we've all experienced robs and lying deceitful dancers, unfortunately it's part of the strip club experience. for the most part i've had a policy since i've joined tuscl of not naming names of dancers whether i had a good or bad experience with them but a couple recent sour experiences that have pissed me off are making me think about naming dancers that from my experiences have been deceitful or robs in our dealings and conversations. after all of the times that i've kept my mouth shut i'm thinking that i've been stupid by being silent, in a way protecting cheating strippers by not warning other tuscl members of their tatics. afterall i know for a fact that some dancers that i blew off because i detected their treachery or because we couldn't come to an agreement on mileage or extras discussions have talked to other dancers about me bad mouthing me and even making things up to try to convince the other dancers to avoid me. i know this because i've seen it at times and have had some dancers that ignored what the robs told them have actually told me this at other times. so anyway i'm not asking for permission or advice but i'm curious as to what your opinions are about this. i know some of you have named robs and others have named dancers that "put out" so to speak. naming the good girls that offer a good time or mileage is something i will continue to not do btw because i don't want them to get in trouble with the robs, management, cops, or anyone else that may be reading tuscl.
Hey, as samsung1 points out, it saves us our time and money.
The bitch that tried to rip off samsung1 calls herself Destiny. I'll be at Bogarts in the next few days to verify that is what she calls herself. (LOL, here we go again) There has been some disagreement as to her stage name, but there is absolutely no doubt she is a ROB A scrawny blondeish/brown-haired bitch. Avoid her at all costs.
troop: I agree with carolinalocal in that if you're going to name names, wait a week or two before posting the review. I've so far managed to avoid any confrontations, but who knows if anyone has actually identified me. I sometimes fudge on the exact details of date (though not the day of the week) and time in a review in an attempt to obfuscate my actual visit, but all of them have been within a couple of weeks.
Troop - I agree w/you and most posters that the advantage of course, is to help other PLs either avoid the bad ones or seek the good ones.
Regarding the latter, I have a couple issues with posting too many details of the good ones:
1) I often feel I make a contribution to a good girl's and my session, and wouldn't want someone else necessarily expecting or demanding the same experience. I may be overstating my presumed influence on her decision to offer extras based on how wonderful I am, but regardless, another PL's pushiness based on my review would be bad for the dancer, and potentially for me regarding future enjoyment, if a connection was ever made.
Having said this, I also acknowledge I feel frustrated when reading other reviews that simply say that after going to the VIP, the PL left happy or with a smile on his face. What does that mean? I presumed he came, but I have no idea what he might've paid, what was done, how much privacy/nudity occurred, or what negotiations went down - which brings me to my second concern:
2) Do too many details lay the groundwork for any do-gooders out there who want to spoil the fun? It seems not to be a problem for Bogart's and a few others, but I always stop to consider whether I should state any specific acts for fear of "exposing" the place. Of course, my specific review will probably have little if any additional impact over a mountain of reviews already posted, and perhaps our reviews reveal nothing that's not already known by those who care. I still wonder though, whether it's better to keep the juicy details to myself.
As someone else will no doubt point out before too long, there's little evidence that any post or review on TUSCL, or any similar site, and ever resulted in any kind of adverse repercussion whether to a dancer, club or poster, from LE or otherwise.
For my part, absence of evidence does *not* equal evidence of absence, and acting as if it does is moronic. And, like you, I'm not interested in advertising my favorites too widely. Mostly because I'm selfish and want them (mostly) to myself, but also because I don't want anyone tracing some cheese-dicked pushy asshole back to one of my reviews or posts.
Keep the names of the good ones quiet and shout out the names of the bad ones for all to hear.
The bad ones might see the reviews and realize they need to make changes to their service (that's looking for a bright side!)...or at least will educate fellow TUSCLers.
For information on the good ones, I say stick to PMing each other for info on specifics.
Don’t really want/need info on experience with a “good†dancer. It’s much like beauty – in the eye of the beholder. “Bad†on the other hand is like ugly and goes to the bone. I think there would be much more universal agreement whether someone is a ROB or not and those names and details I would appreciate.
My policy is not to give out stripper names unless they ask me to. ie "I could use the business". That is unless they piss me off. Then I like to use what I call my "bitch of the month" award in my review. I also disclose their names on the club discussion board. I do disclose names of good dancers to my TUSCL buddies through the use of emails/PMs. I occasionally get inquires from TUSCLers that I do NOT personally know. I tell them that giving names is against my policy and that names may not do them any good any how. Dancer might not give them the same treatment as me. Dancer might not be what they like. Dancer may not even be there.
As far as getting caught by a dancer for dissing her. Fuck it. It has happened to me. No loss to me.
I don't mind naming ROB's. Fortunately I have only experienced a few as I try to be careful about who I give my money to. But I also think there is nothing wrong with recommending dancers who are very nice. I don't give many details, because what happens to me may not happen to you. YMWV. After all, dancers have their favorites too.
actually i decided before i started this thread, i'm going to start reporting the liars and robs. i just wanted to see what you guys thought. btw, just for the record, none of them took me for big money. worst case i wised up after 1 dance, but their behaviour insured that they missed out on selling alot more dances that night and making alot more money in the future too. stupid bitches actually. they think that they won when they lie and sucker you for 1 dance and they're too stupid to realize that if they were honest they could have made alot more money that night and possibly cultivated a long time regular customer that would be willing to spend the cash on them as much as several times a week.
