avatar for samsung1
anyone here visit both strip clubs and AMPs on a regular basis? I have submitted 6 AMPs using the "add a club" feature on here and they have been accepted and registered but still no reviews. I have used yahoo local to find out basic information on them. Monaet Spa (Houston, TX), Sun Spa (Warren, OH), Hong Kong Spa (Warren), Airport Spa (Monclova, Ohio), Susie Kim's Spa (Niles, OH), and Angel Spa (Costa Mesa, California).


last comment
avatar for georgmicrodong
14 years ago
Well sam, sounds like it's time for you to step up and take one for the team. :)

Seriously, it seems likely that no one is really *expecting* to find AMPs on TUSCL, so the impetus to post a review is not there like it is for a SC. I'm honestly not convinced that TUSCL is the appropriate place for those anyway (though I'm not actuall against it, either), as I think the focus is a little different. I'm prepared to be shown why I should reconsider, though.
avatar for txtittyfan
14 years ago
There are a couple of Houston spas I visit. However, this is not the place to discuss what goes on, other than it is good clean fun with happy endings.
avatar for BaddJack
14 years ago
samsung: review a couple you know and turn it into an Article. We can all comment on the Article and "update" it.
avatar for Prim0
14 years ago
I agree, this isn't really the website for AMPs though I'm sure many of us would be interested. I've read reviews of the AMPs in Toronto and they sure sound like a good experience to seek out. I have trouble seeing US AMP's measuring up though.
avatar for Prim0
14 years ago
Maybe there should be a TUAMPL site?
avatar for samsung1
14 years ago
I know this is not an AMP site but if you do a google search for sun spa warren, their tuscl listing will show up on the first page of results.
avatar for Rod84
14 years ago
There is a site called, but I found it to be too cumbersome to use, so I quit it. Plus there's, which isn't bad, but a lot of short back and forth griping posts which make it more difficult to find stuff I'm looking for.

So, I'd tend to support an AMP section here. And to txtittyfan's comment, we discuss the VIP rooms in detail, so I wouldn't think what happens at AMPs would be any different.
avatar for troop
14 years ago
i agree with most that massage parlours have nothing to do with strip clubs and see no reason for them to be here.
the thing that i like about tuscl is that it specializes in strip clubs and unless there were seperate sub forums for massage parlours, escorts, etc i think we're just diluting the purpose of this site.
but sam has submitted them and founder approved them so what's done is done.
avatar for potheadpl
14 years ago
I would also be in favor of adding massage parlors/body scrub/lingerie modeling shop reviews to tuscl. They're cousins to the SC, and since a good portion of tuscl readers are looking for extras, it seems like a good fit.
avatar for founder
14 years ago
we had a MP site 10 years ago but it did not get utilized. I can break out the MPs in their own section here. Do you guys think it is worth my time?

avatar for shadowcat
14 years ago
F, I won't use it but thats just me.
avatar for GSWx4
14 years ago
Founder, personally not interested but if you do include them hope you will keep them in a distinct and separate section. Don’t want to have to wade through them when looking for strip clubs.
avatar for georgmicrodong
14 years ago
Founder, what would the difference be? It looks like most posters would be satisfied with just adding MPs to the list of clubs in a given city. Might need a new category, but that also sounds like it would be the least work for you. Is the "section" you're talking about significantly different than that?
avatar for troop
14 years ago
i won't use it either but if you do decide to start listing them i think a seperate section would be better.
avatar for txtittyfan
14 years ago
I think it would be foolish to provide detailed information on service in masaage parlors, just as I think it is foolish to provide details and names on VIP extras.
avatar for EarlTee
14 years ago
I vote with shadowcat, GSW, and troop.
avatar for samsung1
14 years ago
F, I would not spend time on it until there are more reviews published for some of the spas already listed on here. Sun Spa in warren, OH was ranked in the top 10 list on eroticmp and is a popular spa. Also nice when you google search some of the spas their TUSCL page comes up on the first page of results
avatar for farmerart
14 years ago
I have some considerable (ahem) experience with massage parlours in Canada. From one end of the country to the other they are all pretty much the same. Surprisingly, price is not much different either ($200 or less gets things done just about everywhere). One review would cover them all. No point for tuscl to go there in my opinion.
avatar for Clubber
14 years ago
Like fa said, not much difference, but one MAJOR difference would be the women working. I wouldn't go into one unless it was Asian. So that would be about all I'd need to know.
avatar for steve229
14 years ago
I thought the A stood for Asian
avatar for Clubber
14 years ago

Correct, but founder mentioned MP.
avatar for samsung1
14 years ago
There were two AMPs in Springfield, OH (outside of Dayton). I read the reviews on and it seemed like the extras were hit or miss and rare for first time customers. Useful reviews like that saved me the time and money from going out to visit. Also a few months later I found out both of the AMPs closed down. Membership to was $20/month and submitting reviews did not get you free membership.
avatar for Dougster
14 years ago
Keep AMPs low key. Don't want a barrage of the SC crowd overrunning them.

