
Comments by s275ironman (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Man Card
    I didn’t know grocery stores still hire people to bag groceries. Some stores like Walmart and Meijer have the cashier do it.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    What age was the oldest stripper you had ever seen at the club?
    I have occasionally seen one that looks to be late 40’s or early 50’s. Just my guess based on appearance.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    don't sweat the petty things-pet the sweaty things
    Has a stripper ever commented on your penis?
    I think it may have been the third time I took this particular girl to VIP. The comment she made was, “It’s bigger than it was last time.”
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Have you had sex with a stripper in the club?
    I’ve never been walked in on, but at the club I frequent, the bouncers do know what is going on in the VIP. They just don’t care. All the VIP rooms have a curtain for complete privacy. The dancers usually use a hair clip to secure the curtain shut. Actually, one time a bouncer gave the girl a hair clip to use as he showed us to a VIP room. There was one time the girl forgot to use a hair clip to secure the curtain shut. As we were getting busy, a bouncer walked by and I heard him yell, “flashlight!” The girl then reached in her purse, pulled out a hair clip and secured the curtain shut. I think flashlight may have been a code word for something like, “I can see inside your room.”
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    How much does the average customer spend?
    My spending habits are on par with what Cristobal posted.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    ^ You are an ass hole
    The day that the [VIP] died
    I haven’t posted in a while, but it is a combination of things. I have been very busy and have only set aside a couple minutes daily to browse reviews and discussions. I really haven’t found very many of the discussions in the past week to be all that interesting to be honest.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Do you remember the 1st strip club you went in ?
    I was 27 and landed my first professional job with a company in Wisconsin. A week prior to moving, I scouted out the area I was moving to and remembered seeing a billboard advertisement for a strip club, but forgot the name. The following week, I drove back with as many of my possessions as I could haul in my car and once I got into town I checked into a hotel, got dinner and hung out in my room for about an hour until I go bored and decided to go check out a strip club. I Googled strip clubs nearby and found one in Wisconsin Dells named Wisconsin Dolls. It was a Sunday evening and when I got to the club, it was a small establishment that had a neighborhood bar type of vibe. I was the only customer and there was only one dancer, but she was a young hot college-aged girl. As the night progressesd, 2 more girls showed up and they were also hot college-aged girls. I only got a dance from the first girl, and I think I stayed for 2 hours and only spent a total of $60. On the drive back to the hotel, I saw the billboard again and it happened to be for a different club than the one I visited. I had enough fun to come back to this club, but first I visited that other club, Cruisin’ Chubby’s, which is a misleading name because all the girls at this club were thin. That is when I learned $60 is not enough cash to bring. I had to use the club’s ATM on that night.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Rejecting reviews
    @Dolfan, when a submission gets rejected, the writer will see the username of all 3 members who rejected it along with the reasons and comments. Just take a look at the example below, which is re-submission of a review that was rejected the previous day. https://www.tuscl.net/rev.php?id=338737&m=l
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Rejecting reviews
    I’ve never received any nasty PMs from a member whose review I’ve rejected. The only time I did receive a PM was one time I rejected a duplicate submission and once the user got the email stating why it was rejected, he sent me a PM saying it wasn’t a duplicate, and that he had a great time at the club and recommends visiting. I interpreted his PM more as a misunderstanding than anything nasty. If anything this guy didn’t seem to understand his review got submitted twice since his review did get published on the first submission. However, I once did get called out (along with 2 other members) for rejecting a review in a re-submission. The very next day, this guy re-submitted his review and at the very beginning, he named me and the other 2 members who rejected his first submission so that everyone who reads reviews for that club would know what I did. It doesn’t bother me that I was called out. If anything, it gives off the impression that this guy is a just a whiny little bitch.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Rate the TUSCL ebony
    She’s just my type. A solid 8 in my book
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    respect for others goes a long way
    Does checking 2 boards suck?
    I’m fine with either setup. I don’t mind checking 2 boards, but between the 2, I spend the majority of the time reading the VIP discussions. Before the split was made, I was scrolling past almost every discussion and rarely ever finding anything I was interested in reading, and my participation began to drop. I know the ignore function is there, but the trolls haven’t annoyed me enough to really use it. I just got in the habit of scrolling past discussions and comments from the biggest offenders.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Tampa clubs
    TitLover69, I agree with you 100%. I don’t pay unless they are out of my league. It just so happens not everyone thinks the same. On USASG I’ve seen someone post links to pictures of the strippers they’ve fucked. One guy posted a link to a picture of a disgusting hag whose age had to be north of 50, and had one of the worst boob jobs I’ve ever seen. But, this guy felt so proud that he had to brag about paying her to fuck him.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Tampa clubs
    I can’t make the comparison between Tampa and Pasco County based on personal experience. I visited Mons Venus and 2001 Odyssey once during a visit to Tampa, and did not find the time or budget to make the long drive over to Pasco County. This is steering the thread off topic a little bit, but I am answering the questions regarding why a man would pay to have sex with an ugly woman. Reading this thread and the comparisons being made, it has me thinking about the comparisons among my local Detroit area clubs. As pathetic as it may sound, some guys just want to get laid for a very cheap price and they don’t care what the woman looks like. If you just go over to USA Sex Guide, and read the Strip Club Reports on the Detroit forum, the common theme you will see is a ton of reviews for clubs like Bogarts and Henry VIII, and several guys who post there think $200 is too much to pay for FS, and the majority of the guys who post there don’t like the Flight Club. Based on what I know, I assume that most of those guys who post on USASG are the type who don’t care what a woman looks like, as long as they have a vagina, and agree to fuck them for a cheap price, that is all that matters to them.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Dancers who never go on stage...
