Tallest woman you've banged ?

avatar for Papi_Chulo
Piggybacking on my recent thread about the 6'1 female HS basketball player dunking an alley-oop - I kinda wonder what is like to bang a chick that tall and if it's any different.

1) What is the tallest woman you've banged - and was the sex particularly different in any way?

2) do you have a preference for taller or shorter women?


last comment
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
1) I don't recall banging a very tall chick past maybe 5'9" - they aren't that common to begin with - but from getting dances w/ some tall-ish girls, it seems a bit more clumsy

2) I've always been attracted to shorter girls - I assume in part b/c they tend to be more stacked/curvy b/c of the more-compact frame - although a tall-dancer is def not a deal-breaker if I like the way she looks - but even then all things being equal I'm usually more attracted to shorter girls
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
1) 5'10"
2) Taller
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
^ I'm not talking about trannies tough
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
Fuck you jackie errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Papi
You've actually met that one
avatar for pistola
6 years ago
So TwentyFive is an acronym for TF = Tranny Fucker?

Lol jk
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
So pistola is an acronym for idiot

Lol jk
avatar for pistola
6 years ago
avatar for pistola
6 years ago
I had that comin
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
^ Peace Bro ; )
avatar for pistola
6 years ago
^No worries, Papi tossed that softball I couldn’t resist lol
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago

At this thing we used to have Edgewater West, they had lapdancing, and it seemed like it was probably FS. They had a party to honor this much loved dancer. She looked to be over 6ft, and then with her shoes added to that.

For myself, going after really tall women is on my bucket list.

avatar for Warrior15
6 years ago
OK, my ego can be delicate. So I want a girl to be shorter than me. I'm not the least bit interested in a girl over about 5'10. Cause at 5'10, she's gonna still wear heels that make her like 6'3".

Probably the tallest girl I have ever banged was about 5-8, without the heels. Perfect height for me would be about 5-3, 5-8or9 with the heels.
avatar for Cashman1234
6 years ago
I’ve banged a few tall girls. I had a college girlfriend who was over 5’10” - and very slender. I’ve never found an issue with height. I’m over 6’4” - and never found a girl to be too tall.

My preference - is height doesn’t matter. If there’s a good vibe - I’m a happy man!
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
I've FIVed some tall dancers and seems their coochies go way deep - not saying it's universal for all tall-women but may be a strong correlation
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
and conversely I've banged some short (4'10" - 5'1") women that were pretty-shallow coochie-wise even for me - again not universal but there seems to be a correlation there
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
You know, that which is obvious, that the height of boys seems to come most entirely from the height of the men in the mother's family, and from the height of the mother.

So as I see it, tall women are a prized commodity, a show of power.

avatar for shanny72
6 years ago
Shallow coochies lol
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
^ LOL - that could be interpreted several ways :)
avatar for NJBalla
6 years ago
5'11" I prefer women around 5'6-5'8" . Its hard to come across tall women who dont let themselves go
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
I prefer them 5'3" and under - they look cuter
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
I've always gone for short cuties too.

But suppose you want to found a warrior dynasty? The height of your sons, more than anything else, seems to be predicted from the height of the mother.

avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
^^^^^ I think people instinctively know this, so the tall ones are prized.

avatar for Michigan
6 years ago
Can recall talkesy. Shortest was 4'9". I prefer taller women though.
avatar for Michigan
6 years ago
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
6 years ago
6'4". College women's volleyball team.

A good time was had by all.
avatar for Corvus
6 years ago
I'm 6' tall myself and prefer women at least 5'8" if I can find them that are attractive. I've banged many women who were between 5'10" and 6'1" tall. Tallest dancer I've bedded was a gorgeous 5'11" girl who looked a lot like Tayra Banks in her prime. And she was great in bed.

Shortest was 4'11" and many less than 5'3", including a couple of days ago! All things being equal, I prefer taller girls.
avatar for Clubber
6 years ago
Don't get to tall or someone will have to put you up to it!
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
They just need to be gently tackled.

avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
@Papi "I've FIVed some tall dancers and seems their coochies go way deep."

