
Great Club Names

Avatar for BaddJack

I just finished reading a review of "Jiggles" in Seattle. The name of the club made me chuckle.

My all-time favorite was a little seedy club in Phoenix in the early '90s called "Splits and Grins."

Any other good club names?


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Avatar for GSWx4

As posted last week: "Pussy Galore” on Patpong in Bangkok (and yes there was).

Avatar for nengneng

I just wonder, is there any club named, like, "High mileage show club"? That would be interesting.

Avatar for shadowcat

The Bearded Clam in Long Beach, CA but it went out of business when the girls started shaving.

Avatar for BaddJack

On Table Rock Lake in Missouri there is a regular bar and grill called the Bearded Clam. And the guy's cousin, Richard, runs a place on Lake of the Ozarks half-way between two big marinas. The name of his place? "Big Dick's Halfway Inn." Not a strip club, though.

Avatar for EarlTee

Baddjack, there's a Skinny Dick's Halfway Inn near Fairbanks -- also not a strip club.

For a strip club name I still like The Lumber Yard (Des Moines).

Avatar for GSWx4

EarlTee: While a good Roadhouse where you can usually meet some “interesting” people, Skinny Dick’s just doesn’t have any banjos playing in the background (sorry BaddJack).

Avatar for samsung1

Go Go Rama has a goofy sounding name to it but it is home of the 5 minute lap dances so I would visit if I was in the area.

Avatar for dudeanonymous

Why doesn't someone open a club simply called "Extras"?

Avatar for Clubber

Organ Grinder, but no longer open.

Avatar for DandyDan

I personally like the Bear Chest in Beloit Wisconsin, but recent reviews make it seem like a waste of time.

Avatar for scatterbrain

I always thought it was pretty clever when the club was named "The Office" (there are several on the tuscl list). I've always wanted to tell my SO that I have to work late at the 'the office' and to not wait up for me.

Or "The Library" works too for you more studious types.

Avatar for Boneus

There are clubs named Jiggles, Boom Boom Room, and Dancing Bare in Portland.

Avatar for BaddJack

scatterbrain: the men's room at my office is called "the Law Library." Clients call, I am indisposed, and my girl says: "he's in the Law Library....may I take a message?"

Avatar for fesz

how about 'Tortuga' like in privates of the Caribbean. not very clever but I thought it would be a good name for a strip club.

Avatar for SnakePlissken

"Why doesn't someone open a club simply called "Extras"?"

That is brilliant.

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