
DJ's at the SC

washington dc
in my many years of going to strip clubs i noticed the big difference in clubs that have dj's and clubs who have jukeboxes.. and for the most part have always preferred clubs with dj's but these are some things that just gets on my nerves about dj's at the club
1.the dj's that ALWAYS cuts songs too short
2. always making announcements.. we dont effing care 9club i used to go to since alot of the patrons were hispanic the dj would make the announce in english 1st then say it in spanish)
3. trying to flirt with the dancers...really? do that before or after hours
4.the dj's that let dancers get on the mic..
5.bad mixs of songs i shouldnt be at the club for an hour and hear the same songs

fellow TUSCLers' you guys can chime in your own opinions


  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    My favorite club has the most obnoxious DJ I have ever heard. He sounds like a red necked "Wolfman Jack". Every other word is FUCK. He won't stop running his mouth and noone can understand him. He must be blowing the owner.
  • rh48hr
    13 years ago
    DJ's are like umpires and referee's, the good one's you don't notice, but the bad ones standout like a sore thumb. I have a friend who was a strip club DJ for years and he was always about making it fun and entertaining for the patrons and to help the girls make money. The more they made, the more he would get tipped out at the end of the night by the girls. I even worked with him for a short period of time playing the music while he went and worked the crowd. So for me it was about playing good music so I could get good tips as well.
    He did tell me to not play a song longer than three minutes. So when i'm in clubs now I'm never shocked when a song I know is 5 minutes ends in the middle. I almost always notice when a song goes longer than normal. Usually means the DJ is probably distracted.
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    13 years ago
    The d.j.’s I most appreciate are the ones who simply and clearly announce the dancer who is coming on stage and then when she’s leaving the stage. Also, clearly announcing any specials or other important announcements helps. That’s the most important part of a d.j.’s role. I like d. j.'s who think of themselves as announcers, not show hosts. At clubs I go to, there is often two or more stages. Sometimes you can’t tell if the d.j. is talking about the dancer coming to a stage or leaving it, or leaving it to go to the next stage. Many dancers have told me they think they’d do better if the crowd new their name when on or leaving the stage.

    As far as music goes, I’ve always been under the impression that the dancers choose their own stage music, or type of music they want at a minimum. So, the d.j. isn’t playing his choice of music very much of the time.

    D.j.’s that use excessive profanity annoy me. To me, profanity is effective when it’s used selectively, and preferably among just a small group of people, not broadcast over a public address system where hundreds of people will hear it just for its shock value. I like some of the clever rhymes and puns they come up with, like calling the front row or tip rail, the “erection section,” or saying that “the two for one special is over now. If you want to stay, you gotta pay”, etc.

    If you have followed the Strip Club Hound (www.stripclubhound.blogspot.com), he has written at least one story on d.j.’s. I’ll try to find one and post it here soon.
  • rell
    13 years ago
    yeah i agree with club goer alot of them think they are host and think people come out to see them..which is funny to me.. that are however a important piece to the SC puzzle but i feel clubs are way better whne the dj knows and plays his position well
  • JGoose
    13 years ago
    At the club I go to, and the night I go, the DJ is really good. He tells the dancers when they are coming up, and he announces the current dancers coming up, and coming off stage. The rest of the time he shuts up. The other DJ is one of the blabbers that never shuts up, so I don't go on the nights he works.
  • JohnBuford
    13 years ago
    I don't understand why clubs don't hire female DJ's
    I think they're more likely to leave their ego at the door
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    13 years ago
    @ JohnBuford - re: female disc jockeys. I have only experienced two: Most recently, was five years ago, at the Strip Joint, Pomona, CA. There was a former dancer who tried her hand at deejaying and she was fantastic! Everyone loved her sexy, smooth voice. She had grace and style. When she had the choice of music, everyone loved what she played. Because she had been a dancer, she understood the relationship between those two roles and the dancers in that club particularly appreciated her. Unfortunately, she only did that for a few months and then disappered. Like a lot of stripper experiences, it was great while it lasted!
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    13 years ago
    Here's the link I had in mind from my 07/13/11 11:14 PM post, above. This blog is written by a former strip club manager who has since left the industry. He writes two or three stories a week about his experiences in strip clubs--before, during and after his time as a strip club manager. You can really learn a lot about the SC industry from this blog. This is what he had to say about deejays. (This should pull up an article entitled "Strip Club Disc Jockeys," written Saturday, February 12, 2011. In the event it doesn't, you can go to that date to get the story):

