What age was the oldest stripper you had ever seen at the club?

avatar for LolitaLove789


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avatar for Daddillac
6 years ago
I would guess 55, I may have seen one older but thats the oldest anyone admitted to
avatar for DrunkPraetorian
6 years ago
avatar for LolitaLove789
6 years ago
I jokingly told my parents I was going to be a stripper. My dad responded with “You’re 24, you only have a good 5-6 years left” then chuckled. He was joking, but it seriously made me consider the average age range of strippers lol.
avatar for PaulDrake
6 years ago
I saw one that definitely looked like she was in her 70s at a dive (cabaret east in arlington FYI). She seemed to be have fun and a few patrons had fun tipping her.
avatar for georgmicrodong
6 years ago
She bartends more often these days, but she’s still dancing regularly. She’s 68. Almost as appealing as me.
avatar for LolitaLove789
6 years ago
Wow, to hear older women this active is awesome...it takes much strength to hold all of your body weight like that. (Not sure if they’re doing a bunch of pole tricks) I’d be a little worried about my bones though.
avatar for JohnTitor
6 years ago
Probably not much more than late thirties.
I only go for 22 to about 28 y.o.
avatar for Lurker_X
6 years ago
I don't know her age but I did see the grey haired bartender of a dive club drop her top and get on stage - she did not have the body for this anymore and didn't have a graceful strut for walking. I averted my eyes and waited for the song to end... I think nearly everyone there saw it as kind of a joke.
avatar for nicespice
6 years ago
I jokingly told my parents I was going to be a stripper. My dad responded with “You’re 24, you only have a good 5-6 years left”

When a male boyfriend/friend/family member says something like that, or commenting you’re not a Barbie enough/you’re not ready for stage/you’re too sweet as a person/etc it’s most likely an indirect way of saying “I don’t want you associated with those whores”

Most dancers skew young, but there’s always the lifers who keep going on and you will find them in every club. (At nicer ones they just simply took care of themselves and done Botox, etc)

A dancer stays when management lets her and the customers are paying enough for it to be profitable.

There is one dancer who actually started at the age of 34 ten years ago named Valerie Stunning. Tho she has definitely done well for herself and isn’t too obviously older.
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
There was one that worked Cheetah in WPB that was 63, she didn't look totally terrible, but she wasn't very hot any more.
avatar for IfIGottaBeDamned
6 years ago
One of my faves is mid 40s. Dances 5 nights a week.
avatar for laplurker
6 years ago
A while back, a Cheetah WPB dancer with very well done fakes told me she was 46. I would have guessed 36. She is not there anymore.
avatar for LolitaLove789
6 years ago
@nicespice she looks great!!
avatar for Warrior15
6 years ago
In south Florida, it's not unusual to see a 50 year old stripper. Probably the oldest I can remember was in Cocoa Beach at Inner Room. Really aggressive woman that I am guessing is 56-58. I've never gotten dances from her, but I've seen her in the place a few times. So she must be making something. During the day, half of the patrons of Inner Room are over 70 years old, so she is still considered a young-un.
avatar for TFP
6 years ago
Oldest ones I've ever seen were at Playhouse Lounge in NJ. One named Cayenne, another named Georgia. Cayenne I believe is in her 50's but quite popular because her body is still extremely fit and she still delivers that PH handshake to perfection.
avatar for pistola
6 years ago
62. And as soon as I hear the word grandmother my junk shrivels.
avatar for LolitaLove789
6 years ago
@pistola ahahaha!!! I can visualize that lmao.
avatar for Nidan111
6 years ago
I had VIP with 40 year old this week. She looked 27 ish. I had VIP w/extras with a 55 year old 3 months ago and of the two dancers I did VIP With (23 yr old and 55 yr old), the 55 year old was able to finish me. I’m guessing that experience counts; it did that night!
avatar for LolitaLove789
6 years ago
@Nidan111 sweet, good for you. Maybe that’s why I find older men appealing, more experience (and grateful, I might add) ! Ahaha
avatar for GeneraI
6 years ago
One of my favorites is 37, so you got several years in you, just need to take the plunge and let us know which club so we can all help your first night be successful.
avatar for GeneraI
6 years ago
Your pics are fantastic btw
avatar for s275ironman
6 years ago
I have occasionally seen one that looks to be late 40’s or early 50’s. Just my guess based on appearance.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
In most clubs there isn't much pole-work going on or at least it's not mandatory to do pole-tricks - many if not most dancers often just sway on stage - thus the pole is not really a big-factor w.r.t. age - in most clubs most of the work a dancer does is off stage.
avatar for Huntsman
6 years ago
I saw one in a small town club that was in her 60s, struggled with moving on stage in heels and was the only stripper working that night. The beer was cheap though.
avatar for DeclineToState
6 years ago
38. MILFs are hot if they're in good shape. Older ones that are less flaky than the sub-25 girls are appealing to me.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
To my knowledge the oldest dancer I've danced was 41 when I met her - she was AA, slim with a flat stomach and large natural Ds which stayed in place w/o a bra - she would work-out with a personal trainer a couple of times a week and her biceps were rock-hard whenxahe would flex them - she would style her hair and dress like the young girls and she could pass for 29 or 30 - being AA her skin and bod were taught and not a single wrinkle.

