
Comments by GSWx4 (page 4)

  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Bogus Reviews? I think so.
    Mons is an over-hyped, under-valued, tourist trap made famous by the city's many failed attempts to shut it down.
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    14 years ago
    Language Faux Pas And The SC Experience
    Hooker in Africa who wouldn’t take no for an answer. She took my subsequent insult in her colonial tongue as a much greater insult than I intended. C'est la guerre.
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    14 years ago
    People who run adult nightclubs
    tigerfan3: The challenge you seem to have is staffing. Strippers make this especially difficult. Suggestions: treat them right. Provide a clean safe place for them to work. Establish your rules keeping them simple and clear. Enforce said rules ruthlessly and equally. Treating dancers equally does not mean the same. A long time dancer who always shows up on time and produces should get preferential treatment (i.e. schedules). Dancers understand and accept this. A lazy, customer stealing whore who’s fucking the boss is another story. Don’t fuck the help. Content, reliable, sober dancers are what you want. Beware the transient dancer (usually travelling with a deadbeat BF/pimp). She will swoop in to make as much cash as fast as possible from customers, dancers and you. The mess left behind is never good. I was familiar with a place similar to what you describe (10 clubs in the state). All the clubs, though competitors, shared information on the troublemakers. This accomplished two things. Managers would not hire said dancers saving themselves problems and the dancers knew that they couldn’t just go down to the next club if they got into trouble. You might approach the competition to see if they’d be interested. I’d check with your lawyer before you start emailing photos/descriptions to be used later in court. As for a DJ, consider an aging or ex – dancer. I’ve seen good ones and bad ones but it might be an option. You’ve got your hands full – good luck.
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    14 years ago
    Unwanted advances
    kingcripple: “ how the hell does one go about dating a stripper? “ - I honestly don’t know how to answer that but OTC is not my thing. If you are considering dating a stripper I suggest you reconsider. They are whack jobs down deep (some not so deep).
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Unwanted advances
    Dougster: Several times in different manifestations but my stalker was a psycho blonde who could not accept that I didn’t want her to be my girlfriend. Never gave her any reason to think I was interested and even more bizarre was that she knew I was dating a crazy little Latina working in the same club. This blonde was so unstable that she caused my Latina to quit and go to work at another club for her own safety. Weird times.
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    14 years ago
    Las Vegas VIP rooms
    It is always OK to name a ROB
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    14 years ago
    Hooking Up In a Foreign Country
    <P>Tomorrow’s forecast</P><P>Amsterdam High 42 Low 29</P><P>Barcelona High 64 Low 40</P><P>Bangkok High 86 Low 76</P>
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    14 years ago
    Hooking Up In a Foreign Country
    France tends to be too business-like or else you’re dealing with sex slavery. Almost all streetwalkers and anything associated with Albanians is pure sex slavery. I would suggest that you consider a road trip for a few days. There is nothing in Italy that isn’t sex slavery but I have found Spain more to my liking. The trend there is for Hostess clubs. Though somewhat expensive, they have good looking women who can converse and a menu for takeout. My experience is too dated to give specific recommendations but Barcelona is 5 hours from Marseille and Zaragoza is 7 hours. Zaragoza is off the tourist track and had a great club on the NW side of town. Sorry, don’t remember the name and it has been a while so it’s probably best to stick to Barcelona unless you want to fly to Madrid.
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    14 years ago
    New York tour operator is accused of promoting prostitution on trips to Thailand
    "Do US laws apply to citizens while we travel abroad?" Unfortunately as of a few years ago yes. Started as an anti-sex trafficking thing and how it's justified I can't say. As for your article, it's not clear but it sounds like the guy charged committed his "crime" in NYC.
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    14 years ago
    New York tour operator is accused of promoting prostitution on trips to Thailand
    PrimO: Prostitution is illegal in the Philippines.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Rookie trying to become a strippers regular, how much need to spend to be releva
    Gator: Life-long friends don’t count so Jimmy, Johnny, Jack, Jose, and of course Ole Grandad are always OK.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Rookie trying to become a strippers regular, how much need to spend to be releva
    - alcohol intake -
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    14 years ago
    Rookie trying to become a strippers regular, how much need to spend to be releva
    GGz: There is no set amount of money you should be spending. Start with what you can afford. If you can only afford a used Dodge, don’t try to buy BMW. You WILL spend more than you should. Accept that and the fact that at your stage of the game that you are naïve, you will be played and you are a potential PL. There is nothing wrong with any of that if you try to learn from your mistakes as early and as cheaply as possible. Try to limit both your alcohol intact and the actual amount of time you spend in a club on any one visit. As was recommended, more visits more often equals consistency to a dancer who will appreciate a regular small pay check as much or more than a single large pay day. Sit back and observe a little rather than biting at the first baited hook that floats by. It’s a great sport and you can play well into your old age. Good luck and enjoy.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    If an unknown girl in a strip club suddenly comes up to you and wants you to lea
    Think everyone is correct. When I’ve seen this it has always been a girl working the circuit. She shows up and tries to maximize her money before she is fired or burned and there is always a boyfriend/pimp.
