So last nigt was my once a week 24hour visit with my ATF house.....after making hot and passionate love....she makes the comment on how she enjoyed how I realy "get balls deep in the pussy!"..........LMFAO ! I've got sized cock so I try to fuck hard and deep some times to make up for the lack....but I never thought I was getting balls deep.......but once it hit me I do...push hard enough to be shoving my balls all up in their lol !................
So what's a funny sex story, comment or whatever for you guys ???
I was doing a girl really aggressively "Doggie" one time with my Balls whacking against her when she blurted out, "You sure have loud Balls Baby!" I was laughing so hard I hard to stop fucking her! LMFAO
Had a dancer on my lap one time and she reaches down, cups my balls in her hand, winks and says, "Wow, you have Cadbury eggs." She got a good tip from me, for sure.
last commentWas she being mean or trying to be humorous SC?
Shadow.....ya I've been their lol
Hb13.....I and out it does make me chuckel
Glad something's large enough to be remarkable...
George I know on spot how you feel homie
You are a crazy MF.
I have never been able to get my balls "in" but LOL, I think I know what she was trying to say.
You lucky bastard. LMAO.