The oldest dancer I've noticed but didn't get dances with was a white-lady in a Dallas club (the old Fare in the mid-2000s I think) - she looked her age but her bod was slim and kinda muscular, she obviously worked-out - her boobs were small-Cs which matched her frame but obviously fake.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
^ the white lady looked around 50
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
avatar for Michigan
6 years ago
50, and she's had plenty of plastic surgery.
avatar for Muddy
6 years ago
23. Might be game over Lolita.
avatar for Subraman
6 years ago
Mitchell Brothers used to have a stripper from the 1970s, who I guess helped make their reputation, back every year. Not a house girl, of course, but for a couple of shows. She was at least in her 60s, and probably more like in her 70s, last time I saw her. To their credit, the house girls -- arguably some of the most beautiful women in stripperdom -- would sit and watch her in rapt attention and with respect.
avatar for reverendhornibastard
6 years ago
I don’t know how old he/she/it was, but a stripper approached me in a Houston club who reminded me of Betty Davis from “What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?” I’d guess he/she/it was in his/her/its 50s.
avatar for hepguy
6 years ago
Two I've encountered at Block clubs in Baltimore... One said tell me your age and I'll tell you mine, she was 45, and suggested a visit to my hotel room which I declined. The other said she was 42 and had recently become a grandmother.
avatar for Muddy
6 years ago
Some of these answers are crazy. If you have been to any shitty dive club in America, you have seen plenty of dancers 40+. That shit is not that rare. A top club in a big city, yeah maybe but there are plenty of dancers in there 30’s working at top clubs. They totally have there market. A lot of TUSCL guys on here prefer them a little older, less drama. Look Lolita your hot that’s going away anytime soon, just give it a shot, your gonna make a lot of money for very little hours. You’ll see. We know how much over here because we see exactly what comes out of our wallets.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
63....she was very proud of it. Actually called herself Lolita and had pigtails and dressed like a school girl...
avatar for jackslash
6 years ago
The oldest stripper I ever fucked was 51. She had a great body.
avatar for 501traveler
6 years ago
Visited the Clermont Lounge in Atlanta once and the some of the dancers had to be 55 to 60 years old.
avatar for doctorevil
6 years ago
I went to the.Clermont Lounge about a year ago for the first time in over 30 years. Blondie, a blonde AA stripper had already been there for years whent I first went there, and she’s still there today.
avatar for lotsoffun201
6 years ago
I’ve met a few in their 50’s and even more in their 40’s. I seem to click better with the older ones so I seek out MILF dancers who are on the older side.
avatar for Uprightcitizen
6 years ago
Honestly I don't know. I like younger dancers so I don't really get the opportunity to find out. But even so it's not like I am asking how old an older woman is as it's usually a vibe killer.
avatar for Daddillac
6 years ago
Blondie at the clermont was 54 in 2011 when this article was written

avatar for shadowcat
6 years ago
This article says that the average age of the Clermont Lounge dancers is 46. Porsha is 70.

