GPS Unleashed: Tell stories here!

avatar for Subraman
Car key and wallet dating your sister

Cashman-->"They probably never buy drinks in clubs or civilian bars. They must have their asses kissed every day. They probably know that a smile can get them out of a speeding ticket. "

Thought this could be incredibly fun as its own thread. Add your stories here!

To start things off, real life story of my ATATF (I have more, many I've personally witnessed; the girl effortlessly manipulates both men and women). She was telling me a story about going out one night and not having any cash. I asked her, how much cash do you usually bring out with you? Her answer: sometimes an emergency $20, but usually none, I just forget to bring it because I never pay for anything. "Never?", I says? Here's the way she typically rolls on nights she's going with girlfriends to the club:

  • Go to hottest club in the city, walk past the huge line of people waiting to get in, say hi to bouncer, go in.
  • Find or text the floor host. "I have all their numbers".
  • Floor host knows the procedure: he'll lead the girls over to any group of guys who has bought expensive bottle service.
  • They'll party with those guys, drinking their liquor and often requesting more bottles. If at some point they're through with those guys, she re-texts the floor host to set them up with another table

That's it. She never spends a dime in the club, from the moment she walks past the line, to the moment she leaves. "I will not even talk to someone who doesn't have a table." Good for the club to have insanely hot, fun girls inside; and good for the club to make sure the guys who are spending thousands on bottle service are delighted with their evening.


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avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 yrs ago

Off the top of my head:

  1. The dancers that say "daces are $20 but I charge $30" (in a club where dancers don't pick their own prices, i.e. the dance price is standard)

  2. You ask a dancer for a dance and she says she only does VIP (even though the dances are $20+)

avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 yrs ago

A dancer you don't know from a hole-in-the-wall that comes up to you and just asks for a tip just bc, or to buy her a drink, or buy her cigs or food

avatar for Warrenboy75
6 yrs ago
  • Go to hottest club in the city, walk past the huge line of people waiting to get in, say hi to bouncer, go in.
  • Find or text the floor host. "I have all their numbers".
  • Floor host knows the procedure: he'll lead the girls over to any group of guys who has bought expensive bottle service.
  • They'll party with those guys, drinking their liquor and often requesting more bottles. If at some point they're through with those guys, she re-texts the floor host to set them up with another table

You just described my ex that I talk about on here along with a couple of her friends from her home town.

Having said that for those of us that are old enough to remember Bob Dylan.........

Once upon a time you dressed so fine You threw the bums a dime in your prime, Didn't you? People'd call, say "Beware doll, you're Bound to fall" You thought they were all kiddin' you You used to laugh about Everybody that was hangin' out Now you don't walk so proud Now you don't talk so loud

avatar for Warrenboy75
6 yrs ago

Just to add to this maybe the one that stuck with me the most we had gone out on a date (not P4P) but I had to work the next morning and get up at 6 AM.

One of her friends text her and wants to know if she wants to meet up at a new club that just opened. I gave her money so that she could have a decent time. She ended up getting in for free as did all of her friends--sat at one of the better tables and sent me pic after pic of her and other women getting hit on by the pro baseball team in town. Never spent a dime........

avatar for rickdugan
6 yrs ago

Sub, I run into this every so often, but tbh I don't recall the specifics of a single one at the moment. That's because my brain is wired to write these girls off about 10 seconds after i send them away or stop responding to their texts. Too many fish in the sea and too little time.

avatar for lotsoffun201
6 yrs ago

You didn’t mention if she tips the floor host. She’s giving him something out of that deal.

avatar for Warrenboy75
6 yrs ago

^Once you get out of Vegas, Miami, or NYC in some cities they will do whatever they can to get the women in knowing it will draw in the guys.

Even in NYC I've seen where a table of very good looking women will basically be the guest of the club--free cover, one bottle, front table so everyone sees them, go to the head of the line, just so the club has eye candy.

avatar for nicespice
6 yrs ago

Copied and pasted from crazyjoe:

She bumps into me while walking through the club... i knew lots of dancers and other staff including management well

Dancer... we need to go back there (vip)

Me... no

Dancer... why not

Me.... because I am causing trouble

Dancer... why, what are you doing

Me... I hand her a couple hershey kisses

Dancer... what is this?

