
Tampa clubs

avatar for JohnSmith69
layin low but staying high

I’m in Tampa this week and went to a couple of the clubs that so many people are excited about in Pasco county. Horrible clubs. Went to the flamingo place first. Dancer comes up to talk to me in the first five minutes and she has hideous boils on her legs. Looks like she should be in the hospital. Or at least bandaged. And an hour later I learned that she was the most attractive woman of the dozen strippers in the club. Hideously ugly women. None I would rate above a 4 even high.

Then I went to bare assets which is the other “nice” club in town so I am told. They had one stripper working the entire night. And only one. Never in my life have I seen a club with only one stripper working in the evening. But she was a 7 (ok probably a 6 but the little head wanted to get wet so he exaggerates) so I got a couple of dances from her to test the place out and see if the mileage was as promised. I had hundreds in my pocket and was prepared to overpay for sex. The little cunt wouldnt even take her top off unless I first promise to tip her. She was lazy, distracted, disinterested, and a ROB.

After these two experiences I wasn’t about to go to any of the “dive” clubs in the area.

Why do you guys like these places so much. Are you really so desperate that you’ll pay to fuck women that are this ugly?

I’m headed back to Mons. Beautiful women, high mileage dances, and great otc shopping. Please tell me if I’m missing something but I can’t imagine ever again taking the long drive to Pasco clubs.


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avatar for Jascoi
6 yrs ago

mods for the eye candy. I’d check out 2001 too. Bare assets also.

avatar for Jascoi
6 yrs ago

mons. (fuckin seri)

avatar for Warrior15
6 yrs ago

Go to Bare Assets later in the week. Thursday to Friday.

You will get good looking girls at Mons Venus. Have to go at night.

Check out Scores. They have pasties, but you can drink while you watch the girls.

No extras at Mons or Scores though.

But I would definitely put Tampa behind Miami and Detroit.

avatar for JohnSmith69
6 yrs ago

I’d put Tampa behind Atlanta and Dallas as well. It would have been behind Phoenix too before the fun at Hi Liter ran into trouble. But i do really love Mons girls. They are John Smith’s type.

avatar for Muddy
6 yrs ago

I thought you were in semi retirement from clubbing John good to hear your back doing your thing. Hey just curious any update on that redhead DS? Just wondering, loved that story.

Tampa and Florida in general I really have to check out. But yes, the more I club, the more I see that this daytime "7" that is so talked about is really a fucking nighttime 4.

avatar for doctorevil
6 yrs ago

Hmmm—you had a very different experience at those two clubs than me. At Brass Flamingo I had very nice ITC and OTC sessions with a super cute 19 year old blonde. When I went to Bare Assets there were a couple of dozen dancers working and most were more than acceptable. Sorry it didn’t work out for you.

avatar for minnow
6 yrs ago

"Why do you guys like these places so much?" JS69, two words: Beer Goggles.

avatar for s275ironman
6 yrs ago

I can’t make the comparison between Tampa and Pasco County based on personal experience. I visited Mons Venus and 2001 Odyssey once during a visit to Tampa, and did not find the time or budget to make the long drive over to Pasco County.

This is steering the thread off topic a little bit, but I am answering the questions regarding why a man would pay to have sex with an ugly woman. Reading this thread and the comparisons being made, it has me thinking about the comparisons among my local Detroit area clubs. As pathetic as it may sound, some guys just want to get laid for a very cheap price and they don’t care what the woman looks like. If you just go over to USA Sex Guide, and read the Strip Club Reports on the Detroit forum, the common theme you will see is a ton of reviews for clubs like Bogarts and Henry VIII, and several guys who post there think $200 is too much to pay for FS, and the majority of the guys who post there don’t like the Flight Club. Based on what I know, I assume that most of those guys who post on USASG are the type who don’t care what a woman looks like, as long as they have a vagina, and agree to fuck them for a cheap price, that is all that matters to them.

avatar for MidWTraveler
6 yrs ago

I had a good experience at Scarlets at Yarbor Strip. I probably over paid some but I had fun. First went in the afternoon and came back later.

avatar for s275ironman
6 yrs ago

TitLover69, I agree with you 100%. I don’t pay unless they are out of my league. It just so happens not everyone thinks the same. On USASG I’ve seen someone post links to pictures of the strippers they’ve fucked. One guy posted a link to a picture of a disgusting hag whose age had to be north of 50, and had one of the worst boob jobs I’ve ever seen. But, this guy felt so proud that he had to brag about paying her to fuck him.

avatar for doctorevil
6 yrs ago

Ironman: “I don’t pay unless they are out of my league.” I agree with that. However, even a 50-year old disgusting hag may be out of the league of some of us.

avatar for AZFourTwenty
6 yrs ago

Out here in Phoenix, we have our "Bandaids", a club that gets good comments but has completely undesirable dancers IMO. There appears to be a lot of people more comfortable with unattractive dancers.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 yrs ago

People have different tastes - as long as they know what they're doing and doing what they like/want, then just different strokes for different folks.

There are PLs whom are convinced the girl they think it hot is "universally hot" - plenty of times guys have posted pics on here of girls they consider "hot as fuck" only to learn he is in the minority of that opinion.

Some people like a certain type, and that type may not necessarily be one that looks like a model - for me, most Victoria Secret models don't do much for me and is not what I seek - I accept they are attractive, but they don't float my boat.

avatar for stanlee
6 yrs ago

I’ve not been to any clubs outside dale mabry or the airport area so my experience is limited. 2001 was a great time for me twice. Granted I was fucked up. Mons never worked out. Hot chicks but not my scene.

Penthouse sucked during happy hour visit. Doll house was awesome several times, but not Detroit awesome if you feel me. I’d like to catch Linzdeet in Tampa but schedules haven’t worked out. She looks fun.

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