potential LTR partner paying money into the matchmaker. Otherwise its just the same model as a guy paying a shit load of money into the pot for someone who simply is out there to gain from it. By both putting money into the service, people will have a little more "skin" in the game, so to speak. :)
  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    NO Thanks.
  • jester214
    12 years ago
    If they are "stable, desirable and marriage oriented" (I like to think I at least sort of meet those) then they probably don't need a dating service of any kind. In my humble opinion good quality men usually don't have any trouble finding relationships they are unhappy with. For women it can be a different story. Additionally men like this (in a lot of cases) are NOT going to be okay with skeletons in the closet and career choices. Some might, but most aren't.
  • rh48hr
    12 years ago
    I don`t think I would be interested.
  • lopaw
    12 years ago
    I have that now. It's my "ridiculously-hot-and-expensive-steady-stripper-girlfriend-that-my-wife-doesn't-know-about" relationship. And boy - does it cost me.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    Maybe Art might be interested. He can afford it!! LMFAO
  • jackslash
    12 years ago
    I was interested until I read this statement about the service: "This is not for guys who just want to bang hot strippers." That leaves me out.
  • vincemichaels
    12 years ago
    Ditto, jackslash.
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    I like the baaaam your a pimp comment lol !
  • gatorfan
    12 years ago
    Strippers give it up easy if you know one simple trick [CLICK HERE TO FIND OUT} funny
  • sharkhunter
    12 years ago
    There are several millionaires in this country so maybe some of them might be interested in dating strippers. I don't know. This market would be a small niche market if it exists.
  • sharkhunter
    12 years ago
    Any normal middle class guy looking for a LTR would want a girl to be respectful of how much money he makes and probably is not looking for someone or some service that would send him to a lower class rather fast. Several thousand dollars up front and several hundred dollars a month for a service is for the rich.
  • farmerart
    12 years ago
    @Stiletto25: Does this mean I would have to pay $5k just to take you out for dinner in Seattle?
  • rogertex
    12 years ago
    Like the idea. But must be selective about the women that are picked for this service. Many dancers have fit bodies and enterprising. They can easily bring spice in man's life. There should minimum entry cost. That will keep top women interested.
  • deogol
    12 years ago
    LTR specifically means everyone is getting fat and old, yet sticking it out. Perhaps the cost for entry increases (for both parties) based on the income of both parties. Another check might be savings/assets. Few guys are going to tolerate a spendthrift in a LTR, especially if she makes good money and just pisses it away. For LTR, the women are the ones who will need to prove themselves.
  • georgmicrodong
    12 years ago
    I'm not sure how well this would work. I guess if someone was interested in dating a "stripper", as opposed to finding a "person" to date, it might have some success. I can't help but think that most people, faced with that up-front cost, wouldn't assume, and expect, some kind of long term escort service, or sugar-daddy arrangement. A specialized service like this certainly wouldn't appeal to me, even with a much lower cost of entry. From the other side, I suppose I can see the appeal, as it would ostensibly weed out the people looking for just another hook up with a hottie. I'm sure dancers meet a *lot* of date-worthy guys at work, but figuring out who they are amidst all the others, like me, looks like it would be...more time consuming that many would consider worthwhile.
  • bumrubber
    12 years ago
    rogertex: yes the girls would be carefully chosen, through M's personal network. Everyone could get a credit check, not for net worth or income but to screen for sketchiness - ie, have they run up credit cards and been bankrupt more than once? gmd: it would be about dating a "person" but those persons happen to be strippers. Pricing is open for debate. It could be monthly, with or without an upfront fee, whatever works. There are plenty of guys in their 30s-50s with money to spend for this kind of thing. It does have to be worthwhile for the operator, say a couple of thousand a month for what would be a part-time job for her. And yes, dancers do meet dateable guys at work, but usually draw the line at customers or co-workers (most guys who work in SCs are lowlifes). The girls would gladly pay too. I've met some of these ladies and except for their job and maybe some past issues - no worse than "civilian" women - they're definitely dateable.
    7 years ago
    I am looking to date a stripper anyone interested in dating me?
  • rogertex
    7 years ago
    . Wow - 5 year old post came to the top ! When I first started reading I did not check the date March 2012 - so assumed this was posted today. I liked the idea - and was gonna respond. Then I saw my own response (back in 2012 ! ) - and would have responded the same way.
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