
Man Card

Everything written by this member is a fact.
Monday, March 4, 2019 9:57 AM
Whenever you check out with a cart at Publix, the bagger always asks to help you take it out to the car. This gets them outside so they can collect whatever carts are in the parking lot. Plus they like it because bagging is boring. I always turn down the offer. I think it would look ridiculous to have someone push my cart for me. And I would feel I'd have to forfeit my Man Card if I had someone do it for me. What are other things that you feel would deserve that punishment?


  • BoringLoser
    5 years ago
    Letting someone peel back the plastic film on your fruit cup for you
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    Being a liberal :)
  • JohnTitor
    5 years ago
    Having your wife drive when you go to publix
  • jsully63
    5 years ago
    Using valet parking.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
  • MackTruck
    5 years ago
    Asking a CFO to squeeze your lemons until the juice runs down your leg and then wanting the juice too
  • MackTruck
    5 years ago
    [view link] Here is where that got posted
  • MackTruck
    5 years ago
    If you want to get a man card you could get it here... [view link]
  • flagooner
    5 years ago
    Driving a minivan
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    Strip clubbing in Orlando
  • MackTruck
    5 years ago
    What if you live on the minivan
  • flagooner
    5 years ago
    Driving an Infiniti
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    Being a patronizer
  • MackTruck
    5 years ago
    Shitting at McDonald's
  • doctorevil
    5 years ago
    “Strip clubbing in Orlando”. Shit!
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    Wearing skinny-jeans
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    Drinking coffee at Starbucks
  • MackTruck
    5 years ago
    Putting creme and sugar in your coffee
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    Riding a scooter
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    Watching soccer or tennis
  • Daddillac
    5 years ago
    I saw a guy the other day with a duck dynasty beard and skinny jeans.... I almost beat his ass just because someone needed to do it
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    Rooting for Georgia Tech ;)
  • IceyLoco
    5 years ago
    I have no problem letting people do things for me. But things that make a man less manly that I wouldn't ever do..... Wear skinny jeans Man buns Afraid to approach a dancer for a dance Drinking mixed drinks Rolling his own blunts Gossips like a bitch Being loud or touchy feely Being a PL Dressing preppy Not lifting weights
  • IceyLoco
    5 years ago
    Having to resort to hookers.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    Trolling in the persona of a pimp drug dealer. Not being smart enough to maintain that persona...
  • IceyLoco
    5 years ago
    Guess I hit a nerve. I'm a real person not a caricature, like you're a caricature of a PL
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    Carrying a man-purse
  • IceyLoco
    5 years ago
    wearing girly colors dying hair makeup
  • RandomMember
    5 years ago
    @Fruitcup: "driving an Infiniti" ------- The only thing feminine about G37C is that you typically find a hot young girl in passenger seat
  • georgmicrodong
    5 years ago
    Letting someone else tell me what constitutes deserving a man card.
  • flagooner
    5 years ago
    Getting butt-hurt when someone pokes fun at your car.
  • RandomMember
    5 years ago
    I have three cars, little guy
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    IceyLoco said "I'm a real person not a caricature..." Given your history, that would only make your situation sadder. Only you and SJG compulsively post to nearly every single thread to scold others about having fun wrong. How's that working out for you? Making any grand inroads to changing what motivates guys to go to strip clubs?
  • s275ironman
    5 years ago
    I didn’t know grocery stores still hire people to bag groceries. Some stores like Walmart and Meijer have the cashier do it.
  • flagooner
    5 years ago
    Trying to impress people by claiming you have more than one car.
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    Not buying at least one round when you are out with friends
  • flagooner
    5 years ago
    They help the cashiers.
  • Lone_Wolf
    5 years ago
    They always asked that at Safeway and it was a major annoyance for me. Why should I be forced to answer a question 99.5 percent of people are going to say "no" to.
  • flagooner
    5 years ago
    I'd say about 1/3 of the ladies take them up on the offer.
  • JamesSD
    5 years ago
    Driving a huge ass truck when you have a desk job Starting drunken fights at bars because you can't get laid Being afraid of smart women
  • @ james omg yes you are the epitome of mancard!
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    The pussies that use '^' when they post
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    ^Good thing I’m in the clear then.
  • shadowcat
    5 years ago
    Telling her that you won't cum in her mouth.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    I think maybe we can get @nice spice to be in charge of revoking man cards ;)
  • MackTruck
    5 years ago
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    And @blahblah can cut them up after Spicey revokes them
  • skibum609
    5 years ago
    Complaining about being cold. Being a "balla". Letting a woman support you.
  • IceyLoco
    5 years ago
    Divorce attorneys have the clout of ambulance chasers.
  • BoringLoser
    5 years ago
    Not getting your lemon squeezed
  • Uprightcitizen
    5 years ago
    Fucking morbidly obese women in a swingers club because it's cool being watched.
  • Uprightcitizen
    5 years ago
    ...pathetic loser is an understatement for IL. What a fucktard.
  • blahblahblah23
    5 years ago
    What happens when I cut up these man cards 25?
  • jackslash
    5 years ago
    Posting on strip club discussion boards.
  • Uprightcitizen
    5 years ago
    Jackslash FTW!
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    ^ +1
  • crazyjoe
    5 years ago
    Driving a shit truck
  • ATACdawg
    5 years ago
    @flag: Hey! I love driving our Pacifica. That car will do anything but lay and blow me. It may be that I just haven't found that app on the main screen yet....... ...and I have my Hemi Charger to exercise my man card ;-)
  • flagooner
    5 years ago
    WTF is a Pacifica?
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    Buying tampons. Asking for directions. Having a shared man cave. Drinking a wine cooler.
  • Clubber
    5 years ago
    Feeling a "need" to have a Man Card!
  • 501traveler
    5 years ago
    Eating fried chicken with a knife and fork. Being a vegan Hanging out at the nail salon with a girl while she gets her nails done
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    ^ Do you know who else eats fried chicken with a knife and fork? Our macho president. Lol
  • flagooner
    5 years ago
    Wearing a designer back brace.
  • flagooner
    5 years ago
    BTW, I'm sure I lost my Man Card years ago. Not really something to worry about.
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    Where did broseph go? I think he was the ultimate authority on all that is man
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    @flagooner godamnit I post on little thing about my cervical spine problems over a year ago and y’all make fun of my pain you’re heartless.
  • blahblahblah23
    5 years ago
    Can I get a man card if i put on a mustache n beard
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    You’re more macho than many of our posters, not an insult to you.
  • flagooner
    5 years ago
    If Nancy Pelosi has another face lift she might have a beard.
  • IceyLoco
    5 years ago
    Nancy Pelosi is in your age range....
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    Hey txtwatty you’re the pussy that was gonna kick my ass in tootsies in January you never showed up I’d be real careful about man cards faggy you never had one ROFLMAO Stupid mumbling motherfucker, go get your teeth fixed or something LOLZ
  • ATACdawg
    5 years ago
    @flag: A Chrysler Pacifica is the marque's flagship minivan.
  • BoringLoser
    5 years ago
    Asking for trusts
  • flagooner
    5 years ago
    Crying to @founder about TUSCL not being exactly how you like it. It takes to long to load. I don't like the new format. I want an Edit capability. Too many colors. Not enough colors. I want the Ignore function changed. Etc... Etc... What a bunch of crying little girls.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    I think some of y’alls man cards got switched out for whiney little bitch cards.
  • flagooner
    5 years ago
  • JohnTitor
    5 years ago
    rocking crocs
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