
Comments by GSWx4 (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Is it better to go solo or with a group to the SC?
    “He goes alone. I have seen more guys pretending to be girls on the internet than I've seen girls alone in strip clubs.” @Doc_Holliday. You’ve made a number of statements recently all with certitude that perhaps you should reconsider. I was in a club last night/this morning for about six hours. Three separate females came in unescorted - all by their lonesome. It is not an uncommon occurrence in my experience. I have never met lopaw nor will I, but I am sure that I remember a post where *she* met a fellow TUSCL member (perhaps minnow if memory serves). You’ve also posted: “I guess I could write a review or two. I want to write reviews about the clubs I like, I'd like to advertise for them. But judging from this board, the merit of a club is based on the extras and I don't care about extras, so my reviews wouldn't be of any use anways.” First, a review should not be an advertisement but rather informational in nature (IMO). Secondly, I do not believe that most of the users of this site are interested in extras (though the discussion board would sometimes seem that they are). I know that I’m not and if you read the majority of reviews extras are not mentioned. Regardless, a review that confirmed the availability or not of extras does inform me as to what type of club it is. So just a suggestion, try writing some reviews AND realize that it is a bigger world than simply what you have experienced.
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    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Rick's Austin
    Scott, First off I appreciate your enthusiasm and apparent efforts to run a good SC. Secondly, I appreciate your efforts to promote this site. With that promotion it is likely that many first time posters may end up submitting reviews and if they really do like your club those reviews may seem over-inflated. That is somewhat normal with new posters. As for those of us on this site that want club information to remain useful, we will continue to look at such reviews with skepticism. Shill reviews do nothing but hurt the reputation of a club (see the reviews for Living Dolls in Key West, FL). Be patient and a *credible* reviewer will visit your establishment. And that credible reviewer should remain anonymous to you when they visit. How the average patron experiences your club is much more important than how you may have treated someone to a personal VIP experience. Good luck. Austin is a great city.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    How much do you know about your ATF?
    Hate the term ATF but everything on your list down to detailed medical history plus how to stop her snoring as well as her complete criminal history including what type of knife she used when she stabbed her ex-husband. Strip clubbing has never been a fantasy for me though I usually do prefer a blissful state of ignorance. Strippers are whack jobs.
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    13 years ago
    When a beautiful woman speaks and I discover that she is well-mannered, articulate, intelligent and interesting she has probably just made her night. It is another, deeper level of beauty and surprisingly the best dancer that I’ve known in this regard was a mere 19 years old. It is very rare to find such a dancer but interesting conversation is always appreciated. I’ll forever remember the following start to a fascinating conversation with a dancer that I once dated: Her: “I’m a diagnosed schizophrenic, bipolar, bisexual, drug addicted, alcoholic stripper. Why can’t people just accept me for who I am?” Me: “I like you.” Her: “YOU don’t count.”
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Ever seen this?
    @HottieHeidi. “she's either a terrible hustler and won't last long or she is satisfied with what she is getting out of you.” - Clearly she’s satisfied since she has *lasted* for years in top clubs across the country (and that’s not a hustle on her part as we’ve shared notes on those clubs) “plus the added fun of making you perplexed with her little "no, I can't dance for you”” - Twisting her arm was a poor choice of words on my part. She does *not* turn me down or hesitate when I ask. LDs are not high on my list of wants but they are the most efficient way to pay a dancer. I would never just hand money over because as you know, dancers do have their pride. The situation here is that she has an open offer and open wallet for as many LDs as she wants to give yet she doesn’t take advantage. The complete opposite of a ROB and my confusion is that an experienced dancer is leaving so much money on the table over and over again. “I’m assuming she doesn't sit with you for the entire time, either.” - Your assumption would be wrong. Exclusive attention for 4 hours on average (of a 7 hour shift) with the exception of stage dances once every 45-90 minutes where tips probably average about $20-30 per set. Our time together only ends when I tell her I have to leave. “You assume, because she's beautiful in your eyes , that she MUST be raking in the dough, but that's not always the case. If she's a skilled dancer, she will make you think that she is a "top earner" by giving you the illusion that she's always busy/wanted but nobody knows how much each girl makes a night” - I won’t argue with this *generalized* truth but I’m pretty good on making cash flow assessments in SCs. Most recently I told a brand new dancer what she could expect to take home (and told her to track it daily) the first month and what her take home would be in 4 months and a year from that date. So far my predictions through 4 months are within 10% of her actual. I have also helped dancers manage their money and in two cases I’ve known what they took home to the penny for more than a year. In this case since 3 people have been rude enough to try to *buy* this dancer out from under me with offers of CRs which would net her at least $300 a pop (which she declined) I’m confident in my assessment despite my blindness caused by her subjective beauty. “My advice, if you like her” - That I like her is a given based on the time we spend together but my only question really has nothing to do with her but rather behaviour. Leaving money on the table is something I rarely see and never to this magnitude. That was my intended question. “Lastly, it's not going to last forever, nothing in a strip club does” - Definitely a truism that nothing in a SC lasts forever but it’s also true that nothing ever changes either. Appreciate the observations and thoughts from you and all the other posters.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Ever seen this?
