I communicate by text message with several strippers who have been friends/acquaintances/lovers/sex objects and in a 24 hour period this week I received requests from 3 of them who are destitute and have fallen on hard times. One has been out of work for 5 months due to PTSD (her diagnosis)due to a former BF shitting upon her. She needed money to buy new stripper shoes and get a total makeover so she could feel good about herself when on stage. She texted me that she needed "Reeses and sex" Another has been suspended for consistently missing shifts at work and has had no income other than me in two weeks. She needed $100 for shampoo, conditioner, butts, and gasoline so she could work at another club. I advanced her that and she immediately needed more money so she could buy her 8 year old son a birthday present. Then she called and needed another $100 for taking her son and his father to dinner. Western Union has nominated me as customer of the month. She promised me an hour of mind blowing sex like Ive never had before. A third stripper called and said she had been out of work due to child care problems and could I just advance her a couple of hundred? I think instead of having them call me we should establish a 501(c)3 non-profit to provide sustenance for these desperate souls willing to sell their pride and their bodies for such paltry amounts. Thoughts? Donations? Those wishing to donate send me (Gawker) a PM and I'll forward the address to send your tax deductible donations.
Are they really selling their "pride and bodies" or just their promises? I don't know, but I suspect that you're going to experience some seriously high default rates. ;)
Over the years I've had a number of girls try to rope me into these ambiguous SD "help me out now and I'll take care of you tomorrow" situations. No gracias. I have always believed that the ones who are serious about earning the money are willing to get on the pay-as-you-go plan. I've seen and heard too many of these things result in nothing except wasted time and money, but experiences differ I suppose.
Ime - I was not present, thank God, but I suppose it could be just taking the golden shower one step further. She has.gone on and on about his "public humiliation", but maybe I misheard. It might have been a pubic humiliation.
Yeah sounds a LOT like the strippers I know. Short on rent, had same exact thing with shoes as you. It's hard time in Stripperville right now. Heck I went to take one to work Sunday and the club didn't even open even though theanagee was bugging her to come in! Went to a second club she works at...also closed! Third club in the area ALSO closed (but this was for renovations).
Of the three strippers you mentioned, you only actually helped the second one, and that was $100. (if I'm reading your story correctly). And, she is making repeated $100. requests, it seems. I suggest you cut your losses at that point and don't help her any longer or either of the other two.
After having been burned by several "dancers in distress," I highly advocate not spending any money to help them out, unless you immediately get something yourself in return, for doing so (like an OTC session).
Like Shadow commented, don't pay in advance for anything. I did that a few times, and only had success once. That same dancer later burned me for $100.
Dancers are not to be trusted with "loans." If you *give* them money, you'll very likely not be appreciated for it. You'll probably not get anything special in return in the future.
there are two girls who always need a magical $600 in rent money. I always tell them that sounds tough wish I could help. Have to keep it in the club with some girls. It's too bad because they are both adorable but they think i'm a dumb sap.
“… are destitute and have fallen on hard times …â€
Hey – it may be ok to help someone out of a jam (dancer or not) IMO.
The thing w/ dancers is that they “are destitute and have fallen on hard times†quite often/repeatedly – not only do they often keep coming back w/ tales of despair but often times they may not actually even be in the situation they are describing and are just hitting you for $$$ for who knows what reason (would not even doubt if their SOs put them up to/encourage it).
I have had the tough times story from strippers as well..no more than average of just random acquiantances and people I know..but I have to say that their stories are the most entertaining
I have wired funds to my ATF few times and I don't regret it. After a while, however, she began to send sob stories a couple of times a month. I finally sent her a terse text warning that if she asked be for money one more time I would block her number on my phone and she would never see me again. It worked. I still see her occasionally (when I want to) and I may or may not give her any funds. I genuinely enjoy her company and will still see her unless she goes back into beg mode.
@ gawker, was the story about an ex-BF shitting on her figurative or literal? If the latter that is seriously fucked up (unless it was a consensual hot Karl).
@ slick, I always ask myself "what would Jerry Garcia do?" Much better than "what would Jesus do?"
Rick Dugan - the only time I got ripped off was one time when my ATF went to Hawaii, had a motorcycle accident, couldn't work and hit me up for money over a 3 month period and said shed work off the $3000 I forwarded to her over a couple of months. When she got back she convinced me it was a gift. Ill agree to most anything when my dick is in her mouth.
last commentAnd I was advised on another thread about the dangers of prepay.
Over the years I've had a number of girls try to rope me into these ambiguous SD "help me out now and I'll take care of you tomorrow" situations. No gracias. I have always believed that the ones who are serious about earning the money are willing to get on the pay-as-you-go plan. I've seen and heard too many of these things result in nothing except wasted time and money, but experiences differ I suppose.
Good luck.
After having been burned by several "dancers in distress," I highly advocate not spending any money to help them out, unless you immediately get something yourself in return, for doing so (like an OTC session).
Like Shadow commented, don't pay in advance for anything. I did that a few times, and only had success once. That same dancer later burned me for $100.
Dancers are not to be trusted with "loans." If you *give* them money, you'll very likely not be appreciated for it. You'll probably not get anything special in return in the future.
Hey – it may be ok to help someone out of a jam (dancer or not) IMO.
The thing w/ dancers is that they “are destitute and have fallen on hard times†quite often/repeatedly – not only do they often keep coming back w/ tales of despair but often times they may not actually even be in the situation they are describing and are just hitting you for $$$ for who knows what reason (would not even doubt if their SOs put them up to/encourage it).
@ slick, I always ask myself "what would Jerry Garcia do?" Much better than "what would Jesus do?"