A Familiar Siren Song
Learned a long time ago that strippers are whack jobs! Getting involved with anything other than an impersonal patron/stripper business relationship is simply crazy. Having made that mistake more than once, I couldn't stop thinking about those previous experiences as I sat mesmerized by an infatuating, captivating and delightful little spinner last night. Like an out of body experience, I watched helplessly as I was drawn further and further into the abyss. When she suggested that we meet socially (non-business), I gave her a very firm and definite “maybeâ€. Strippers, you just have to love them.
I think the secret is never being their customer, or allowing the succubus relationship to be established. In both these cases I got one very tame dance from them after talking for a long time, then never saw them in the club again. The relationships came out of chance meetings outside the club, one at the gym, the other around the neighborhood.
Getting a bunch of dances then becoming a stripper's real boyfriend? Probably not gonna happen. Getting a bunch of dances then having a crazy, needy stripper glom on to you, hang out with you, and maybe fuck you for the hell of it? Maybe, but you could give yourself a lot of grief trying to make it happen again, and again...
Being married now, I feel like I have to be very careful as I wouldn't want some "whack job" stripper to interfere with my home life.
A gross over generalization. Many and maybe most are "whack jobs", but certainly not all. Just because you have had all yours be that way out of millions, doesn't mean all the others are.
Myself, yes some, but most have not been "whack jobs". Maybe you do not choose wisely.