
Pocket picked

Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
Thursday, January 27, 2011 4:05 AM
I've been doing this for a long time, so I view myself as a fairly savvy guy. But until the other night I never had my pocket picked. I was at an all nude byob club and a very crafty girl managed to separate me from about $400. I had previously done some lapdances with her and, while we were in there, she got a good look at my wad when I paid my tab. Now I should mention that some carpet munching and other activities happened during my dance, which is not unusual in and of itself, but this was a club where this does not often happen, so this may say something else about the pathology of this girl. I wondered why she came into the smoking area nude when it was freezing cold in the room, but now I understand. While she was hugging me naked (presumably for warmth) she was relieving me of the extra $$$ I had in my pocket. To her credit, it was masterfully done, but I hope she enjoyed the extra cash that night. I spend a lot in the clubs each year and I had taken a real shine to her, so that $400 probably cost her what several times over what she would have made if she had not pulled that stunt. We live and learn.


  • troop
    13 years ago
    did you not discover the missing money until after you left the club? man i would be pissed! 400 bucks is alot of money to me, maybe alot more than to some of you high rollers. i might have got real nasty if i was ripped off like that. i don't think i would let something like that slide.
    13 years ago
    If you're back at the same club and see her again in the future, undoubtedly the appeal of the green will bring her back your way. Then you get to turn the screws. Bring it up and ask her about it, but before you do, maybe wave a waitress over and ask her (so that the dancer can't hear) to send the manager over. Then tell the manager about your last visit and put her on the spot. He'll ask her and you'll get to see how good she is when in a bind. If he fires her, well, she'll be without the regular income until she lands a new gig.
  • samsung1
    13 years ago
    troop, there is nothing you could really do. It would be your word vs hers. There are no cameras out in the smokers area.
  • GoVikings
    13 years ago
    You received lap dances from her in the past and she had the nerve to steal $400.00 from you? And you know for sure that she stole it from you? Man, that is really messed up. You would think she would appreciate that you've given her business MULTIPLE times, but I guess that isn't enough these days. Sorry to hear about your loss man.
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    I don't quite understand something. First you say, "To her credit, it was masterfully done...", yet you KNOW it was she that stole money from you and not someone else, or that you just plain lost it.
  • Lewis1975
    13 years ago
    $400, although painful to lose, is not really worth stealing, especially for an accomplished stripper. Granted that she probably did not know exactly how much you had in your pocket. Still, it's hard to figure. She must be nuts.
  • jester214
    13 years ago
    I always worry about this... Another good reason to keep cash in more than one pocket.
  • farmerart
    13 years ago
    One of the few times I wore a suit to a SC I fended off an attempt at this. This was in one of the lame Alberta clubs that forbids customer touching but allows gentle dancer contact. The girl was slyly caressing my chest and made a subtle attempt at my billfold in my jacket's inner pocket. I detected it and shifted position on the couch to frustrate the attempt. I told the girl that if she was that interested in my cash an OTC romp (described in explicit language) would give her a good chunk of it. She turned bright red and terminated our encounter. I did not pay for the lap dances.
  • txtittyfan
    13 years ago
    The perils of flashing your wad, it makes you a target for some.
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    Rick, sorry to hear that. I think I would also be tempted to go back to that club and let her know what she lost, though I don't know that I'd bother with telling management unless the entire purpose of the visit was to let them know, and then leave. That's probably ultimately pointless; even if they believe you, without proof, they won't *do* anything. Like you said, live and learn. And like my grandfather said, or you don't live very long.
  • Timbuck12
    13 years ago
    So she came into the smoking room totally nude, hugged you, and THAT'S when she picked your pocket??? My question is, if she was totally nude then where did she hide the money after she lifted it from you? That girl may be even more talented than you're giving her credit for......
  • sinclair
    13 years ago
    Put the dancer's name in a review so other PLs aren't robbed. Flashing cash makes you like a bleeding seal to these sharks.
