
The Do's and Dont's when going out with your ATF for OTC date

To all the experts, what should I look out for when going on a dinner date or just to get drinks with a ATF?

One ATF asked for money for her time not working ($400 plus dinner) and the other asked for 4 straight VIP dances ITC first ($600 worth) and then she will go out with me.


  • GoVikings
    14 years ago
    Damn, this thread got ugly.
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
  • stevestevesteve
    14 years ago
    Putting the money aspect aside, what are her real intentions? Friendship or just to take me to the cleaners? What happens in the end? Does she still hit you up for money?
  • deogol
    14 years ago
    Fuck that! Dude, come on!
  • potheadpl
    14 years ago
    Yeah, that's unnecessary. If she's going to act like a prostitute, then just pay her for sex. I don't know about where you live, but there are plenty of actual escorts here who charge far less, and no bullshit. The kind of money you're talking about will buy hotness here.
  • jackslash
    14 years ago
    You're getting ripped off. If you really just want to go on a dinner date with a dancer, find one who'll go without being paid. You're a good guy and there are dancers who will date you--but it may take a long time meet the right one. If what you really want is sex, offer the girl $300 to screw you OTC. She will either accept, refuse, or negotiate for more money. Then you'll know where you stand with her. You're the only one who can say what sex with her is worth. Personally, I've never had any pussy worth more than $300.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    Take a weekend road trip down to Tijuana and have a blast in those tijuana clubs. I am assuming you live in southern california because your first review is for a deja vu club in southern california.

    They will either go out with you or not. Don't play their bullshit games about "you first must spend X amount of money on me in the club" They are just playing games with you and trying to maximize their income. Even if they don't need the money they are just doing it because they like to toy with you and use money as a way to keep score...
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    better yet, living in southern california, there are plenty of porn stars willing to do escorting with you. Read up the reviews on TER for the good ones (similar to this site but with escorts)
  • Fenster
    14 years ago
    The Voice of Experience says NEVER pay for anything in advance (except for an individual dance if she says she's been ripped off before, or a champagne room house fee).

    Anything that you pay in advance for, you ain't gonna get. (That's why she wants you to pay in advance, by the way.)
  • stevestevesteve
    14 years ago
    What if your not looking for sex and you make it clear to her that you are not.
  • gatorfan
    14 years ago
    Do fuck her. Don't go to the mall.
  • nengneng
    14 years ago
    steve seems to seek the same thing I try to seek from my ATF... OTC more like dating experience rather than sex...

    Hopefully you will post the update! Good luck.
  • stevestevesteve
    14 years ago
    nengneng, What do you mean? Can you clarify please.
  • stevestevesteve
    14 years ago
    So are you saying being friends is not even going to happen? Why not think outside the box and dont do the norm what everyone else does and see what happens.
  • jackslash
    14 years ago
    Friends don't ask friends to pay them $400 or $600 before socializing.
  • sharkhunter
    14 years ago
    She's treating you as a customer and she is the highly paid escort. I think some dancers try to justify charging someone by claiming they can make that much money working in a club. If she's treating you like a customer, you might want to think if you're getting what you want or if a real escort would be cheaper and more entertaining especially if you're not getting what you want anyway. Try out one of those online dating sites and let us know if they really work or not. It would be cheaper. I'm still getting emails from girls from sites I don't recall signing up for. That makes me suspicious.
  • mmdv26
    14 years ago
    @sss. slow the f*ck down and read what nengneng said.
  • GSWx4
    14 years ago
    SSS: Come up for air. Wait for them to ask YOU out. Nine times out of ten this will be a scam but the tenth time is what you’re looking for. As for your $400 and $600 ATFs, I suggest you refer to the Glossary and replace “ATF” with “ROB”.
  • scfan123
    14 years ago
    I have no experience with this, but is it possible she thinks you are suggesting something else in addition to dinner and drinks? That's why she's putting the price tag on it?
  • Player11
    14 years ago
    My ATF (met her at SE Houston strip club) meets me for sex. The first session (of the week) is $150 and the rest of the sesstions for the week are $100. She gives good hj foreplay and super sex CG. While married, she is nice and tight not stretched out like some BP whore. She gets me off real good.

    So she will go out with for $600? But you don't seem to be getting any pussy. Wow what a great deal LOL. Your gonna write about ATF do's and dont's? Are you fkg kidding me.

    My advice: No dinner or drink dates with them unless its afterwards (after sex) and even then she may very likely use it as excuse to drain more money from you while she flirts with some waiter in front of you. Is that what you want?
  • Player11
    14 years ago
    Irregardless of what they tell you we are nothing more than a paying customer in the long run. Its sorta like renting a nice time sharing condo for awhile. When the leased period is over, its time to leave.

    I am 60 and these girls are not going to fuck me for free, they are not going to marry me or be my GF (they prefer guys their own age). Paying for sex does not bother me any more than timesharing a nice condo at Maui would. I find women close to my age unappealing, consequently if some 20 yo stripper will do me in VIP for say $200 or less, well why not?
  • stevestevesteve
    14 years ago
    I am well aware of the rates of normal girls to fuck and escorts and all that, but thats NOT what I am looking for.

