Ever wonder how many nick names are registered on TUSCL and of those how many are still current? I did a search for shadow and got 50+ hits. Does TUSCL ever clean house? I know that names can be deleted on request but I know that there are still names of people that have not posted in several years. I suspect that some of them may even be dead. That other have changed their names. PM sent to FOUNDER.
last commentSpeaking of cleaning house, the spam and plethora of likely shill reviews (see: Bridge66, Spearmint Rhino, Las Vegas, 31 Jan, 10,10,10 – one review) is annoying. What would you think of adding an option for flagging a posting for review, removal, or notation as a probable shill?
yes i think the shill review flagging option is a great idea, but with the stipulation that it would take several (10?) flags to remove a review so that it's not abused by peeps.
I think a flagging option for shills would be a good thing as well, but I would make it subject to review by the TUSCL staff. In general, I think the previous posting history of the poster would probably be useful in analyzing whether a post has substance or is merely marketing for the club by a pro-management flunky or other individual with a conflicting interest.
Perhaps Founder should PM all the members asking if they are still interested in the site. If they don't respond in 2 weeks (to give people sufficient time to notice the PM's, he might remove them. Why waste bandwidth and space on someone who doesn't like hot naked women? LOL