avatar for DandyDan
6 years ago
The oldest dancer I ever met was in her 60's when I met her, although her exact age was a mystery.She'd be in her 70's today if she is alive. She sounded like Bea Arthur of The Golden Girls when you banged her. The oldest dancer who stated her age was 56 at the time. There's a dancer at the club I visit nowadays who said she was 53 the last time I saw her there.
avatar for Uprightcitizen
6 years ago
Shadowcat Porsha sounds more like a Studebaker.
avatar for blahblahblah23
6 years ago
The oldest one admitted herself to me was 42, but I think she looked 50+ honestly. I mean I have relatives that are nearly 60 and they look younger than that. Her body was busted too...

There were 2 ladies I saw down in the FL panhandle at a club that I am just about 100% sure are at least 40+. But they are HOT. One of them seemed like she got a ton of work done, but it was the right work and was very brilliant. Other one was very nice and seemed like she lifted/worked out like a motherfucker. I mean she had a little work done but I would say a lot of it was working out. If only I could look like that at that age. Seriously she was ridiculously hot even if I suspect 45ish.
avatar for blahblahblah23
6 years ago
Anyway I don't think that botox and procedures save some of these ladies from an entire lifetime of horrible choices. the 42 year old has had a LOT of work done. and she looks super old for 42. My mother looked way better at that age I recall as a point of reference. and my friends' mothers.
avatar for LolitaLove789
6 years ago
@blahblahblah23 yeah, having work done can only do so much before it becomes obviously noticeable. I know genes play a huge role as well. Staying hydrated/healthy diet and working out is probably the best lifestyle to have in order to remain youthful looking. Although, dancing already is a good workout.
avatar for blahblahblah23
6 years ago
Well a lot of the aging horribly I wanna say is drugs. Like hardcore drugs. I don't know anyone that has aged horribly from weed/cocaine. Not that I am for it, I don't do anything other than drink occasionally.

Dancing can be a workout. It depends how much of the time at work you are on stage and how much effort you put in. And is it mooooorrreee of a vip room club or is it just dances w/o upsell. Because it is so easy to be at least somewhat fit if the club doesn't even have a VIP upsell. But it is only a real workout at first I think. And again depends how much effort u put in. I imagine gals at urban clubs get the best workouts LOL. That shit they do on stage or for a lapdance isn't easy.
avatar for LolitaLove789
6 years ago
Yeah, I can definitely tell when someone has done hard drugs for a good portion of their life. Not sure how badly alcohol plays a factor. I should probably cut back on my drinking.

Pole dancing alone I feel like is a great workout. The only exercise I do is running. Yeah, I can see why. Your body will adjust and in order to keep building muscle/strength is if you up your game once you don’t feel sore anymore.
avatar for Htxx
6 years ago
Silver criket in Dearborn has the dynamic duo (Rachel Rocket & trouble) working dayshift right now both mid 50’s. The only “pole tricks” they’re doing though is in the back rooms. Me personally? I still see and fuck a size 2 former bogarts dancer who while retired is still a great body/fuck otc at 58.
avatar for blahblahblah23
6 years ago
that's what I was trying to say. I don't think the age matters so long as their body looks right. I mean J Lo is on the older side but she is HOT. But I do believe at that age unless you just have incredible genetics/great metabolism you gotta do some weight training for sure. cardio alone won't get anyone J Lo's age to look like that.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
Yeah genes obviously play a role - but many a dancer probably mistreats her body from yesrs of late nights (possibly not getting enough sleep/rest), drinking, smoking, poor diet, etc, which takes its toll - at times I've even seen a stark difference from a dancer I met in her early-20s to when I've seen her 5-years later in her mid/late 20s where it seems they've maybe been partying too-much or not taking good care
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
^ i.e. the dancer lifestyle itself can often accelerate their aging
avatar for Mate27
6 years ago
Age is just a number, but when you start to have mealy, dry skin it’s time to hang it up. I knew a dancer that I hadn’t seen in a few years, got a dance and could see the crows feet in her eyes close up from the dimly light club. Once she sat down and danced for me it felt like her skin was the texture of wax paper. She was younger than me, couldn’t have been past 40. Not sure if that is due to genetics, but her skin had aged in two or 3 years since I saw her and I swear I will never have anothe dance with her again.

