
Comments by Club_Goer_Seattle (page 52)

  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    escorts vs strippers
    @ masoneth69: Beware of her. She's getting you in your comfort zone with her. Next could be big and/or frequent hit-ups for money.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    escorts vs strippers
    Even though escorts may be cheaper, some of us (me included) like the thrill of the hunt. We like to see if we can coax a dancer out of her intended environment. Knowing that the club she works for might fire her if the club knew she was meeting customers OTC for pay, adds to the thrill.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Could a former stripper be elected president?
    Closely related: A former porn actress, Mary Carey, ran for the 2003 gubernatorial recall election in California. She might have done better, had not a more well-known actor been on the same ballot: Arnold Schwarzenegger. See: http://www.boobpedia.com/boobs/Mary_Carey#2003_California_Governor.27s_race
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Older than dirt
    Benevolent Stripper Relief Fund
    Of the three strippers you mentioned, you only actually helped the second one, and that was $100. (if I'm reading your story correctly). And, she is making repeated $100. requests, it seems. I suggest you cut your losses at that point and don't help her any longer or either of the other two. After having been burned by several "dancers in distress," I highly advocate not spending any money to help them out, unless you immediately get something yourself in return, for doing so (like an OTC session). Like Shadow commented, don't pay in advance for anything. I did that a few times, and only had success once. That same dancer later burned me for $100. Dancers are not to be trusted with "loans." If you *give* them money, you'll very likely not be appreciated for it. You'll probably not get anything special in return in the future.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    TUSCL Speed ?
    I noticed the same as Clubber. There seemed to be a brief down period, also, early this afternoon (PST). Speed seems okay to me. I have 35 mbps with my internet provider.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Need CF Help
    @ 3LM: Great summation of the circumstances and recommendation! @ curiositycat: Please do keep us posted on your progress on this subject. I find this fascinating. Glad to see Lopaw commented. Take note of her comments any time you see them. Often subjects will repeat themselves on TUSCL after I period of time. When I see a "rerun," I have to decide if I'll make the same comment I did last time, or just pass on commenting altogether. This is definitely a new one!
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    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    South Carolina cheerleaders...
    And when the South Carolinaa looses, do they say, "the cocks suck?"
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Bella reviews
    I just checked Bella's reviews. There's only one now. I know I recall at least three. Maybe four. It appears that Founder not only just approved the various flags, but he went a step further and removed the reviews altogether.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Not a bouncer, but in any common store, I get approached a lot by other customers asking me questions as if I work there. I seem to carry an air of confidence, that gives people the impression I know what I'm doing (even though I'm just looking for a new candy bar to try in a drug store).
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    A Tale of Two Favs
    Lots of great comments above. I have the same situation. A six-year fave of mine has steadily gained weight over the past three years. I've just slowed down seeing her. It's down to less than once a month now. I never thought a weight gain would affect my interest in her, but I sense that it finally has. She still texts me to come in to see her, but I make excuses why I can't. I don't have the heart to tell her the real reason why.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Bella reviews
    I noticed that too. All of her reviews belong on Stripperweb. Can't imagine they're useful to any TUSCL members.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    OT: what is your favorite college sports team ?
    University of California Golden Bears
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    DJ Income
    @ Jack: I sense that the d.j. you're speaking of has an occasional good night, just like dancers do. I doubt he makes $300K, maybe 15% of that would be my guess. I've never had the impression d.j's were wealthy individuals. @ Londonguy: Yes, it is common, even customary for dancers to tip the d.j., doorman, bouncer, and waitress. These are all people who help them do their jobs (i.e., earn money). If they don't help, they won't likely get tipped, unless the club has a mandatory tip-out policy. The example that was stated by shadowcat is that many dancers don't like to go on stage. Some clubs have an arrangement where they can pay a fee to NOT go on stage. ($40. at one club that I know of.) In other clubs a dancer can tip (really bribe) a d.j. to not schedule her for stage. Sometimes, there are so few dancers in a club, that a d.j. feels compelled to call a dancer to stage, even though he knows she doesn't want to go. In that case, the d.j. is likely to lose his tip.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    what makes a gal a good stripper?
    @ 9em1: You appear to be new to TUSCL. Welcome aboard. If you're a logophile (that's now two new words I've learned from you), pay attention to farmerart's posts when he makes them. He has a vocabulary beyond belief! And, he's a fantastic storyteller.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    what makes a gal a good stripper?
    In addition to some of the above, a dancer who is a good sport, wins high praise from me (short of encomium, though). I've often had to decline dances with various dancers because I said, "I'm here to see _______ tonight." A few times their response has been, "I know _______. She's a nice girl. Have a good time with her." That makes me feel great.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Funny quotes from reviews.
    Interesting thought: If he had phrased it, "the day before Independence Day" we wouldn't even be discussing this.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Funny quotes from reviews.
    He couldn't subtract one from four to come up with three.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Employee Discount
    The male employees that help dancers to their jobs have been known to receive "extras" instead of tips. Otherwise, I can't imagine employees getting a company discount.
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    11 years ago
    What to do When Vip isnt so VIP...
    I meant to add that you could have been a victim of collusion. Dancers have been known to "pre-arrange" a visit by a bouncer a short period of time into the VIP session. Then the bouncer gets a cut of the action, or a big tip for helping out.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Inter-Club Relations-ships
    I know a dancer who at age 21 married a 35 year-old manager from the same club. Their marriage lasted five years. I've heard of other interclub relationships and marriages.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    What to do When Vip isnt so VIP...
    @ Gorilla: Your experience is quite common. In a lot of clubs, there is not supposed to be any touching with the customer's hands. The dancer might be able to touch you with her hands, but you're not allowed to touch her. That's unknown as "one-way contact." If the customer can touch the dancer as well, that's considered "two-way contact." Clubs' rules on the amount of contact varies. A floater, bouncer, or manager may be used to enforce the rules. Some clubs have cameras to enforce the touching. In clubs that don't, many dancers are skillful in looking out for when the bouncer is coming by, and will slow down the action during that moment. That is what appears to have happened to you.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Where Have All The Adults Gone?
    I had the same experience as Jester. In the middle of the afternoon today, I opened the discussion board on TUSCL, and all I got was a screen full of names in blue. I went to the next earlier 15 discussions and the first two of those were names in blue, too.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    So you say you are a grizzly bear
    Not nearly as extreme an example as Gawker's, but I bought a fave a $40. pair of earrings one year for her birthday. I gave her the earrings at dinner before seeing her at her club, soon after her actual birthday. She thanked me for the earrings, and put them on right at the table while we were eating. But, when she went to work she had to, or wanted to take them off. I didn't see the earrings for a long while after that, so I asked her one night a month or so later. She said, "I was afraid you'd ask. They were stolen from my bag the night at the club, you gave them to me."
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    North Iowa
    Now hiring the Class of 2013
    I know one dancer who started dancing at 18 and that was while she was still in high school! Her birthday was in February of her senior year. She danced for at least 12 years longer, maybe more.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Slick, You mentioned Interstate 15. Just as it enters Las Vegas from L.A., there are billboards for Las Vegas strip clubs. Mostly those close to the fwy. as I recall, but then that's most of the clubs. I recall at least one other for a now-closed club in Las Vegas, near its location. The Blue Zebra, in North Hollywood, CA, had a billboard on its street, Farmdale Ave., at the intersection of Vanowen Street. That moreso served as a directional sign to the club, since it was otherwise buried within an industrial area the the north. I think Lopaw has commented on strip clubs in the L.A. area, as I recall.