Me... I am giving out free kisses today... but I charge for hugs though

Dancer... are you trying to drug me?

Me... no, just causing trouble

Dancer.... I am going to tell the manager you tried to drug me.

Me... ooooh really, Mike is going to laugh his ass off

Dancer... so now you are name dropping

Me... Go ahead tell Mike. I walk away.

One bouncer laughed when he heard the story and said I guess everyone is going to be flying in a minute because everyone was eating the kisses

Source: Lots of other good stories in that thread too. But the one from crazyjoe was my favorite

avatar for twentyfive
6 yrs ago

Nice Spice has the kind of GPS I love ;)

avatar for georgmicrodong
6 yrs ago

Only a couple.

Asked a girl if she’d give me a blowjob. She said yes, for $800. $1,000 if I wanted it OTC. I told her that I thought that was her way of saying no without actually saying no. She confirmed, but noted that she wouldn’t actually say no if someone was...eager enough to agree.

A very hot stripper at one of the clubs in Louisville once somewhat condescendingly declined a $25 lap dance because she didn’t do lap dances until after 2AM. Until then, it was VIPs (minimum $150) only. Since it was only about 8:30, I looked around at the zero other patrons and said “ok” and turned to walk away. At which point she said, “But you can buy me a drink.”

I replied with “no thanks,” put my drink on the bar and left the club.

To be fair to her, the next time I came in, she was quite willing to do lapdances. No idea why, I didn’t ask, just enjoyed groping her fine ass body.

avatar for clres007
6 yrs ago

My hypothesis is the intensity of GPS is more in hottest and shittest strip clubs. That's why generally I prefer mediocre clubs.

avatar for twentyfive
6 yrs ago

The best one I ever knew about was a dancer who used to come in to the Spearmint Rhino a few years back, was pushing 50 and it showed, she used to handmake stripper outfits and she would sell then for about $75 each, and she would walk around the club with what she was selling and try her variation of the buy the girl a drink hustle, going from table to table, one day she tried that on me when I was sitting with someone, when we declined her offer she tried to get me to at least give her a tip for showing the outfits to my friend. It was a few years ago and we still laugh about it.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 yrs ago

I'm not sure if what Subra describes is GPS, seems more like getting the hookup - many people get hookuos whether it's bc she's a hot-chick or some other reason

avatar for Huntsman
6 yrs ago

I had a hottie offer OTC but she wanted $6,000 for it. I always give a polite reply like “I don’t doubt that you can get from someone but I’m not comfortable paying that. Best of luck to you”.

She kept texting over the course of an hour insisting that her fee was normal and I was being a fool for passing on her hotness. But then over the next few days she kept messaging and negotiating against herself because I kept politely declining. I didn’t counter because I really did lose interest right away due to the GPS attitude. She eventually offered at $300 or “whatever you are willing to pay because rent is due tomorrow. “.

As far as I know, she got evicted because no price was worth the GPS after her initial hard sell.

avatar for s275ironman
6 yrs ago

My most memorable GPS story is nothing out of the ordinary. There is this girl who works at my favorite club that offers BJs for $400 and FS for $500. I told her she was asking for too much, so she said she would go as low as $350 for FS. If I am going to pay $350 for FS, the girl better be at least a 9, but this girl was a 7 at best, so I declined her offer.

About 6 months later, I ran into her again, and she offered her services for the exact same prices. However, this time when I declined her offer for $350, she suggested I pay $300 and tip her $50 if I am satisfied. I declined her offer again.

avatar for Cristobal
6 yrs ago

I have a GPS stories for all four of Synn girls (Suki, Ivanka, Alyssa, and Andrea) the first one was with Suki.

I was new to the extras experience in Strip Club, my first FS was at Synn for $$ ($ tip, $ room fee), and my thoughts were every girl offered extras (wrong!) and the prices were relatively the same (wrong again! ).