I am posting a correction to my post about the ROB at Bogarts. CTQWERTY, you are correct. I spoke to a few dancers I know yesterday when I stopped in at Bogarts and they said the ROB calls herself "Dynasty", not "Destiny". "Dynasty" was not there yesterday and probably won't be there for awhile. YAYYY! I'll be posting a review of Bogarts in the next few days, because as usual Bogarts can be a very good experience.
If a stripper rips me off I will have no problem with posting her name. I mean if not for this site, where would we vent at? You won't get much sympathy at stripperweb. You might be able to talk about it to some guys at work if you're comfortable doing that but they might be laughing behind your back and think you were gullible and rib you about it for weeks.
Plus posting the name here and their tactics while unfortunately may give ideas to other ROB's, it will warn the locals who read this site.
Now if a dancer ever went above and beyond in giving me a great dance. I will not mention her name. I will not mention names of any other dancers typically. If asked they would rather not be named. Some guys talk about getting a great dance and then post a name of a dancer that did something and that could get a dancer in trouble or watched in the club.
Of course there is always the disclaimer that you should not believe anything that is posted here. I could be evil and talk about the great bj that your favorite ATF gave me just trying to get her fired or so busy that you can't hardly speak to her anymore. That would be evil though. Anyone is free to post anything though.
Go ahead and post the club name and dancers name and what she did. It's only us perverts reading this site plus some law enforcement with nothing to do. If a dancer is committing a crime by stealing from customers, the club may start watching her more carefully to eliminate that activity. I've found a lot of times the ROB's are very temporary and won't stay in one club for very long. Sometimes less than a few days. That's another reason I stick with favorites a lot. They are routine dancers at the club.
last commentThe bitch that tried to rip off samsung1 calls herself Destiny. I'll be at Bogarts in the next few days to verify that is what she calls herself. (LOL, here we go again) There has been some disagreement as to her stage name, but there is absolutely no doubt she is a ROB A scrawny blondeish/brown-haired bitch. Avoid her at all costs.
Regarding the latter, I have a couple issues with posting too many details of the good ones:
1) I often feel I make a contribution to a good girl's and my session, and wouldn't want someone else necessarily expecting or demanding the same experience. I may be overstating my presumed influence on her decision to offer extras based on how wonderful I am, but regardless, another PL's pushiness based on my review would be bad for the dancer, and potentially for me regarding future enjoyment, if a connection was ever made.
Having said this, I also acknowledge I feel frustrated when reading other reviews that simply say that after going to the VIP, the PL left happy or with a smile on his face. What does that mean? I presumed he came, but I have no idea what he might've paid, what was done, how much privacy/nudity occurred, or what negotiations went down - which brings me to my second concern:
2) Do too many details lay the groundwork for any do-gooders out there who want to spoil the fun? It seems not to be a problem for Bogart's and a few others, but I always stop to consider whether I should state any specific acts for fear of "exposing" the place. Of course, my specific review will probably have little if any additional impact over a mountain of reviews already posted, and perhaps our reviews reveal nothing that's not already known by those who care. I still wonder though, whether it's better to keep the juicy details to myself.
For my part, absence of evidence does *not* equal evidence of absence, and acting as if it does is moronic. And, like you, I'm not interested in advertising my favorites too widely. Mostly because I'm selfish and want them (mostly) to myself, but also because I don't want anyone tracing some cheese-dicked pushy asshole back to one of my reviews or posts.
The bad ones might see the reviews and realize they need to make changes to their service (that's looking for a bright side!)...or at least will educate fellow TUSCLers.
For information on the good ones, I say stick to PMing each other for info on specifics.
As far as getting caught by a dancer for dissing her. Fuck it. It has happened to me. No loss to me.
I'll have fun figuring out who gives the best mileage on my own.
There. I named all the girls.
btw, just for the record, none of them took me for big money. worst case i wised up after 1 dance, but their behaviour insured that they missed out on selling alot more dances that night and making alot more money in the future too.
stupid bitches actually. they think that they won when they lie and sucker you for 1 dance and they're too stupid to realize that if they were honest they could have made alot more money that night and possibly cultivated a long time regular customer that would be willing to spend the cash on them as much as several times a week.
Bad experience -- spill the beans, but be as specific about said beans as you can -- sometimes your "bad" may be another person's "tolerable"
Plus posting the name here and their tactics while unfortunately may give ideas to other ROB's, it will warn the locals who read this site.
Now if a dancer ever went above and beyond in giving me a great dance. I will not mention her name. I will not mention names of any other dancers typically. If asked they would rather not be named. Some guys talk about getting a great dance and then post a name of a dancer that did something and that could get a dancer in trouble or watched in the club.
Of course there is always the disclaimer that you should not believe anything that is posted here. I could be evil and talk about the great bj that your favorite ATF gave me just trying to get her fired or so busy that you can't hardly speak to her anymore. That would be evil though. Anyone is free to post anything though.