What to do When Vip isnt so VIP...

avatar for KingxGorilla
Hello all SC Hobbyists, Kind of a Newbie here and I had an issue with a Spearmint Rhino Club I rolled into one Night, I went in there with a friend who recently got me into strip clubs and we were at Pervert Row enjoying our entertainment and a dancer I took a liking to asked me if I would be interested in a dance, and like a loser off the bat I said "I sure would" ! Well she took me to the back of the VIP room which wasn't necessarily a room at all, its just the back part of the club that's like a long hall way with couches and poles, well when she was grinding the shit outta me I asked her a random thing like "Do You Ever Get Denim Burn???" She laughed and told me I was sweet and grabbed my hands and with her hands she started rubbing them all over her lower waist and thighs, and for a brief few moments I was really enjoying myself until a random fucken' bouncer cruised through and asked real loudly "Everything Okay In Here?" and she kind layed my hands down and just continued to grind me, I was Like WTF??? and she noticed and commented that the bouncers cruise through sometimes to make sure customers weren't having too much fun with the dancers....WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT????!!?!?!?!?!!? Has Anyone else had an incident like this at any other clubs or whats your game plan when the VIP isn't so Private???


last comment
avatar for JuiceBox69
12 years ago
I read on page 453 of "the system" by rickboy that one should greeze the ass whole of the bouncer for better vip success
avatar for GoodGirlBella
12 years ago
I work at PinUps in Ft. Worth, TX an its kinda the same thing. There are two different rooms ones for private dances, which only has two couches in it. Than there is the VIP room where its really big with a stage in the middle of the room. It has 3 couches, 1 good size chair, an 2 round circle things that u an Ur party can sit on. Well if the 2 couches are takin in the private room, the bounces will tell u to go to the VIP room. Which I think is stupid cuz why are u going to spend a shit ton of money to go to VIP when u can go back there when ever u want. I started working out in OK an NM. So the rules are so much different from there to here. I have only worked at two clubs in tx an so far its not the same. VIP there was so much different
avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
12 years ago
@ Gorilla: Your experience is quite common. In a lot of clubs, there is not supposed to be any touching with the customer's hands. The dancer might be able to touch you with her hands, but you're not allowed to touch her. That's unknown as "one-way contact." If the customer can touch the dancer as well, that's considered "two-way contact." Clubs' rules on the amount of contact varies. A floater, bouncer, or manager may be used to enforce the rules. Some clubs have cameras to enforce the touching. In clubs that don't, many dancers are skillful in looking out for when the bouncer is coming by, and will slow down the action during that moment. That is what appears to have happened to you.
avatar for tumblingdice
12 years ago
Dancers I know have a teammate and look out for each other in the vip room.
avatar for Rod84
12 years ago
As you grow in your SC PL-ness, you'll likely have your share of spectacular VIP experiences, but as often as not, you'll get a mix of tantalizing fun and reigned in frustration. It's par for the course, and you learn which clubs will likely give you a better time than others. Although, aside from a few notable exceptions in the US (Bogart's in Inkster, Inner Room in Cocoa Beach, Hip Hugger in Kokomo, and Follies in Atlanta), even the better clubs can be hit or miss. Or as we like to say, YMMV.
avatar for grand1511
12 years ago
Usually if you tell the bouncer to fuck off, they'll leave you alone
avatar for shadowcat
12 years ago
Also important to understand just which kind of room you went to. There is a difference between a private lap dance room and a VIP room. Generally a VIP room has considerably more privacy and it sounds like you were in a private lap dance room.

Tumblingdice makes a point that sometimes dancers team for security, it also doubles the price. I have never found it necessary where he hangs out.
avatar for tumblingdice
12 years ago
Grand! Really. I'm a big boy,but telling a bouncer to "Fuck off" is a recipe for disaster.It's the sugar, vinegar thing.
avatar for tumblingdice
12 years ago
Cat! One dancer got sent home yesterday for BBFS, some little spinner ratted her out.How does management take one dancers word over another?
avatar for Clubber
12 years ago

Might depend on who the dance blows, er, I mean knows!
avatar for samsung1
12 years ago
I heard a story that a guy at vanity in Columbus paid $600 for 1 hour in the VIP skybox with a dancer. 5 minutes into it he gets kicked out for touching the dancers boob too much. He was pissed about the no refund policy they had. I know the dancer and know she is a ROB. I took her back for a 2 for $35 dance once and when I asked when is she going to take off her top she told me she was not going to take it off because she had not yet put on her pasties!
avatar for tumblingdice
12 years ago
Club! Just wanted to hear it from someone else.
avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
12 years ago
I meant to add that you could have been a victim of collusion. Dancers have been known to "pre-arrange" a visit by a bouncer a short period of time into the VIP session. Then the bouncer gets a cut of the action, or a big tip for helping out.
avatar for Estafador
12 years ago
All of your clubs sucks guys. At least can touch ass AND tits.
avatar for JuiceBox69
12 years ago
On page 732 of " the system" by rickboy says " when in need of sex drink some more" not to sure what this means but their yea go...rickboy has spoken
avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
Some localities have ordinances against custies touching the dancers and most of the clubs will enforce it.

Other times it may be club dependent – i.e. certain clubs are low mileage and have their own rules.

You should try to observe what type of dances other custies are getting and this may give you a clue as to what to expect?

Also reading the reviews of clubs in your area may clue you in as to what is available per your location or per specific club.
avatar for KingxGorilla
12 years ago
Thanks for all your input Gentleman, I have learned some useful and interesting facts, but as to answer a few responses that I have read here so far, The VIP room I went to, was more than likely just a private dance area, although the DJ kept saying VIP Room and there was a little Sigh above the entrance are that said VIP, and maybe I could have just been hustled who knows, I'm learning from experience as I'm late in this hobby. Special thanks to juicebox69 for referring me to the "System", I appreciate all your help, but I'm a newbie and even I know that system is fucked...how does this guy even convince himself its a solid system?
avatar for Clubber
12 years ago

Your statement, "...I'm learning from experience as I'm late in this hobby.), says it all. Pretty much we all did the same and I am still learning after 40 or so years.
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