Every girl I've fucked seems to have a coochie that goes way deep..
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
^ I'm not surprised
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
^ I'm not surprised
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
^^^That's called a short finger inspection
avatar for ime
6 years ago
Ex-girlfriend was 5'11". I am 6'2" she was the the only girl i ever fucked/dated that if she wore really high heels she would be as tall or taller than me.
avatar for EastCoaster
6 years ago
I am a bit over 5'10", so pretty average in that regard. I generally like petite women, and have had sex with a couple who were less than five feet tall -- one was/is an ex-girlfriend and another was a dancer I met in a Pompano, Florida club last year. I've had others who were maybe 5'1" or 5'2". But attractive women come in all heights. The tallest I ever had was a girl I worked with when we were both teenagers; she was 6'0'' or maybe 6'1". What can I say? Short or tall, I like 'em all.
avatar for Cristobal
6 years ago
The tallest girl was 5'10 and my moto is they are all the same height when they are on the backs.

The heels enhance and ruin the height evaluation as they look great in those 6-8 inch heels but it's tough to know their exact height.

I generally like girls 5-4 to 5-6 but height is never a deal breaker.
avatar for shadowcat
6 years ago
The tallest was 5'11" but I'm 5' 10 1/2". so no big deal. I prefer shorter. I like em petite around 5'4"
avatar for Jascoi
6 years ago
my tallest is 5’11’ so i have a one foot range that i’ve enjoyed.
avatar for Clubber
6 years ago

You state, "...my moto is they are all the same height when they are on the backs." Depends on their tits! Fake one can make the girl taller.
avatar for Muddy
6 years ago
Yeah like 5’10/11 ish close to my height. No she was to big. Too hard to move not my thing at all.
avatar for Pyroxl
6 years ago
little over 6ft but it was all legs and she said she's dated shorter with no issues when horizontal
avatar for Johny5
6 years ago
Ok this may offend some short people but imagine how little people feel? Aka midgets. 5'8-5'11 for a girl is probably pretty crazy, perhaps need a stool or stepper to do it doggie style lol
avatar for jackslash
6 years ago
As a vertically challenged American, I can't reject all the women taller than me. However, I prefer girls my height or shorter. My ATF was exactly as tall as me in her bare feet, but she towered over me in her stripper heels. Regardless of my preference, I am open to any attractive woman.

I think the tallest woman I've fucked was a stripper from Texas. She was 6 feet tall and looked like a giant in her stripper shoes. She was so tall I had to go up on her. When she came to my house for OTC, she filled up my king-sized bed. Fucking her was a little awkward. Maybe I should stick to Kristin Chenoweth types.
avatar for s275ironman
6 years ago
The tallest stripper I’ve banged was 5’10” without heels. I myself am only 5’9”, so compared to me, this girl looked like a giant when she was wearing her stripper heels. I prefer girls who are shorter, within the 5’3”-5’6” range.
avatar for Musterd21
6 years ago
avatar for jester214
6 years ago
5'10-5'11, it was a touch odd.

I prefer them shorter.
avatar for JamesSD
6 years ago
I'm 6'3". I dated a 6' former Division 1 water polo player for a bit. Kissing is definitely different when she's almost your height. Sex positions are a little different. Shower sex was way easier with similar heights.

I don't mind a tall girl but if she's not slim she can end up being just sort of big, where we might call a shorter woman of similar proportion curvy.
avatar for mal_hodgson
6 years ago
I don’t like tall and skinny girls generally, but I had a girlfriend in college who was 6’2” (I’m 5’11”). This girl had perfect proportions in my opinion so she didn’t really look tall if you saw her by herself. I’d kind of forgotten how much I liked being with her until I met my current atf who is 5’9”. When she is in the club in her heels she really towers over me but when we are together otc she is just the perfect height.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
5 7 , but I prefer them a lot shorter.
avatar for DandyDan
6 years ago
In college, one of the girlfriends I had was 5'10". She always wanted me on top, so can't really say there was much different about that. One of my OTC's was probably that tall. Now that I think of it, that might have been something else I liked about my old favorite Angel, as she was 5'9".

As for preferences, on paper, I like taller women, but when it comes around to finding women to get laid with, most of them are short, or at least shorter than average. That's true whether it's civvies or strippers.
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