  • uscue13
    13 years ago
    I agree with sinclair, but yeah, where in the world did she hide the money?
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    Rick, from what I gather from your posts, you like to flash your wad to let them know you have the cash to spend on an OTC gig. You may want to rethink that. As everyone else has said we learn from our mistakes. No point in seeking retribution.
  • mikeya02
    13 years ago
    She probably palmed the cash into her Hello Kitty purse.
  • magicrat
    13 years ago
    Maybe she keeps it the same place the gekko keeps his wallet and cell phone?
  • rickdugan
    13 years ago
    To answer a few queries about this... Of course I cannot absolutely prove that it was her, but I had it before I went into the smoking area, which was right before I left the club, and I did not have it when I was in the car. Another reason I suspect her is that she does not smoke, it was cold as hell in this room and this is not a club where the girls normally pad around naked off the stage, yet she followed me out there nude. She had also already turned me down for OTC. Net-net, her going out there like that just made no sense unless it was to (1) help relieve me of my remaining cash; or (2) she really just wanted to cuddle ;) I was also drunk and very attracted to her (that damned hot Italian thing going on), so no doubt I was an easy mark. shadow, I agree that I need to rethink the flashing the wad thing, at least in dicier clubs. Now as to her being naked, it was a small roll of 20s and a couple of Benjamins, so it would have been easy enough to palm.
  • rickdugan
    13 years ago
    So in summary, she knew how much I had, knew where I was keeping it (from the lapdance payment), knew I was drunk and very attracted to her, knew that I was getting ready to leave (so she had no further business with me that night) and acted in a way that made no sense at the time. Again, I cannot prove anything but when I put the puzzle pieces together it all makes sense. But confronting her is pointless as I will never be able to prove it, so all it will do is cause drama. Ad I NEVER say anything to club management as, given my normal activities, I do not want to be within a mile of their radar. It really is too bad as I was smitten with her and she likely would have cultivated a good regular, but instead took me for a one-time short score. We live and learn.
  • newmark
    13 years ago
    Losing cash would be bad enough, but I have always worried about losing my wallet. It wouldn't be easy to explain if some stripper started using my credit card.
  • baltimoretraveler
    13 years ago
    $400 is a lot. If you are a regular there, and tell the doorman and/or bartender, I'm sure they would take your word over hers. For me, I never bring my wallet into a club. Always carry a set amount of cash and separate it into pockets. $1's in one pocket, $20 in another, and misc change received from the bar ($5's and $10's) in another.
  • vixen7
    13 years ago
    as an entertainer i DESPISE this kind of behavior. Women...have you heard of karma? How bout repeat customers. Now you have not only " fouled" yourself, but your coworkers and the club itself .you dumb bi tch!!
  • vixen7
    13 years ago
    I disagree with georg i think the first thing you should always do is alert club management because if they see a pattern with this girl...eventually she will get fired. no club is gonna keep a girl who is chasing away customers. I had alerted a club to a pick pocket dancer years ago and sure enough...she was accused again and then fired. Even women have their purses gone through!
  • vixen7
    13 years ago
    not to be crude but she could have stuffed that money up her pussy or under her armpit.
  • rickdugan
    13 years ago
    Baltimore, I always travel to the clubs with plenty of cash and always will, even after this experience. That $400 was there in case OTC materialized. The last thing one wants to do at 2:00 am - while drunk too boot - is to have to hunt down an ATM. ;) But in the future I'll need to figure out a way to secure my cash a little better.
  • BaddJack
    13 years ago
    I once went into Olympic Gardens after a great night in the casino. I went in with $1800 and came out with enough for a cab. I still wonder which one of the 17 girls I "danced" with picked my pocket.