(I can see the threads now... "Cute little Korean girl smiled at me after I came on her. She said she really liked seeing me. Does she really mean it or is she just saying that? If she means it how do I get her to go out with me?)

Oh, hell, if there is money to be made from reviews, it's going to happen anyway.
avatar for farmerart
14 years ago
It seems that the massage parlour game is different in Canada than in the US. Massage parlour is just a euphemism for bordello. A customer never has to hint around for "extras". The assumption is that sex is the primary purpose of the customer's visit.

Once, years ago, I came into town from the field and actually wanted a massage before the main event. The girl told me:

"I don't do massages. I just fuck."

Ah well, I suffered through the disappointment and went with what she offered.
avatar for samsung1
14 years ago
anyone ever get a massage from a stripper or give a massage? I have done both although not anything noteworthy enough to mention in the reviews.
avatar for Dougster
14 years ago
Speaking of massages, here's a tip (might be obvious), girls who say they are studying to be massage therapists tend give the best dances so you should always buy some from them. I guess it's because they are comfortable with the idea of actually making men feel good physically, rather than relying mostly on SS to make money.
avatar for MisterGuy
14 years ago
"Membership to was $20/month and submitting reviews did not get you free membership."

That's the thing with's no membership fee & they pretty much cover the exact same ground that does.

While I've seen a very few MPs listed on TUSCL over the years, this really isn't the place for them to be listed on the actual website IMHO. If one wanted to do an article (like I have - whose format somehow got messed up a while back) about MPs in a particular area, well...that's another story. ;)…
avatar for joker44
14 years ago
F & members: Do you think MP listings would attract a greater number of shill posts than SC listings are now seeing, thus becoming more of a problem than a plus??

In MO & KS a few AMPs have been busted for human trafficing. Most listings in the local alternative rag distinguish between licensed and non-licensed and MPs that do not offer extras usually try to say so in their ads. Impression is that "extras" MPs here are generally fronts for escort services [incall/outcall offering companions to massage to FS sex services] from high class to prostitution. Local AMPs may be only service limited to location specific incall.

If listed here I would like separate section, at least until members deternmine how useful and see what problems arise.

BTW, is a review service for CSWs from massage girls to escorts.

Like TUSCL you can pay $$ for membership or submit 2 accepted initial reviews for 30 day no fee and maintain by submitting 1 review for each additional 15 days. More expensive to maintain than going to SCs!

I'm not recomending it but I mention it because:

Their reviews are by individual girl rather than by establishment/agency which seems more useful.

They have more extensive review and acceptance policies than TUSCL.

Provider reviews are much more specific and EXPLICIT then ever accepted here -- CBJ/BBBJ, CIM [spit/swallow] or not, rimmingg/FS anal?, FIV, multiple pops allowed -- you get the picture. Reviewers often give very detailed and explicit "blow-by-blow" description of time with provider.

TER seems very condfident about their ability to screen out inaccurate or shill reviews. ???

avatar for rickdugan
14 years ago
Founder, I think that listing AMPs in a separate section might be a good idea and I'll put in my vote for NOT including them in with general strip club reviews.

I travel a lot and use the tuscl map and list features for my various searches. If AMP reviews became common on here and were not separated, then it would be harder for me to filter out the clubs from the other stuff.
avatar for MisterGuy
14 years ago
"Do you think MP listings would attract a greater number of shill posts than SC listings are now seeing, thus becoming more of a problem than a plus?"

It depends if the managers at the MPs get wind of the fact that they are being listed on TUSCL. The AMP websites that I've frequented in the past never seemed to have any more shills than here on TUSCL.

"Impression is that 'extras' MPs here are generally fronts for escort services [incall/outcall offering companions to massage to FS sex services] from high class to prostitution. Local AMPs may be only service limited to location specific incall."

I think it depends on the area that you live in. I've only come across one AMP in the USA that even hinted at the idea of outcalls.
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