I like Asian girls, so I sit next to Suki and make small talk, she is disinterested and asks to take her to the VIP, when I ask to take her to the LD room first she says she only does VIP, when I ask what are we going to do in the VIP she says whatever I want.

But I'm thinking it's too good to be true, so I try again to get the menu and she seductively whispers in my ear "because I like you, we can fuck for $$$$$$.

I got hard and soft at the same time, not surprisingly I turned her down.

avatar for shadowcat
6 yrs ago

I was on my way to a ceramic tile store in a town west of me. Since I had never been there before I was using my GPS for directions. Before long I was on the other side of town and being told by my GPS to continue going out of town. I knew that was wrong and back tracked using the street numbers and eventually found the store. I wasted a whole hour due to bad directions from my GPS.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 yrs ago

^ well at least it only cost you gas-$$$

avatar for Liwet
6 yrs ago

I remember my mother was driving from Orange County, California to Las Vegas. You pretty much just have to take any freeway towards the 15 and take the 15 North until it runs into Las Vegas. What should have been a 5 hour drive was a 10 hour drive as her GPS took her all the way to Arizona.

avatar for JamesSD
6 yrs ago

" I don't do single dances only VIP" is definitely a common GPS move

avatar for crazyjoe
6 yrs ago

@ nicespice. I recently spoke with a dancer that was there that night. She remembered that story and was laughing her ass off. Everyone at that club hated the dancer I involved in that story. She has a boyfriend/ pimp that had a quota for her every night. Apparently she moved to Miami with her boyfriend, oops I mean pimp. She is Asian with big fake tits and a fake ass. When she was in Denver she had tiny mosquito bites and a flat ass. Forgot her name though

avatar for crazyjoe
6 yrs ago

If anyone runs across that bitch they have my permission to fart on her. The smell will match her stripper shit

avatar for Cashman1234
6 yrs ago

These are good stories. I don’t have any as good, possibly due to my preference for girls with lots of mileage. I’m thinking that some of my faves were lookers in their prime - but they are beyond that phase now.

My interaction with top tier dancers is usually quick - and it’s something like this - when a very hot dancer approaches -

Hottie - Hi baby, you want a dance? Me - Lets chat about prices first... Hottie - Sure baby - what do you want? Me - I want to fuck you hard - choke you and slap your ass hard - and twist your nipples hard too. Then I want to cum on your big fake tits. You good with $100? Hottie - You serious? $100? That’s VIP action and it’s $1000.

That’s when I know she’s thinking her shit don’t stink!

avatar for max_starr
6 yrs ago

I'd laugh really hard seeing hearing that conversation....

avatar for rickdugan
6 yrs ago

Honestly I hate the term GPS. It's self entitlement at its worst for any guy to give a girl that label just because she's discriminating about who she'll let into her pussy. If more young civvie girls nowadays had GPS, there'd be a lot less of all types of problems. A girl SHOULD place value upon that, whether it's a stripper or a regular girl. I guess this is why it doesn't bother me much when a girl over quotes me or is otherwise reluctant.

Now don't get me wrong, most of these stories are good and I'm not saying that anyone here is a self entitled d-bag. In fact, I've lost track of how many posts I've made over the years re: changing the mind of a girl who originally said no. But the expression itself has always grated on me.

Anyway, end of fucking rant, lol.

avatar for Subraman
6 yrs ago

rick, I hate the term "stripper shit", and don't use it, for vaguely similar reasons ... to me it feels like the most sniveling, victim-centric term for hustle.

On the other hand, GPS kinda cracks me up and I use. I also call all my most favorite girls ATFs. So there ya go, a foolish consistency and all that.

avatar for rl27
6 yrs ago

When I asked one dancer for a regular dance, she told me she only gives VIP room dances. After I declined a VIP one of my favorites dropped by and said the she was notorious in the club for just that reason. She told me the only time GPS gal gave non VIP Room dances, is during the mandatory 2 for 1's and when she is asked to entertain large tables and bachelor parties. I only think I saw her give three lap dances the entire two years she worked there.

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