Have any of you guys (or Lopaw) done private parties? I texted a dancer a few days ago to see if she would be working during my upcoming visit as I have liked her performance and attitude in the past. She sent back that she would come in for me. A couple of days ago she messaged back that I could come to her apartment for a "private dance". While there was some concern about the risks, my intuition did not set off any alarm bells about the girls intentions. A series of messages followed about expectations. The short version is that she plans a set of nude dances (at least an hour) and maybe some more, but was clear that there would be no FS and no kissing. She expects me to "help her out with about what the dances would cost or whatever I think it is worth" in her words. We will be alone. She's hot, fun, and has a great attitude so as of right now I am planning to go through with this, but am prepared to bail if I sense anything funny. I plan not to take any credit cards or anything valuable and only as much money as an hour of VIP would run. She does not know my name, where I live (not even the city), or my number (I've used a Google Voice "burn" number). She has given me an address which is an apartment complex in a decent part of town. I figure if it is on the up and up it will be fun and if it doesn't feel right, I'll skip and hit a club. Any thoughts, advice, experiences would be appreciated.
This sounds like this could be a step up from the club. Will she allow you to be nude? I assume there will be a HE. I think I would agree to a price first though. Never go into a situation without negotiating a price both parties agree to.
How can you settle on a price if you don't know what extras will be involved. The "no FS" line, may just be to protect herself until you get there. If she said you pay whatever you think, just bring what you would be willing to pay, max, and see what happens. Please report back with how you make out. Good luck!
1. You can hire a chef to come to your home and cook for you if you don't feel like going out to the restaurant.
2. If you're ill, you can have a nurse make a house call.
3. You can have a LMT come to you and give you a back rub if you don't feel like going to the spa.
I'm sure there are lots of other examples of hiring a service into your home if you don't feel like going out for it. Why should a dancer be any different?
I look forward to hearing about how this works out.
This isn't unherd of. And if you are known to the dancer, pretty common. She gets to make money without having to break of a chunk for the club. But honestly, If she's telling you up front "NO FS" expect a HJ or a BJ and a pretty good time. Bring booze for better results. And be respectfull... Will get you a long way.
Unfortunately for me, been there, done that, left with blue balls. It was cheaper for me because I didn't have to deal with bouncers, cover charges, drink hustle, etc. More profitable for her without the tipouts and quotas.
If FS isnt on the table, find out exactly what she *is* willing to do, and decide if you're ok with that; I myself would be going for anything less than a BJ, depending on what she's going to charge. Your preferences may vary, I guess. :) Then just be careful. Personally, I'd take the bus and leave my car elsewhere until I found out if she's legit. You're going to be on her turf, so be extra careful.
As others have suggested, definitely agree on a certain price. Don't leave it up to your judgement as to how much is appropriate. If you do, and she feels it's too little, that could ruin future opportunities between the two of you--in and out of the club. If she expects too much from your viewpoint, then you'll think you're being ripped off. So, agree on a price before hand.
You've got one exceptional thing going for you. That is that she's invited you to her place! I've done OTC with a great number of dancers, and only four ever invited me to their place. (Actually, in all of those four, I could say that I liked my place better, so I'm not really disappointed that I haven't been invited more.)
Go for it, and please do report back about your experience!
steve, i thought it was common knowledge that lots of prostitutes refuse to kiss because they equate kissing with love. the sex part is business, not love. i'm guessing that runr's dancer looks at it the same way.
I was at landing strip in Detroit area. After a 15-20 minute conversation with a young dancer while eating, the dancer told me "we can go downstairs and do whatever you want and you can pay me whatever you want". it sounded TGTBT so I declined her offer. I told her we could go down and do just one $25 dance to thank her for sitting with me while eating. She surprisingly declined my counter offer and went away to find another guy. the next day I regretted it and thought about going back in hopes of seeing her but was too busy.
