Follow up to Rick's question about when...
Everything written by this member is a fact.
Do you club alone, with a friend, or in a group?
And which do you prefer?
I almost exclusively go alone and prefer it that way. I would like to meet up with quite a few of the characters who contribute here though.
And which do you prefer?
I almost exclusively go alone and prefer it that way. I would like to meet up with quite a few of the characters who contribute here though.
But once I crossed 30 years old, my preferences turned a lot more to one-on-one time with the girls. After doing most of my early clubbing in fairly buttoned up northeast clubs (that has changed too but back then it was very controlled), my eyes were opened to the world of possibilities when I took a business trip to Fort Lauderdale and ended up in the CR of a club where a 9.5 worked some very special magic. After that, I started clubbing almost exclusively solo.
All things said I’m fine alone. I’m not gonna beg or try to drag my friends out. Most of them are not interested in spending.
About three years ago, mostly out of curiosity of finding out a couple SA girls I had met were dancers I started going back. (alone)
I prefer alone. I'm not sure why since I was never the "old experienced guy" before but it always seemed like I was the only person in the group that kept his wits and common sense about him.
Going by myself I only need to concern myself with my own actions.
Like most mongers I like to go do my own thing for that exact point - I can do my own thing and no body knows! Keeps everyone happy.
We have all seen the fools out with a group where there are acouple guys “really” enjoying the strippers and acouple guys are sort of tagging along. You can be damned sure the tag alongs are trying to behave out of respect for their SO and family and you can be double dog sure their SOs will Grill and Question them heavily in the near future.
This past summer I was in a strip club when a bachelor party showed up and started throwing cash around - the dancers responded as expected. They got the groom on stage, stripped him to his skivies, slapped a dog collar and leash on him, cuffed him and then stripped his skivies off him. Everyone was having a great old time along sniffers row as us regulars filtered away to put add distance as the dancer started using a vibrator on his erection.
Before we could blink in came the bachelorette party with his soon to be bride - that was funnier than hell as the shit hit the fan. She lost her shit entirely at her former to be husband, her brother the former best man and every guy along the stage. The girls in her bachelorette group seemed to be the wives or girlfriends of most of the guys because it erupted into a holy cluster fuck of screaming, cussing, slapping, crying, hitting and throwing drinks as these women went after the guys of the bachelor party. It was funny to watch as the dancers were quietly swept away from the action by the regulars. And it was even funnier to see the look on “his” face as “she” screamed that they were done and she didn’t want his fucking ring that flew so nice across the bar.
My point is that this is a hobby best enjoyed with out an audience.
So eventually, I decided to just go alone but occasionally I will go with groups for parties or a guy's night out.
I definitely prefer to go SCing by myself because I don't have to worry about anyone else having a good time, getting drunk, etc.
But, as documented ad nauseum here, I've had a crew of PLs I've been SCing with for a few decades; the core group of two guys has stayed the same, with other guys coming and leaving the group over the years. I'd never NOT choose this over going alone.
I have no real motivation to go alone: I have nothing to be ashamed of at the SC and have no need to hide; also I'm generally social and love hanging out with my buddies anyway.
I have lots of motivation to go with a group of PLs: commute there together (fun conversation etc. during the 60-90 minutes it takes to get there), walk through the city together with 2-6 guys (safer), table absolutely full of guys and strippers and never-ending shots is fun as fuck, can have fun just talking to my CF but then re-join the group conversation, when someone wants a stripper we just send one of the strippers from our table to fetch her (she'll sometimes pull that stripper away from other customers, get her from the back, etc), then have guys to swap stories with and compare mileage with on the way home. And if we go and the lineup is just so-so, honestly, an afternoon out drinking with my buddies is always fun anyway.
I think the "'I'm there for the girls, so I don't like groups" excuse is often just to cover social awkwardness -- with a bunch of guys, you get MORE access to more girls, not less. SCing with amateurs sucks, but I'll always choose SCing with a group of PLs
But then the Monger in me comes out. I go alone. These are the visits to the club that I have a "purpose".
As for my friends and fellow workers? No way. There’s no way most of them would understand, and, living in a part of the country where our chose relationship is akin to Satan worship, I’m not going to put my wife in the position of being the butt of any kind of commentary.
Another place where our experiences differ. I find that some girls don't like approaching groups and definitely are more cautious about discussing things like OTC. Also, the social awkwardness I'm trying to avoid is that of others when confronted by half naked girls, not my own. Too many guys don't know how to deal with strippers or to make the most of it and start running off at the mouth after getting all butt hurt, or are disappointed and want to leave, etc. It's even worse when I go with them in the same car because I have to leave when they do.
Shit, even the guys who do know the score can fuck things up for you, including one of the only guys I will still club with. Recently, I had to leave early because a buddy of mine got tossed for fucking a girl in an open LD area. Kudos to him for making the most of it, but as he should have known, in this particular club that sort of thing is not tolerated. He didn't even get to nut before getting tossed and, in the process, he ruined my night too since I was his ride.
Then there are the guys who just can't keep their mouths shut about what happened ITC. In the old days, you could count on your boys to keep their lips zipped about what happened in a club. But nowadays too many guys my age and younger are just too fucking emotionally weak to keep their yaps shut. Their eagerness to please leads them to gossiping about shit that they shouldn't, including (and sometimes especially) to their SOs. This also bit me in the ass once many moons ago and has made me cautious about who I'll take to a club and what I'll do ITC when I'm with others.
So with all that said, as much as I enjoy hanging out with boys at the bar while catching a game or UFC on the tv, I find most of them to be a huge fucking anchor at strip clubs.
BTW, I do realize I'm projecting -- I feel like since I like groups better, you all should too :) But, the things you're describing are not things I run into at all in our group of PLs. We get there as a group, we leave as a group. We're going to be there 3-4 hours, and everyone knows it. If you don't find a girl, well, have fun drinking with your buddies and talking to the girls at the table. Sometimes we get a new guy, I give him the "don't be an asshole; don't be a little bitch" speech on the train ride up, and it's always gone fine.
When I say we get more access to girls, it's for a number of reasons. Some of the guys in our group will already have appointments with strippers, who will meet us when we get there. You want another girl at the club? We'll send one of our girls to get her and bring her back. You want to dance with one of the girls at the table, even though she's hanging out with your buddy? No problem, we share! It's not uncommon we have what I think are the hottest 3-4 girls at the club at our table, and some of those girls would be otherwise unavailable because they're sitting with someone else -- you can dance with any of them though.
I could see how an awkward amateur might want to leave early, or go full retard upon seeing a naked girl. I just don't experience it. If someone did that, they wouldn't get invited back
Well it is new to the VIP Room.
Please don't tell me you're gonna start wearing a 3-piece polyester-suit to the club
With that being said, the majority of the users here on TUSCL seem like they would actually be really cool to hang out with at a club. I would make the exception for meeting other TUSCLers, otherwise my preference is to club alone.
Precisely. Also, enough people found it interesting to post comments, including some who have no doubt seen it before. I don't see anything wrong with questions resurfacing from time to time and anyone who doesn't like it should just move on.
If I'm not meeting with a fellow tuscl'er at this point I'm probably not going to go. But that could change. My clubbing desires change regularly.
I don't mind going alone, and have had most of my best fun on solo trips. Just would rather meet up with like minded individuals right now. Ask me again in six