Just wondering how many of you guys have had OTC at a dancer's apartment? At first this seemed like a good idea (save money on a motel/hotel and the dancer is more reliable when you know where she lives) but it can end up getting complicated because you end up getting wrapped up in her stripper shit sob stories and end up spending more money.
I once visited my first ATF at her apartment. I didn't know any better. I didn't have any problem. She had a cat which liked me which figured because I am allergic to cats. She said her cat was her bad guy clue since if her cat didn't like someone, she didn't trust him. Go figure. I trusted her by the time I went to her apartment. I wouldn't necessarily trust someone I just met.
A girl whom I knew nothing about (maybe she thought she knew me)anyway she attempted to take me home to her apartment. I didn't go. I was surprised there were girls that would visit strip clubs and attempt to take some random guy home. I didn't know if she was a prostitute, a dancer, or a female customer in the strip club. One of the strangest things to happen to me in a strip club.
Daytime dancer asked me to take her home because her driver's license had been suspended for drunk driving. The trip to her place was interrupted by a tearful request to stop at a pricey and well stocked major grocery store. Yep, I wound up filling up her refridgerator and getting nothing in return. Won't do that again. OTC invitations can turn into shopping trips for the PLs like me.
I've done it and while it is cheaper than a hotel and the girl is guaranteed to show up (!), it is definitely fraught with potential danger. Only worth considering after you've gotten to know the girl really well.
I was worried a boyfriend or some guy in a mask could pop up in her apartment and rob me. In my case I would not want to be in her apartment and have her accuse me of anything or demand money when she said nothing about money. What if I said no and then she claimed rape? I need some trust before I go visit a stranger and sleep with her. Unless she's a 10,I don't believe I would take the chance. She could have had a sexual disease, no idea.
If you know the girl realy good like lapow said and the juice does it like this all the time ! I can be cheaper and a fuckton of fun ! But yes you got to know the girl realy well first ! Always be safe !
True story. Having an OTC with my ATF a few years ago at her place. We just finished, I'm dressed but she's not, and there's a knock on the front door. Turns out it's her stepdad dropping by to say hi. He gets the hidden key and comes in. We instantly start to pretend I'm a resident doctor doing physical therapy on her. He looks suspicious, but we lay on the BS with medical terminology and he leaves saying he'll come back later. Close one.
I went to a woman's house once. It was only about a mile or two from the club. I think this was my third OTC experience. FWIW, I don't think she actually owned the house. The whole experience, in the beginning, bugged me out, because we had to be quiet or else her son would wake up. But despite the fact she was LOUD, no one woke up or harassed us. I paid her off and high tailed it out of there. I was really worried on the way home because I got stopped by a train, due to my limited grasp of the geography of that city and a cop was right behind me, but I turned one way and he turned the other.
I have sometimes but I would rather go to my place or a motel. I would never go to the apartment of a dancer I didn't know, for fear of being robbed or killed by her boyfriend/pimp. As rickdugan said, dancers' living conditions can be depressing. I did my ATF one time at her house, but I felt a little strange doing her where she lived with her boyfriend and son.
Once and never again. I did go to her place with her, but as we walked in you could still smell fresh cigarette smoke. Her pimp (or whatever) must have skedaddled out the side door as we came in. I decided it wasn't worth sticking around and being robbed while fucking the slut and left.
My first OTC was at my ATF's place. I'm still there an average of once a week. But I wouldn't do it with someone I'd just met, someone I didn't trust, or someone who lived in an area I didn't know well. Since my ATF fit those criteria at the time, I was comfortable doing it. She fits many of the stereotypes, though: empty fridge (except for liquor), no furniture in the living room, minimal furniture in the bedroom, and a bathroom full of makeup. But it is also clean and smoke and drama free.
I've done this several times, but only with one girl, the one I call My Favorite Cocksucker, and only after I'd known her for a couple of years. It was when she was living with her grandmother, so I don't guess it counts as "her" place, but...
Like others have said, in general, I would not recommend the practice, but it worked out.
I have visited my CF/ATF's house, but not for any of our sex sessions. For one thing, she has a pre-school kid, and now her boyfriend is living with her. :))
You guys need to run with a better class of strippers. One of my favorites bought a brand new house last year. 1900 sq ft, 4 bedrooms, 2 1/2 bath. No husband, Bf, room mate or kids. Just one spoiled mutt. I had to take my shoes off to enter.