I guess the movie "Pretty Woman" popularized the no kissing attitude of many dancers. Julia Roberts made it seem to make sense. @Samsung1, this is at her place not mine. I would be very reluctant to take a stray pussy home.
I always expect OTC to include BJ and FS. But if you're happy with the services and the price, that's all that counts. You do need to be aware that she could be setting you up. After you're naked, her husband or boyfriend might "unexpectedly" show up, and you'll lose your money and receive no services.
The only thing that I might be nervous about is going to her place for the first time w/her. I would usually insist upon hotel/motel arrangements, at least for the first time. I know it adds to the overall cost, but if there is even the smallest doubt about a girls intentions, that "neutral territory" can save your butt.
I'd definitely ask questions to know what to expect. I remember one dancer said she did private parties. She wanted either money for dances or money for time, no extras involved. Some other dancers will tell you exactly what they will do. I'd be more careful about dancers who are very vague or seem to want to date you. You never know what to expect with them. Some people may like that though.
Do what you want to do. It's your $$$ and your neck. Would suggest you let a trusted buddy know where you'll be so if things go bad he or she can point people in the right direction.
Sure there's lots of possible danger going to her place. I've done it dozens of times, and the worst thing that ever happened was when her mother came home while we were fucking in the bedroom. Would have jumped on mom, but she was a cow...LOL.
I had a buddy that hooked-up with dancer at her apartment. She met him at the gate, let him in and 3 guys jumped him and stole his knock-off Rolex watch and $500. Then they all left together....I could have predicted that bitch would do something like that!
It was not a set-up. It was an extraordinary experience, far surpassing my expectations. I'm trying to decide how much to say here. Feel free to PM for details while I make up my mind. I'm still kind of reeling.
I have run several marathons, but 26.2 miles have never taken me the 4 1/2 hours that this uh, "race without rules" did. Money turned out not to be a factor. It may have been a one and done though. When it came time for a rematch this week, the boyfriend was back in the picture and it fell through. We did go out to eat and talk and she still wants another crack at it some time in the future (Yeah, with a grain of salt baby). I wrote a "blow by blow" description when I got back home, but decided that even though you are a bunch of horny dogs and would have loved the story, discretion is probably better.
Discretion is honorable, runrdude- but methinks that you can adjust the details so as to protect your ladies' identity and still give the basic story... maybe omit the exact name of the club but tell where it is in rough geographic terms, etc.
Just tell us enough of a story to titulate us and say something about how it came to pass to inspire other horn dogs to arrange their own OTC fantasy show if they are looking for it. Kudos for sharing what you have already.
last comment1. You can hire a chef to come to your home and cook for you if you don't feel like going out to the restaurant.
2. If you're ill, you can have a nurse make a house call.
3. You can have a LMT come to you and give you a back rub if you don't feel like going to the spa.
I'm sure there are lots of other examples of hiring a service into your home if you don't feel like going out for it. Why should a dancer be any different?
I look forward to hearing about how this works out.
Unfortunately for me, been there, done that, left with blue balls. It was cheaper for me because I didn't have to deal with bouncers, cover charges, drink hustle, etc. More profitable for her without the tipouts and quotas.
You've got one exceptional thing going for you. That is that she's invited you to her place! I've done OTC with a great number of dancers, and only four ever invited me to their place. (Actually, in all of those four, I could say that I liked my place better, so I'm not really disappointed that I haven't been invited more.)
Go for it, and please do report back about your experience!
Interesting, she is "cool" with BJ, but equates kissing on the same level as FS? Maybe one of our dancers could explain that?
i'm guessing that runr's dancer looks at it the same way.
I had a buddy that hooked-up with dancer at her apartment. She met him at the gate, let him in and 3 guys jumped him and stole his knock-off Rolex watch and $500. Then they all left together....I could have predicted that bitch would do something like that!
Let us know how it works out.
Glad it went well!
Just tell us enough of a story to titulate us and say something about how it came to pass to inspire other horn dogs to arrange their own OTC fantasy show if they are looking for it. Kudos for sharing what you have already.