    @gmd. It’s curious how people read a post from their own perspective. Lots of dancers spend their time with me whether taking a break from the grind or just preferring my company to that of others. I don’t p4p and stopped dating strippers some time ago so sex, falling in love or meeting OTC to become friends wasn’t what I was asking about. It is a money question and in this case LDs are the only source of cash she is getting out of me. This girl works in a money club and I have no doubt that if she walks out with anything less than a thousand dollars it was a bad night. I am befuddled that not only is she sacrificing her normal earnings but that she isn’t taking what she could/should from me for a significant amount of time invested. Sorry I wasn’t clearer.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Ever seen this?
    @SD. Not a strip club affection type relationship (except the dances). We get along really well. She has turned down CR requests from other customers and doesn’t make a real effort to take my money. I’ve never gotten close to maxing out; just leave when I have to go.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Ever seen this?
    @Dougster. I realize I’m new at this strip clubbing thing…no, wait a minute, no I’m not and neither is she. “Neither of us desires anything OTC – strictly a dancer/customer relationship.”
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Review Standards
    @farmerart. The Aurora Borealis Beach Club was a strip club that I very much enjoyed. Like the real Aurora Borealis it simply disappeared. The best we can do is to enjoy and then fondly remember such wonders.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Review Standards
    “In all honesty, a review that stated " I dropped in on a Tuesday afternoon, club had 4 fugly dancers, lame stageshows, and indifferent beverage service, so I left after 20 minutes" to be more useful to me than a "Dear Penthouse" genre detailing a night visitors VIP session with ONE dancer if I were from out of town considering an afternoon visit before catching flight home.” minnow sums up what I look for in a review (and I do use them). What’s the club like and should I give it a shot? Any review that can do that is OK with me. Unfortunately, *many* reviews don’t answer those questions. TUSCL is still a great resource never the less. Also agree that flagging is having a positive effect.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Selling LDs/drinks?
    “If I wanna buy her one, I'll ask her if she wants one.” - 100% of the time. If I don’t make the offer on my own she doesn’t drink on my dime. I already know that a LD is on the menu and there is no need to bring it up. Very rarely will I get a LD if solicited by the dancer because if I want one I’ll ask without prompting. I’m attracted to self-confident non-predators and I prefer the traditional male/female interrelationship roles. Of course my type of behavior is probably hard for most dancers to read and they risk wasting their time with some cheap bastard.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Sex, money and 5-year sentences.
    “Why is it that countries that put restrictions on sex are caucasian countries, but countries where pretty much anything goes are dominated by people with brown or black skin ?” Dudster, where in the hell did that come from? The Nordic/Scandinavian/Franco counties of Europe, Australia and Canada are still predominantly Caucasian, no? And don’t get caught as a hooker/John in Malaysia or other Islamic country and I hope if you’re homosexual you stay away from Kenya/Zimbabwe and most of the rest of Africa and the Islamic world.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    I flagged this review
    I’m drunk but a loose translation: This club is located at Baldorioty de Castro, underneath what was Westbank, now Banco Popular. I arrived at 2 AM, parked outside on the street. There is plenty of available safe parking. There are always cops hanging around. Upon entry the bouncer told me it was $15 cover which included a drink. When you enter it’s like a house with two rooms, one where the girls dance and the other is a sushi bar and where you buy drinks. The waitress hangs around and keeps pushing drinks. The place is very boring, the music sucks. The women don’t get close and don’t interact with you. If you want to talk with them you have to give them a tip. Everything happens when they dance (think this means they will show all). The girls look very good, good bodies and good dances. It’s a decent club but I don’t recommend it if you’re looking for a hardcore place, if so go to Déjà vu or Frenchy’s.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Respecting the art form
    Can we stop with the whining about cover charges?!