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    14 years ago
    Yes they resent it. One recently complained to me that two new dancers had shown up offering extras and they were seriously cutting into her money. She asked whether to report them. My advice was no. I told her that she would end up getting herself fired, her ass kicked or both.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    DJ payback
    I was recently talking to a new dancer on how to manage her money. I made her add up how much she was tipping out the DJ over the course of a year. She was shocked. These guys are taking some serious coinage from the dancers. Suggested she remind him how much she was paying him the next time he wanted to interrupt her to take the stage while she was taking money from a big spending PL.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Agree with gmd about the total package. I'm on a quest for absolute perfection and the initial impression of overall physical beauty is most important. After that I actually look at the way she moves - hopefully with style and grace. Next comes the smile and eyes (windows to the soul).
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    OTC at Her House
    "Many of these girls are almost perpetually broke, even those that make good money" - The one stripper's house I went to was a complete dump. Even though she brought in good money, she was evicted three weeks later because she couldn't pay her rent.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Waitresses are the key to a good night
    Club managers take note. No one likes a pest but more annoying to me is a lazy incompetent cocktail waitress. I can't begin to estimate how much money dancers have missed out on while I get pissed off looking for or waiting on a drink. A good waitress is extremely important and I always tip extra well when I find one.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    waste of money!!!!!!
    Vixen7: I had thought that stripper etiquette had become more of a loose guideline until I was in a club recently where they practiced it like a cult religion. From the customer’s perspective I can appreciate both the good and bad aspects. But for dancers understanding customers they should realize that sometimes a guy may be reluctant to give up an OK dancer in hopes of a better dancer. Or as the old saying goes, “A bush in the hand is a good thing”. Send a third party to intercede with the dancer if you’re that sure would be my advice.
  • review comment
    13 years ago
    A catch-all account
    My name is Brandon Westfall. I...
    enough already
  • review comment
    13 years ago
    My friend and I went in...
    Competitor (Living Dolls)) shill
  • review comment
    13 years ago
    This is a large club with...
    This is a full liquor topless/no liquor nude club. There are no BYOB SCs in Hillsborough county.
  • article comment
    13 years ago
    Strip Clubbing in Mexico
    @digitech. Katois in Thailand are quite numerous and many, many, many Westerners have had sex with them. The majority probably live out their lives in blissful ignorance. Some live with the knowledge of what happened though they were unaware at the time. Still others, I believe, knew full well what they were doing despite what they may tell others or themselves. As for Mexico, I usually have other things to do than spend a great deal of time in the clubs but I’ve personally never seen a tranny in a club. I’m sure there are some but more often they are out working the streets. Since they are easier to spot than a katoi, IME, I imagine there can’t be a lot of deniability on the part of their clients. @OP. Apologies for hi-jacking a very well written article on SCing in Mexico.
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    13 years ago
    Strip Clubbing in Mexico
    @stiletto. “tell me if I understand right. In Thailand, they are not out to deceive anyone and the natives tend to understand that many sex workers are she males and know they will get this when looking for a hooker.” Not exactly. Thailand is a largely Buddhist country. Without going off the deep end here, each individual is living his/her own fate and they largely accept that everyone else is also. Thus they do not believe in screwing with anyone else’s karma and are passively accepting of things as they are. Katois are not seen as *females* as such and are recognized as an alternative class in a non-judgmental way. They are not interchangeable with females as you seem to allude. There are those who patronize katois but it is generally with full knowledge of what they are getting. And no, I did not fall in love with one even for the 15 seconds it took me to realize she wasn’t a she – well maybe just a little. Your understanding of Mexico and the Philippines is closer to reality though in both cases it is much more difficult to be mistaken as a female close up. Or so I’ve heard. Now in the sub-continent no one could mistake them for actual females IMO. And though they share the non-deception aspect with their Thai brethren/sistrern (?)and they work in the sex trade, they are not Buddhists and usually operate in packs with strong criminal overtones and often in a physically violent manner. That's an over-simplified reader's digest version. You wanna get a beer?