    I was wanted to see if anyone had any experience on a dinner date with a ATF not for sex. What should be expected and what should I look out for?

    I understand the prices are above the norm but what do you expect a girl thats 9 material to do, go out with you free? I doubt anyone here has done that for free. Its a business transaction, I understand there point of view.

    What I am trying to get at is looking at them beyond just a dancer, more about who they are as a human being.
  • Dougster
    14 years ago
    Surely you can't be serious!
  • stevestevesteve
    14 years ago
    I am serious.
  • GSWx4
    14 years ago
    SSS: bottom-line recommendation (and listen up) re: OTC/other – DON’T PAY FOR SHIT!
  • Dougster
    14 years ago
    Payer11: "I find women close to my age unappealing"

    More like any woman in the world who is not whore instantly recognizes what a whack job Payer is and stays a mile away. Stop pretending like you have any choice in the matter.
  • nengneng
    14 years ago
    I can see the paradox here...
    I really appreciate your "looking at them beyond just a dancer, more about who they are as a human being", and I try to do the same myself, but paying for that make it less likely to be that case, though it derives from your kindness...
  • stevestevesteve
    14 years ago
    I guess nobody has done it.
  • troop
    14 years ago
    dick johnson wannabe and i can't believe that alot of you fell for it :rolleyes:
  • jackslash
    14 years ago
    02/07/11 12:59 AM
    Surely you can't be serious!

    SteveX3, your answer should have been: "I am serious. And don't call me Shirley."
  • jackslash
    14 years ago

    Player11: "I am 60 and these girls are not going to fuck me for free, they are not going to marry me or be my GF (they prefer guys their own age). Paying for sex does not bother me any more than timesharing a nice condo at Maui would. I find women close to my age unappealing, consequently if some 20 yo stripper will do me in VIP for say $200 or less, well why not?"

    You speak the truth, my friend.
  • kingcripple
    14 years ago
    steve, you, uh, are pretty naive, aren't ya? rarely will a stripper meet you outside the club for any reason with out some monetary compensation. in fact i think that type of stripper is nonexisitant. for her to even consider meeting you otc, free or not, you should build a rapport. but even then its impossible. if i didnt know any better, id say you are younger than me!
  • vincemichaels
    14 years ago
    I've got a few bridges for sale, stevestevesteve.
  • rickdugan
    14 years ago
    steve, you are a gentleman and a scholar. You don't want to treat them as pieces of meat, but rather want to connect with them on a human level.

    Don't listen to these jaded naysayers here - I say take her out to dinner. Hell, why not take her shopping after? Maybe catch a movie? If she needs yet more money for this, try to work out a bulk rate. No doubt that after a few dates, she will get to know the "real" you and be so impressed that she no longer needs the money to see you. ;)


    Man the fuck up and keep your clubbing activities at the penis level and reserve your heart strings for a girl that you don't need to pay to take out to dinner.

  • bigdude012
    14 years ago
    Allow me to sum it for you steve. You are a PL.
  • deogol
    14 years ago
    As RickDugan sarcastically said, "You don't want to treat them as pieces of meat, but rather want to connect with them on a human level."

    Let me add that may be your motivation, but that doesn't mean it is hers. The moment money came up, you should have realized she is treating you as a source of income, not a friend. (Or at least, if she is going to be your friend, she will be a mighty parasitic one!)

    You might take us as a bunch of jaded dickheads, but I'll lay odds many of us answering in this way "have been there." Many of us have been "the disliked fat kid making friends with candy bars." Candy bars don't work for the fat kid, and money won't work for the patron.

    You want a stripper girlfriend: quit your job, buy a playstation, learn the guitar, and practice whining how unfair and fucked up life is in front of the mirror (while cutting some kind of drug on that mirror).

    Otherwise, realize, you are and deserve better than a lot of those girls in that building. And no, she is not the special one unlike the others. I'm not anymore misogynistic than anyone thinking they are better than liars and confidence artists either.

    I believe the best time to date a stripper is when she has been out of the business for at least two years and can function in the "real" world like the rest of us surviving on wits, knowledge, and value to others.
  • Dougster
    14 years ago
    Geez, deogol. I would say strippers do survive on their knowledge and value to others. They KNOW how to suck cock and take it on their face and thus they HAVE VALUE to us.
  • deogol
    14 years ago
  • vincemichaels
    14 years ago
    Whaddya guys think of stevestevesteve, guys and gals. These are messages he and I exchanged yesterday.

    I spent alteast $500 each time I go, and thats like twice a month. I think she would care a bit because thats a big chunk of money she wont get anymore. I dont think she has a customer like me, maybe if she works on a couple of her regulars and add up all that money in one night maybe she will, but not just from one person alone.