    Last fall the Vegas Spearmint Rhino’s cover (day and night) was $50. Current reviews now say its $22. Any number of quality clubs also waive the cover charge for various reasons. For example Scores in Tampa and Shotgun Willies (currently ranked #45 overall and #23 for dancer quality) in Denver have both waived their cover charge if I was going to order food. But specifically to your challenge of a quality club with “quality talent” and no cover, I give you the Great Alaskan Bush Company, Anchorage. Always outstanding dancers (dancer quality 7.77), no cover, no valet, no drink minimum. So yes, I’d like to know especially if it’s out of the ordinary.
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    13 years ago
    Pimp using Denver's top strip clubs for prostitution ring
    Stiletto25. As you write your article, be aware there is a lot of naiveté on this board. Hope you are honest, straight forward and do a good job. I look forward to it.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Seattle, Washington
    Annoying Strip Club Practices ... Part 1: "Wanna Buy the Lady a Drink?”
    I’ve only played this rip off game once with a very special girl. Her stage fee was $75 a night and had to sell $80 worth of ladies’ drinks (effectively $155 house fee plus tip outs). If she came up short she had to buy the rest at the end of the night. She got no kickback from the club and no saved credit for future nights even if she sold over and above the requirement. They always tried to make the girls sell more and they could not refuse if a customer offered. So my sweetheart and I had a system worked out so that she would signal me if she wanted one to help meet but not go over her quota. Buying her the occasional drink kept her and myself in good standing with the club and she always gave me a kickback ala no charge LDs. <br>These days unless the drink is regularly priced I NEVER buy the lady a drink.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Some years ago my bi-stripper sweetheart was sitting butt naked on my knee in the middle of the club. A passing stripper stopped, dropped to her knees and began DATY. It went on for about 5 minutes while other customers looked on and my sweetheart dug her fingers into my shoulder. Eventually the girl got up, walked away and I was left with a spent stripper in my lap.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    A bit of confusion about lap dance policies at strip clubs.
    I was just in KW. No boob touching there or anywhere else I’ve ever been. I think you’re all making this shit up.
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    13 years ago
    Lap Dance Cut Short
    Definitely a ROB but everything balances out in the universe. I was getting 3 LDs from a fairly new dancer and just as the last song ended she was called to the stage. So intent on not being late she ran off without getting her money. Near the end of her stage dances I went up to tip her and also gave her the LD money. She gave me a puzzled look and I told her it was for the LDs. She said “OMG, I forgot.” She did me a great favor some months later.<p>Karma begets karma - good or bad.
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    13 years ago
    Happy St. Patrick's Day
    Just changed my plans. Think I’m going to Baxter Springs Kansas. I hear there is a girl with milky skin, freckles, red hair and green eyes who is going to dress up in a plaid school-girl outfit and green thigh highs.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Crazy Dancers
    Don’t know what your question has to do with crazy dancers (which I like) but as for pussy tricks – the standard cigarette smoking, banana cutting, etc. The one that stands out was the change machine. Girl would place a beer bottle on stage and stack Peso coins (slightly larger than a half dollar) on the bottle to a height of 10 to 12 inches or so, lubricate said stack with beer, squat down picking them up, go to each guy and have them pick a number between 1 and 4 and tell them hold their hand out. She would then deposit the requisite number of coins. Impressive muscle control.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Lap dance interrupted!
    Hard bodied petite spinner who didn’t take shit off anyone was straddling me and all but having sex in the middle of a supposedly no contact club. A huge bouncer came rushing up and yelled at the two of us. Removed my hands immediately but she just froze and gave him the coldest death stare I’ve ever seen. He lowered his eyes, then his head, turned and slunk away at which point my sweetheart put my hands back on her ass, tit back in my mouth and went back to work. Love a confident girl.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    How to carry your money
    Pick out a dancer for the night and ask her told hold my money for me. After all, if you can’t trust a stripper who can you trust?
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Asian Women
    I think they’re just sooooooo cute when they go into a jealous rage and try to cut your balls off when they think you’ve been cheating (or looking at another girl, or not paying enough attention to them, or worst of all not servicing them often enough).<br>Life is a lot more fun with a bit of risk and a Lite Beer From Miller.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    how many clubs have you hit in your life...
    “It’s not the years, it’s the mileage” – Indiana Jones<p>Continents – 6<p>Clubs – hundreds<p>Visits – thousands<p>Hearts broken – too many