    At a club I used to frequent, there was a dancer who would only go on stage when there was a review. She never got called on stage to dance. If she made money at this club, it was from lap dances. But I’d be surprised if she could make tipout on a nightly basis. I bought a dance from her once and it was one of the lamest dances I ever had.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Follow up to Rick's question about when...
    I don’t personally know anyone that would go to clubs with me. It is bad enough there have been a few occasions where another customer in the club starts talking to me like I’m his buddy. It is very distracting. I am there for the dancers. If I wanted to go somewhere to socialize with other dudes, I would go to a regular bar, not a strip club. Also, it can really ruin your night if some douche you don’t know, who doesn’t know how to behave, suddenly gives everyone the impression that you are there with him. The worst part is the dancers will not approach you as a result of this. With that being said, the majority of the users here on TUSCL seem like they would actually be really cool to hang out with at a club. I would make the exception for meeting other TUSCLers, otherwise my preference is to club alone.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    When do you like to club and why?
    For me part of the reason why I prefer nights is simply because a lot of clubs near where I live are regular-heavy during the daytime. I assume that if I go during the day, I’d face the risk of being largely ignored while girls give all their attention to whales. Besides, I see plenty of girls on night shift that are my type, which are girls in their mid-20’s that have a fit body type.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    When do you like to club and why?
    I live an hour away from my favorite club, and I work a typical daytime job Mon-Fri. So, due to my work schedule and club preference, Friday and Saturday evenings are usually the most convenient time for me to go. Although recently I did have a day off in the middle of the week and I went to the club on a Wednesday night. I caught up with my CF, who I hadn’t seen in a while. However, during the time she was dancing on stage, one by one, I had to fend off dancers I had no interest in. Yes, there were a lot less customers than there are on a Friday or Saturday night, but there were plenty of other customers in the club, so I’m not so sure how I suddenly became a hot commodity. But, overall I did like the club atmosphere a lot better on a mid-week evening than on a weekend evening.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    I was in Tampa last spring and went to both Mons and 2001. I may be the only one who thinks 2001 is the better of the 2, but perhaps I caught Mons on a bad night, or I was there too early.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    New Jersey
    article approval time
    I would wait at least a month from the time you submitted it. After that, then just a simple pm to founder should suffice.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    To Verify or Not to Verify
    I got verified. It is a no hassle process. Since you don’t have to show your face in the picture, you can keep your anonymity. And, since founder has had this site up for over 25 years, I think we can trust him. Otherwise this site wouldn’t be getting all the traffic it gets.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    GPS Unleashed: Tell stories here!
    My most memorable GPS story is nothing out of the ordinary. There is this girl who works at my favorite club that offers BJs for $400 and FS for $500. I told her she was asking for too much, so she said she would go as low as $350 for FS. If I am going to pay $350 for FS, the girl better be at least a 9, but this girl was a 7 at best, so I declined her offer. About 6 months later, I ran into her again, and she offered her services for the exact same prices. However, this time when I declined her offer for $350, she suggested I pay $300 and tip her $50 if I am satisfied. I declined her offer again.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    respect for others goes a long way
    Get Verified
    The process seems simple. As long as your face isn’t in the picture, you should be able to remain anonymous.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    OT: Death Of The Large American Sedan-- WTF !!??
    Being a single guy, I can’t see myself driving anything other than a sedan. If I were married and had children, then something like an SUV would make sense.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Tallest woman you've banged ?
    The tallest stripper I’ve banged was 5’10” without heels. I myself am only 5’9”, so compared to me, this girl looked like a giant when she was wearing her stripper heels. I prefer girls who are shorter, within the 5’3”-5’6” range.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    BBBJ and BBFS in the clubs?
    ^ You are right Papi. CFS should not negate BBBJ. It just seems like the majority of the girls at my go-to club will only do CBJ, at least on the night shift. It may be different during the day. As I mentioned before, I don’t ask for it to be uncovered, so I am letting them decide if they want to do it covered or not, and a CBJ is better than no BJ at all.