  • rickdugan
    13 years ago
    vixen, true enough on the fouling part. This club is close enough that I could have become a regular there, and I tend to spend a lot of money on dancers. Now I would have gladly handed it over to her for OTC - or she otherwise could have made a bundle off of me over time just having me chase her - but she chose another route. For those of you who said that $400 is a lot, not really in terms of my normal SC spending, so the money was not the issue so much as the principle of it. Not only has she lost a lot of money, but so has her club. But there it is.
  • GSWx4
    13 years ago
    Let’s see. You were drunk, cavorting with naked women and had money in your pocket that she took as you were leaving. CLASSIC MISTAKE. What the hell were you leaving for when you still had money to spend?
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    Vixen, I can understand your side of that, but my particular opinion is born of watching lots of dancers get away with lots shit, and managers who let them. Do I wish managers would consistently shitcan people like that? Hell yeah, for much the same reasons you cite. It baffles me that a club owner wouldn't want to get rid of somebody lime immediately, but I've see that very thing too often.
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    rick, From your summary of the events, it does sound like she would be a prime suspect. That said, i don't see anything positive coming from a confrontation. I would, however, mention it to the manager as an aside. Perhaps he has heard of her doing it in the past. If so, getting rid of a thief is almost as good as getting rid of a ROB!
  • GoVikings
    13 years ago
    rick, $400 isn't a lot when it comes to your NORMAL SC spending? WOW, must be nice. For me, spending $80 at the strip club is a lot. But I'm a college student, so it's understandable why. Even though my budget is tight, I can still have a really good time with only having $80 or so to spend. That said, I can't even imagine how much fun it would be if I had the type of money you have to spend. I wouldn't be able to control myself. :)
  • vixen7
    13 years ago
    george trust me ...it is hard to even get fired as a stripper...reason being,...they need girls so bad and the more the better. I have seen girls walkout several times only to be allowed back ( supposed to be immediate dismissal if they do so). I have seen girls drugged off their gourd, assault customers, have fist fights..you name it...only thing i ever really saw anyone get fired for was getting caught pickpocketing and getting caught doing hard drugs.
  • vixen7
    13 years ago
    RICK. as bad as this feels right now at least you own this....you have had a lesson that you will never forget and hopefully it will never happen to you again. Always know where your money is and when you get dances put your wallet in your back pocket since the girl will be possibly grinding on your front. If you do a champagne room where you remove clothing....place the wallet in a hard to get spot across the private room so you would know if she moved away from you to do something. Dont close your eyes for too long....expect the worst and hope for the best. Most of all take comfort in knowing that most of us girls are not like that but protect yourself in case you come across that one bad egg.
  • Player11
    13 years ago
    Rick I hate to see that happen to anyone. I will certainly watch my wad of cash in the clubs. I usually stick to girls I know (or have done). I have done about a dozen at the club in VIP or CR. I keep my cash on a money clib in my left pocket (and sometimes cell phone) and at the extras friendly club I am VIP usually around $300-$500. The last time about a week ago I had BJ and Sex from a 20 yr old blonce for $200. If I take them up to VIP, they almost alwas want sex as thats lots more $ than just a couple of dances. None of them have tried to rip me off and since I do not drink alcohol it would be tough for them to reach in there un-noticed. You just have to negotiate the price before they go to work on Mr H LOL.
  • GSWx4
    13 years ago
    Player 11: “since I do not drink alcohol it would be tough for them to reach in there un-noticed.” Don’t kid yourself. Stone cold sober in a club in Argentina when two girls double teamed me sitting on a couch. Caught one removing my money from the right front pants pocket and fight was on (literally) to get my money back and out of the club. How I caught her I don’t know because I never felt a thing. Never under estimate a thief.
  • jester214
    13 years ago
    I've caught people trying to pickpocket me in the street... If they can get away with that (not with me, but I'm sure they do) then god knows what a hot chick climbing all over you can get away with, drunk or not. The only way to protect yourself is be mindful of your cash and hedge your bets i.e. multiple pockets.
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