I decided to take my ATF to my place until she said that once she knew where I lived, she could stop by from time to time. I made an excuse about my place needing cleaning, made a u turn and went to a hotel. Now she asks me to come by her place, but she has teenagers and other relatives close by. She doesn't know it yet, but we will always have to keep it to a motel. Alas, another stripper relationship on borrowed time......they never last too long...too many fucked up surprises that none of us need.
Yes I have, with two different ATFs. I only do it after knowing them a year or more.
Old ATF had the empty fridge, minimal (used) furniture, and slept on an air mattress on the floor of her bedroom. She did have a BF, and he didn't know she did OTC. I hit it a few times, but she started doing meth and running with a group of people that scared me off.
Soon to be old ATF #2 just got her house a couple months ago. She had been talking it up like crazy, so I went over for some afternoon delight. The living conditions were horrible, and she just moved in with her 5 year old. I did the deed, and went back to work. The next two weeks she hit me up for money, using house-related issues as the reasons.
I caught a CSI episode recently that freaked me out. Basically some prostitute was found dead, and they found like 6 different guys' DNA and they spent the episode tracking them down. I try not to leave and DNA around, but you never know!
I think I'm gonna try to just shell out for the hotel every time.
I never use a hotel room, unless I'm already using one for travel. I've done that a few times and those were with dancers I already knew from my city who had moved to the city where I was visiting. At home, I do nearly all of my OTCs at my house. I have three different dancers whom I have done OTCs with at their houses. I did OTCs with them at my house first, then at their house. One of those three I've done several at her house. (Most recently, last week.) For two of them I have a standing invitation to go their house. The third, I probably could, but I don't even care to see her ITC anymore, let alone OTC.
I don't want them knowing where I live (u never know) and I echo the many comments from earlier...don't want to get caught up in their shit...but if I did go to her house, I would have to have had a long track record with the babe.
Went once to her place, and she wouldn't let me in. Her kids were in there and her roommate (girlfriend?) was babysitting. And she had just smoked a whole bunch of weed. Went out to eat and she was texting the whole time. Dropped her off early.
Like drac baby I felt safe 2......hell her mom fixes me food so when we are dunn I can get some energy for round 2.......I will normaly sleep over with my atf so her mom will often fix breafeast as well....her mom lovess me and often trys to hook me up with her other daughter witch is a dancer as well........wish I was lieing : )
Actually I visited my first ATF more than once at her apartment. Then I visited her at her nice new townhouse after she moved. She was doing private dances at first. Later on, I stopped by just to say hi when I was already in the area. She was home alone with no roomate so I liked that after she moved. I did not like her location though. I had to drive one hour to see her or the strip clubs, same city. Then she moved an hour away on the other side opposite me. Then I had to drive 2 hours to visit at her house. That sucked. Stopped doing that after a couple of times.
last commentA girl whom I knew nothing about (maybe she thought she knew me)anyway she attempted to take me home to her apartment. I didn't go. I was surprised there were girls that would visit strip clubs and attempt to take some random guy home. I didn't know if she was a prostitute, a dancer, or a female customer in the strip club. One of the strangest things to happen to me in a strip club.
Only worth considering after you've gotten to know the girl really well.
Like others have said, in general, I would not recommend the practice, but it worked out.
I have visited my CF/ATF's house, but not for any of our sex sessions. For one thing, she has a pre-school kid, and now her boyfriend is living with her. :))
Old ATF had the empty fridge, minimal (used) furniture, and slept on an air mattress on the floor of her bedroom. She did have a BF, and he didn't know she did OTC. I hit it a few times, but she started doing meth and running with a group of people that scared me off.
Soon to be old ATF #2 just got her house a couple months ago. She had been talking it up like crazy, so I went over for some afternoon delight. The living conditions were horrible, and she just moved in with her 5 year old. I did the deed, and went back to work. The next two weeks she hit me up for money, using house-related issues as the reasons.
I caught a CSI episode recently that freaked me out. Basically some prostitute was found dead, and they found like 6 different guys' DNA and they spent the episode tracking them down. I try not to leave and DNA around, but you never know!
I think I'm gonna try to just shell out for the hotel every time.
"Usually like to have them over to my place"
Your Mom doesn't mind?
"... She had a cat which liked me ..."
Good point - thanks - this is one thing I always look for in an OTC! - LOL!!!!!
I did meet my 2011 ATF's Mom once. A nice lady.