By the way, she told me that her bj technique is the best and she wanted to show it to me. No thanks! Your hands are like sandpaper.
avatar for Mate27
6 years ago
Age is just a number, but when you start to have mealy, dry skin it’s time to hang it up. I knew a dancer that I hadn’t seen in a few years, got a dance and could see the crows feet in her eyes close up from the dimly light club. Once she sat down and danced for me it felt like her skin was the texture of wax paper. She was younger than me, couldn’t have been past 40. Not sure if that is due to genetics, but her skin had aged in two or 3 years since I saw her and I swear I will never have anothe dance with her again.

By the way, she told me that her bj technique is the best and she wanted to show it to me. No thanks! Your hands are like sandpaper.
avatar for blahblahblah23
6 years ago
I don't think that years of not getting enough sleep/rest makes someone look super haggard. From what I have seen the roughest looking girls for their age whether stripper or not have done 1 or any combo of these: hardcore drugs, smoke, or too much tanning/sun exposure.

Also sometimes a girl has underlying health problems that she has no control over- that shit really ages someone. Seen it with my own eyes. But I'd say most of these conditions are purely genetic at least the ones I am thinking of. So in that scenario they aren't really at fault...
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
^ If you have money and decent health nowadays it’s very easy to retain a youthful appearance. Between exercise and pharmaceutical treatments, medical remedies and more, it may not make a woman look like she’s in her twenties but but there is no excuse for just giving up and failing to take care of yourself.
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
You can maybe even look 10-15 years younger.

But much of what's out there is just to feed shallow vanity.
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
^ I don’t know about shallow vanity, but I do believe in the adage “looking good , makes you feel good”
avatar for LolitaLove789
6 years ago
Well, thankfully the Hispanic side of me gave me slightly oily skin so that should prevent some wrinkles haha. Exactly, if you look good you feel good!
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
I didn't say all, I said much.

Botox, nose jobs, face lifts, etc... I put in that camp.
avatar for ATACdawg
6 years ago
My ATF is 48. She started dancing when she was 35. Still sexy as hell, but dancing has taken a toll on her back; she will likely need surgery in the near future.

She is the oldest dancer that I have been aware of.
avatar for Cristobal
6 years ago
I've seen a few that look like they are in their 40s.

The oldest I've been with said she was 37 but looked 25 and she was incredible.
avatar for blahblahblah23
6 years ago
I didn't say all, I said much.

Botox, nose jobs, face lifts, etc... I put in that camp.

^ I feel like some of the older gals go way overboard with all that stuff. I mean some of them look like mutants.
avatar for blahblahblah23
6 years ago
I also don't understand 20 somethings that do all that stuff... I mean it's good if it makes them happy. But to me it makes them look muuuuch older than 20s... That shit only makes you look younger when you legit start looking older. And I wanna say makeup instantly ages too if a girl has a very youthful face for her age... But whatever makeup is expected at most clubs.
avatar for vajmon
6 years ago
Damn, those are nice titties LolitaLove789! Any chance of posting a pussy pict too?
avatar for LolitaLove789
6 years ago
@blahblahblah23 I get where you’re coming from! I think the ones in their 20’s do it as prevention maybe? I’m too scared to get anything done. Maybe later on in life when I’m in my 30’s or 40’s.
avatar for blahblahblah23
6 years ago
There's girls in their 20s getting lip fillers, cheeks, nose fillers. I just dont get why. It makes them look older and mutanty
avatar for Uprightcitizen
6 years ago
^^^Makes no sense and if they really understood what was appealing about them they wouldn't.
avatar for goldmongerATL
6 years ago
Reading the article from 2011 that says Blondie at the Clermont was 54 in 2011, I think she has trimmed a few years off that age. I saw her there as early as 1980 and she looked at a minimum late 30's to mid 40's. If she was really 23 in 1980, then it was a HARD 23 years.
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