
What is the craziest/strangest thing you have ever seen in a SC?

Monday, January 10, 2011 6:49 PM
New Year's Eve, I went to my favorite club for lunch. I look over and see a waitress holding this guy's hand in order to guide him to his table. Not uncommon. A little while later i see a stripper holding his hand, guiding him to the stage to tip another girl. A little weird, I thought. This guy is also wearing sunglasses. IN A DARK STRIP CLUB!!! A little while later he gets up to leave. He has a guide dog with him. He was blind. Why would a blind man go into a SC? For me, actually SEEING the girl is part of the fun.


  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    But for a guy who can't see, the visuals aren't the thing. I bet he was getting more touch time than the other patrons. Not quite as crazy, but amusing as hell: three full butch lesbians pretending to be guys in a club, with their "girlfriend" in tow.
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    Certainly the funniest happened to me. magicrat can vouch for this story. He was there. I was tipping a dancer on a satalite stage. She was rolling around on the floor. When she went to get up, she grabbed onto my shorts for support. Down they went. All the way to my ankles. And I, of course, was commando. She let out a loud scream which drew the attention of everyone within 30 feet. She covered her face in her hands while apologizing to me. She was totally embarrassed. Really didn't bother me. A short time later I saw her talking to the manager and a bouncer. They both had shit eating grins on their faces. She never did come around to ask me for a dance. I guess she had already seen everything she wanted to see.
  • mikeya02
    13 years ago
    A guy came in the club with a dress, purse, and wig pretending to be a girl,except he had beard stubble and hairy legs. some weird fetish of his but the girls gave him dances.
  • sinclair
    13 years ago
    Patron vomiting on the main stage. The dumb bouncers take 20 minutes to clean it up. (These guys want to watch naked chicks all day and act tough but aren't worth a shit when a situation arises.) All the while they make the dancers keep using the stage, just avoiding the puke.
  • samsung1
    13 years ago
    Interesting story about a blind patron....I have heard a prank call about a blind stripper wanting to bring her dog on stage with her. As for just "seeing" I agree that is an important part of it but I also enjoy the touching, scent of these women, and chatting with them.
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    sam, here is the link to that video [view link] LMAO...
  • bumrubber
    13 years ago
    Best so far was seeing a dancer throw a guy out herself, without waiting for bouncers -- just collared the guy, dragged him through the club, out the front door, and threw him on the pavement. Stark naked except for her stripper heels. I can't believe she didn't lose her balance. What an athlete!
  • goldmongerATL
    13 years ago
    I was at a club once where the VIP had a full closing pocket door, so there was total privacy. A stripper came out to run to the ladies room. In her hurry/confusion/inebriated state, she had put on the customer's boxers instead of her own bottoms.
  • smoothshirt
    13 years ago
    At a club in ensenada the stripper pulled a patron onto the stage with her, pulled his cock out and blew him on stage. He was embarassed and halfheartedly tried to get away but we all tipped well and had a good laugh.
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    A dancer was said to be working her first day as it was her 18th Birthday. She is wearing a white bikini and her first set went OK, other than she was "klutzy" on her stripper footwear. The second set, was going along the same still she started her period.
  • kingcripple
    13 years ago
    clubber, thats fuckin gross! haha
  • jackslash
    13 years ago
    In a nude club in Canada, I heard a crash. A guy had gotten so drunk that he passed out and hit the floor. All the patrons turned and stared at the guy, ignoring the totally nude dancer on the stage.
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    kingcripple, Yes, and we didn't know what to do to not embarrass her. Luckily, one of the other dancers went on stage and took her off. She left the club about 15 minutes later and no one I know heard from her again.
  • vincemichaels
    13 years ago
    Ahhhh, clubber, which club?
  • glen_livet
    13 years ago
    Dancer slipped on the poll and knocked herself out. She recovered after a few minutes, but it was a bit scary.
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    vm, At the time I don't recall the name as it has gone through a number of them. Now, it is a Bobby Trap north of Homestead. Used to be my "local" club. Was never a good club, being somewhere between average and awful. Now, if not to see one person, I would not stop by. As it is, one drink, a hello, and I am out the door. BTW, I haven't seen my new Cuban friend at Stir since we were there.
  • rl27
    13 years ago
    Saw a blind man once in a club many years ago, at a now defunct club called Model Tease, and wondered the same thing myself. I once saw a dancer knock a guy out. She was wildly swinging on the pole and the guy not paying attention got up from the seat and got hit right in the face with her foot.
  • troop
    13 years ago
    i was in a ghetto type bikini club where besides the customers most of the dancers were girls from the hood. a couple dancers got into an arguement on the main floor and one of them jumped on top of the bar and took off her stripper shoes and flung them across the room at the other dancer. she them stripped off her bikini top and shorts and was standing on the bar in only her g-string screaming and swearing at the other dancer. one of the customers picked up her bikini bra and put it in his pocket. a bar employee eventually calmed her down and she spent the rest of the night walking around trying to find her bikini bra. nobody told her who took it.
  • Prim0
    13 years ago
    I've posted the story of the older stripper with the hand puppet here before. That is still the oddest thing I've seen in a club.
  • gatorfan
    13 years ago
    Customer taking off his short and climbing on stage and up the pole.
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    gf, His short what?