  • DoctorDarby
    13 years ago
    The article and comments so far have hit it on the head. The problem of over-the-top DJ's got worse when hip-hop club culture made DJ's into celebrities for their alleged skill at mixing and playing dance music. The local wanna-be's who can't find their fantasy jobs end up in strip clubs and annoy everyone with their nonsense. Former or current radio jocks are generally bad, even when they only get on stage to do promotions on certain nights. Total tools. Then there are the "do-it-all" DJs who work the strip club 3 nights a week and do wedding receptions, teen parties, karaoke, and dance nights at the local honky-tonk the rest of the time. They seem clueless to the distinction between gigs and often play the worse music of all of them. A good DJ, like a good sound engineer, is worth his/her weight in gold and should be paid and rewarded accordingly. Thanks for the link Club-goer--it looks like an interesting blog I will visit again.
  • R.Giskard
    13 years ago
    Play the music. Tell us who's dancing. And shut the fuck up.
  • DandyDan
    13 years ago
    Maybe I go to the wrong clubs, but of all the places with DJ's, there's really only one that cuts the songs short. At one of the places I visit a lot, they can play songs up to 5 minutes long, which to me seems reasonable, although they do get cut off after 5 minutes, but most songs in strip clubs, if allowed to finish, go under 5 minutes. And at one of the other places I go to a lot, the DJ actually follows R.Giskard's advice, other than to announce the lap dance deals, but that's always between songs. Also at the first club I mentioned, they use an MP3 player which is programmed so that once a song is played, it is not repeated the rest of the night, although I've heard the original and a cover version of the same song before, and also a studio and live version of the same song before.
  • motorhead
    13 years ago
    My biggest complaint is the fake, deep DJ voice some try to use. I can't understand a fuckin' word they are saying when they talk like this.
  • potheadpl
    13 years ago
    The best situation I've ever encountered is MONS VENUS. There is no DJ, only a jukebox. And the jukebox is filled with only remixes of songs. I kid you not, every song lasted 6 or more minutes. DJs are unnecessary.
  • rell
    13 years ago
    never heard that before @lapdanceking lolthe club i just came from the dj walks around with the mic.. messed up part is that he forgets to go back before the song ends so theres this still air for a few seconds lol
  • motorhead
    13 years ago

    I somewhat agree. I like clubs such as the Mons and the Hip Hugger (in Indiana) that have jukeboxes. But DJs unnecessary? Two things I like: I like knowing the dancer names so a good DJ who announces that is gold. And when there is a lull in the action - and it happens - I hate the dead silence. Seen it plenty of times at the Mons Venus in the afternoon. A good DJ will fill the silence with music - often classic rock, or some departure from the standard dancer music.
  • troop
    13 years ago
    strip club dj's are a waste of time/space/money/whatever.
    their loud mumbling ego trips are not needed or welcome imo.
    i much prefer full length songs from a juke box, all clubs should consider it.
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    As much as I hate the ramblings of DJs, at large clubs with dozens of dancers, who would take care of the stage rotations without them. I know that at some clubs they take the dancer off rotation when she is busy in the VIP room.Since I don't know any, At clubs with only juke boxs, who takes care of the dance rotations?
  • rell
    13 years ago
    alot of time what happends at clubs with dancer rotations at clubs with clubs with jukeboxes is its written down and posted either by the stage by the jukebox or behind the bar so the bartender can keep tabs on it which alot of time leaves that moment where theres nobody on stage and no music which sucks
  • troop
    13 years ago
    shadow, all they need is an announcer to handle rotations. get the girl on stage, then shut up, let the full songs play, and announce the next girl.
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