
Comments by GSWx4 (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    What do you guys make of this?
    GV<p>The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it. — George Bernard Shaw<p>OTC - I’ve partied with many, many strippers, taken many strippers out to eat, dated a few, and counted one as one of the closest friends I’ve ever had. None ever expected me to pay them for that privilege nor have I. Strippers are people and they do have some kind of life outside the club so you can find a stripper who will and wants to genuinely go out with you. As for this one, that’s for you to determine. Suggest that before you convince yourself that she’s different that you go back to the club. Go at a slow time during her shift, don’t spend a lot of money on her and see if she makes an effort or wants to hang out with you IN the club. You should get a sense whether or not there is any chemistry. If you still feel the same way you can decide what to do from there. A couple of things to think about: strippers get asked out all the time (don’t be yet another PL and just ask her out) and don’t think of her as different from other strippers. She is a unique individual just as all people are. Try to figure out who she really is. One last word – strippers are whack jobs! Enjoy as many as you can.<p>BTW, what’s Facebook?
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Advice Needed
    Thanks Jack. Took your advice and sold a kidney. She knew a doctor who came right over and did it at my house. He was much better than the doctor who took out the other one last year. She didn’t want to take the money but I insisted. Of course she’s going to be busy with her pirate negotiations but promised to call. She said that “Maybe we can do lunch.” I knew she was different from all the others and I really think it’s going to work out this time. Anyway, thanks again.<p>And Dudester, I’ll try to be a little less subtle if I ever attempt sarcasm in the future.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Great Club Names
    EarlTee: While a good Roadhouse where you can usually meet some “interesting” people, Skinny Dick’s just doesn’t have any banjos playing in the background (sorry BaddJack).
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Great Club Names
    As posted last week: "Pussy Galore” on Patpong in Bangkok (and yes there was).
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    AMPs on TUSCL
    Founder, personally not interested but if you do include them hope you will keep them in a distinct and separate section. Don’t want to have to wade through them when looking for strip clubs.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    The Do's and Dont's when going out with your ATF for OTC date
    SSS: bottom-line recommendation (and listen up) re: OTC/other – DON’T PAY FOR SHIT!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    The Do's and Dont's when going out with your ATF for OTC date
    SSS: Come up for air. Wait for them to ask YOU out. Nine times out of ten this will be a scam but the tenth time is what you’re looking for. As for your $400 and $600 ATFs, I suggest you refer to the Glossary and replace “ATF” with “ROB”.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    rules of disengagement?
    Absolutely agree with samsung1 that a dancer who doesn’t know how to properly disengage has never gotten another dime from me.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Most appropriate strip club name
    “Pussy Galore” on Patpong in Bangkok (and yes there was).
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    nick names...question for founder...
    Speaking of cleaning house, the spam and plethora of likely shill reviews (see: Bridge66, Spearmint Rhino, Las Vegas, 31 Jan, 10,10,10 – one review) is annoying. What would you think of adding an option for flagging a posting for review, removal, or notation as a probable shill?
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Tampa advice
    Scarlett's at Ybor Strip is probably your best bet for what you're looking for. Orlando to Miami is about four hours drive time.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Pocket picked
    Player 11: “since I do not drink alcohol it would be tough for them to reach in there un-noticed.” Don’t kid yourself. Stone cold sober in a club in Argentina when two girls double teamed me sitting on a couch. Caught one removing my money from the right front pants pocket and fight was on (literally) to get my money back and out of the club. How I caught her I don’t know because I never felt a thing. Never under estimate a thief.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Priming the pump
    Depends on the club and atmosphere. Often times other guys won’t tip if they think “my” dancer is not available. In these cases I sit back and hope they think she may now be available. Pretty good at reading the crowd and it works out about 50-50 on whether to prime the pump or not. And I’m never worried whether or not the dancer is coming back or I wouldn’t be tipping her in the first place.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Pocket picked
    Let’s see. You were drunk, cavorting with naked women and had money in your pocket that she took as you were leaving. CLASSIC MISTAKE. What the hell were you leaving for when you still had money to spend?
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    OK, I'm On The Verge!
    Don’t really want/need info on experience with a “good” dancer. It’s much like beauty – in the eye of the beholder. “Bad” on the other hand is like ugly and goes to the bone. I think there would be much more universal agreement whether someone is a ROB or not and those names and details I would appreciate.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    The Wisest Dancer I Have Met
    I think the wisest strippers are probably the ones that don’t want to have anything to do with me.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Total PL or just a nice guy?
    Realist123: LMAO. Most strippers I know are rather adept at getting into and out of clothes. Jeans and a Tshirt are the standard beer run attire. I've never noticed whether or not they wear their stripper shoes.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Total PL or just a nice guy?
    Realist123: “most decent places wouldn't let them just walk out for some beer down the street”. Suppose that depends on your definition of “a decent place”. To me it is a place that makes sure the customer is happy and remains a regular.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Total PL or just a nice guy?
    No but I’ve sent girls out to pick me up some food or more beer (at BYOB places).
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    At least she was honest about it...
    Sitting with a “good girl” stripper and out of the blue she says some of the dancers give extras. I asked which ones and she said “any of the ugly ones”.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    What is the craziest/strangest thing you have ever seen in a SC?
    Walked into a club in the Philippines and there was a naked guy duct taped to a support post in the middle of the room. Though he was trying to get people to help him, everyone in the club acted as if he didn’t exist. Who? Why? I have no idea but he was still there when I left about two hours later.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    A Familiar Siren Song
    Clubber/bumrubber/et al: No insult intended on my part as I use the term whack job as one of endearment and not out of bitterness. No stripper has ever done me wrong. I happen to really like whack jobs. They help to keep life interesting but that doesn’t mean that they are good for me. And Clubber, I'm still happily working my way through those millions.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    A Familiar Siren Song
    Bumrubber: Good advice but your descriptions are not really my situation. Never wanted to date a stripper (I’ve dated four), never gone down either the “boyfriend” or ATM track, and only got involved with one stripper so bizarre that no one would ever believe her very real story. My case is more of Karma continually fucking with me by putting such tempting opportunities in front of me. That and of course the never ending battle between the big head and the little head.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Dancer: When do you want me to work?
    ylhtm1: The second student I knew intimately so have firsthand knowledge that she was a university student. Of course she was a student for about 8 years and she never did finish.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Dancer: When do you want me to work?
    SS1: “There's no strippers in college! There's no clear heels in biology!” Not so. I’ve known at least two no shit students (OK that’s a REALLY low percentage). The latest I met last year and she told me she was studying a hard science. Yeah RIGHT!!! Sensing SS I quizzed her and sure enough she no shit knew her stuff AND she gives a GREAT LD. Unfortunately I was drunk and strongly encouraged her not to give up on school (which she was considering). Last time through she was only working Saturday nights because she was concentrating on finishing her degree. Naturally I had to be somewhere else on Saturday. Damn Demon Rum.