As many of you know, I have been forced to visit dozens of SC websites in search of photos for the Rate The Hottie threads. It's a tough job, but someone's got to do it. At any rate, I've seen some good websites and some bad ones (and lots of dead links). In terms of the eye-candy factor, this website is not so great . . . but so far as clever design goes, this has my vote for "best SC website" . . . at any rate, it is the only one I've come across where you can tip the dancers :-)…
last comment-Web cams (Mons-Venus style)
-Roll Call listings
-More than two dancers in their "staff" page, preferably with photos & not caricatures (myself and a bunch of others really aren't into hentai).
I like the Penthouse website in Detroit, it gives you a virtual tour of the club.
I also like strip clubs that have free admission passes on their website. I like the Doll House in Columbus because you don't even have to print off the pass, simply just mention it at the door to waive their $10 cover.
Jackson, it is a tough job. I think you deserve a raise.
Anything more to be said?