  • sharkhunter
    13 years ago
    One thing doesn't seem to stand out to me. 1.I remember a topless female customer strutting quickly all around a strip club with a bunch of male bouncers trying to catch up to her. She eluded them for several minutes. It was like chasing a chicken. She initially went up on stage and took off her top while the dancer (who had not gone up on stage yet) waited for her to get off of it. 2. Someone once threw a ton of monopoly money on stage at a dancer. I believe they got kicked out of the club. 3. A dancer on a tall stage went towards the edge towards a customer. Suddenly she slipped and you could hear her crashing to the hard floor. After a minute or two or her not getting back up, a bouncer came over and carried her away. 4. Dancers getting all nude in a topless club on center stage. I had this happen twice right in front of me. Only one dancer at a time. Both dancers in both clubs were fired right away after they were off stage. 5. A porn star feature entertainer leaned over the stage and grabbed my cock with her teeth through my shorts. This actually felt good for a while until she backed up without letting go. 6. The tallest feature entertainer in the world was twirling around a large sword on stage with explosives going off around different sides of the stage. 7. One dancer climbed up the satellite stage poles and then jumped down on my shoulders when I went to tip her. Needless to say a girl doing acrobatics on my shoulders didn't feel too good. 8. A DJ at closing time played "Can't Drive 55" and then said if everyone left the club doing 90, there's no way they could catch us all. I don't remember others at the moment. After reading these to refresh my memory, I'll pick number 5, the porn star. She made me part of her show and made an example of why sometimes it's better to sit back in your chair instead of leaning over the stage.
  • DandyDan
    13 years ago
    To the original poster, I myself have also seen a blind patron at a strip club, this being one of my former favorite clubs that I still go to occasionally. I thought it was kinda weird myself, but then I noticed he seemed to be the only one in his group getting any action at all. Not sure what that was all about.
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    Dancer to blind guy conversation... Dancer: Would you like to tip me for my dance? Blind guy: Sure! (pulling out his cash) Blind guy: Take a dollar out of these.
  • Prim0
    13 years ago
    LOL...I just saw that Columbus Solid Gold is going to have a feature dancer who uses fucking Puppets!!! LOL...she looks hot but jesus christ I don't go to SCs to see frickin puppets!!! From her site: [view link] "Every time we have Dakota Skye she brings new and innovative shows that are always accompanied with great energy. The puppet shows are awesome. Jeff Dunham has nothing on Dakota. When she is on stage everybody in the room has their eyes on her. All the customers love her and are always asking when she is coming back. She is easily one of my favorite features to work with. Dakota keeps the customers and staff energized and having fun. She is definitely one of the best feature entertainers in the business." Henry "Buddah", Teasers, Three Forks, Montana Again...puppets....friking hillarious!
  • kingcripple
    13 years ago
    this puppets thing. i dont know if i can envision it. i dont know if i WANT to envision it
  • BigGregly
    13 years ago
    I think the blind guy routine would be fantastic in a strip club. You put on the sunglasses, carry the white cane. The dancers can't tell if you are actually looking at them from behind the glasses and I guarantee you get WAY more action for MUCH less money than anyone else in the club! The guys on crutches or in a wheel chair always get TONS of love in the club. I bet blind guys do too! Funniest thing I ever saw was a girl come storming into the club, scan the floor for a second then stalk toward a table with 4 guys sitting at it. On her way toward the table, she snags a beer bottle off another table and whips it at the head of one of the guys. She grazed the side of his head with it then launches herself at him claws first. I never did find out if she was a pissed off gf, wife or he was her regular who she thought was hers exclusive or what. It took the bouncer, manager and DJ to haul her out the door. Guy who got hit with the bottle was SWARMED with girls the rest of the time I was there though. Fair trade? hmmm...
  • Prim0
    13 years ago
    ^^^ Clearly the dancers though he must be a "bad boy" to get that kind of an emotional reaction out of the bottle thrower and so he became instantly attractive to all the dancers. (Tries to think of a woman he can bribe to come in to the club and act that way)
  • BaddJack
    13 years ago
    Three things come to mind, and I couldn't decide which one to go with: I once went to a strip joint with a militant lesbian friend that got us thrown out when she was walking around behind the guys at the tip rail and smacking them on the head until they forked over better tips, all the while trying to drunkenly sing "She Works Hard for the Money..." Second, was the time a "feature" dancer came to town with the most enormous fake tits I ever saw. They were shaped like, but larger than, basketballs. It reminded me of the time I went into the Freak show at the fair to see the Two-headed Calf.... Third, I was watching a very fit young lady one afternoon and the bar was dead. She chose to use her second song as a work-out and started doing pushups. I flipped her some cash and demanded one-armed pushups, which she did until the end of the song. While she rested and perspired for the first 16 bars of the third song, I bet her 2 bucks for every one-handed PULL-up she could do from the bar across the top of the stage. She took me for $110 bucks. Damn.
  • Dougster
    13 years ago
    Looking back at all the time I've spent there, there have been surprisingly few crazy incidents. Just the same 'ole, same 'ole day after day. One mildly amusing thing was to see this girl in street clothes charge into the club one day and straight to the VIP room, initially she charges to an empty row then turns around and charges to the row over. She punches this guy squarely in the jaw. The guy gets up to leave, and she keeps hitting him in the face. He doesn't hit back, and everyone is just watching. They start yelling about something, she hits him in the face a couple of more times and then leaves. I ask a stripper "WTF?" and she tells me that the girl is a stripper there and that was her husband getting a "dance" from another girl. Given the club's reputation, extras, probably even FS, were included.
  • GSWx4
    13 years ago
    Walked into a club in the Philippines and there was a naked guy duct taped to a support post in the middle of the room. Though he was trying to get people to help him, everyone in the club acted as if he didn’t exist. Who? Why? I have no idea but he was still there when I left about two hours later.
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