    Maybe we should look at all the facts before we judge who is the PL. I already been to house and met her whole family and they all know me, I have her on my friends list on myspace, she knows me well now and I know her well. I HIGHLY doubt anyone here has done that so far. To me this is stuff more beyond the club and stuff that I never was able to go far with any other dancer I have been with in the past, most of them if not all are pretty tight on their personal info especially family and their house.

    I think if you start off, everyone is the PL at one point, but if the situation turns to things like the way it is for me I think its leading to something else. All she is asking is some money for her time off, which for me is not a problem at all, do you expect her to do it for free? I dont. Do you get my point?

    Everyones response is about fucking the girl and if you dont your a stupid PL and a RIL. And then they laugh about being "friends". I think they are ignoring the point that I am trying to make.

    --Original Message--

    Do you really give a fuck if some whore is unhappy??? Damn, dude, you deserve to lose all your money. You are a PL to the MAX. She'll find another stupid man to give her money, that is what it is all about dude. She may like you a little, but she is in lust with your cash. Go ahead, spend all your money on these "platonic" dates. You deserve it. Don't come crying to us guys here at TUSCL when she dumps you for some other pathetic loser.

    --Original Message--

    But if I cut her off wouldnt she be upset that she is losing a good customer?

    --Original Message--

    steve, this dancer knows she has you hooked. If you are stupid and foolish enough to start "dating" her. All that most likely will happen is your wallet keeps getting emptied. PERIOD ! Don't believe me?? Ask the guys here, they know how it is.

    delete | reply

  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    vince, are you trying to take over "Dear Abbey"'s column?
  • Dougster
    14 years ago
    stevestevesteve (let's called him stevecubed, or stevecube to make him sound more rap like) is obviously just trolling around. As long as everyone finds it amusing though, no harm I guess.
  • jackslash
    14 years ago
    I was at the strip club last night and overheard "Tiffany" telling another dancer about her date with a customer named SteveX3:

    "I can't believe I got this guy to pay me $600 just so I would go out to dinner with him. I had him take me to the fanciest restaurant in town, and I ordered the most expense things on the menu. When dinner was over, I asked him to give me $100 so I could make my rent. Then I shook hands with him and went home. I didn't even kiss him goodnight. Back home, while my boyfriend was fucking me, I told him all about my "date" with SteveX3. We laughed so hard that my boyfriend's dick came right out of my pussy."
  • troop
    14 years ago
    LOL jack!
  • stevestevesteve
    14 years ago
    Nevermind, thanks for all your responses. Can someone please delete this discussion?
  • troop
    14 years ago
    i think this discussion should stay up and active as a tutorial of what not to do ;)
  • vincemichaels
    14 years ago
    Amen, troop, stevestevesteve obviously wants to throw his money away, that's why I offered him a choice of several bridges he might want to purchase.
  • stevestevesteve
    14 years ago
    "throw his money away", look whos is talking going to almost 100 clubs, dont you have a real life? Cant you find a real wife or girlfriend to fuck? Oh wait you have PAY them to willingly fuck you.

    I appreciate your inputs in this site in helping fellow members know more about this game but if your going to say I am the loser you might want to check yourself in the mirror first before saying that. I think thats pretty low class that you have to PAY them to fuck you, and then you glorify that as if its some kind of achievement. Really? Are you that serious?
  • Dougster
    14 years ago
    stevecube: I think it's like this. You are right that paying a whore to fuck you is no accomplishment. However, paying a whore and not even getting fucked (except out of your money) in return is even worse!
  • Clubber
    14 years ago

    That is why I enjoy vm coming to Miami. A personal Dear Abby. :)
  • vincemichaels
    14 years ago
    LMAO, manchild, just because one goes to a club does not mean that I throw my money away as you most obviously want to. Am I a loser? Yes, sometimes I am, but I win a lot more. Ever hear of MENSA? I belong to it, do you? As far as do I have a life, yeah, I do. I don't have to work anymore for a living, I do what I want, when I want. Do you? Have a nice life, stevestevesteve.
  • deogol
    14 years ago
    Stevecubed, you think this thread is bad? Imagine what they are saying about you in the dressing room. Dude, we are the closest thing to friends watching out for you in this culture.
  • steve229
    14 years ago
    You're stuck at 99 reviews? Get ye to a club, write a review, and hit the century mark!
  • vincemichaels
    14 years ago
    Thank you, Clubber. I look forward to discussing the babes tomorrow or Friday. Which is best?
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    Steve^3: "I don't pay them to fuck, I pay them to leave when I'm done."

    Truth be told, I pay a lot less for sex now than I did when I was dating...
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    steve^3: "I don't pay them to fuck me, I pay them to leave when I'm done."

    Truth be told, I pay a lot less for sex now than I did when I was dating...
  • vincemichaels
    14 years ago

    To borrow a phrase from a good friend:

  • vincemichaels
    14 years ago
    Damn, manchild, I see we got something of yours stirred up. LMAO
  • Realist123
    14 years ago
    $400 plus dinner just to have drinks with this woman OTC?

    Why would you want to do this? I don't get it.. ..explain yourself.
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