
Could a former stripper be elected president?

Detroit strip clubs
Thursday, July 18, 2013 7:51 AM
It's nice to see the Washington Post write about a serious subject for a change. [view link]


  • stephanmatoe
    11 years ago
    Well it's a better topic than healthcare that's for sure
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    NOT if she is a Republican!!! LMFAO!!!
  • tumblingdice
    11 years ago
    Hey Alucard!You like a toothy one don't ya? No pain no gain?
  • mikeya02
    11 years ago
    Sure. Why not? Idiots voted Obama to be Czar of everything. You know, Soviet Union style.
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    11 years ago
    Closely related: A former porn actress, Mary Carey, ran for the 2003 gubernatorial recall election in California. She might have done better, had not a more well-known actor been on the same ballot: Arnold Schwarzenegger. See: [view link]
  • deogol
    11 years ago
    I would be very surprised to see the senate remain in democrat hands this coming election cycle...
  • mikeya02
    11 years ago
    An Italian porn star was voted into the Italian Parliment for 5 years. Big pension and freebies for life. Yes, she screwed the taxpayers.
  • jester214
    11 years ago
    Italian politics are batshit crazy. Someone could probably do a decent soap opera based on them.
  • crazyjoe
    11 years ago
    If an ex stripper got voted in as president, would that be by election or erection...
  • mjx01
    11 years ago
    too many sicko puritans still in this country
  • gatorfan
    11 years ago
    No she would want to fuck the country literally.
  • bang69
    11 years ago
    Much to the displeasure we put Obama in office. I think a stripper could do a lot better.
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