
Comments by farmerart (page 91)

  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Prepay or Postpay
    In any lame Alberta club that I have visited you MUST pre-pay if you want private dances and this payment must be made to the bartender, bouncer, or lap dance area attendant. Fees are $30 or higher per song. To make matters worse, arranging OTC with a hot dancer without first paying for some private dances is almost hopeless. See why I call Alberta clubs lame?
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    13 years ago
    Sob Stories
    As ever, crafty george has a good comment. I have also learned that these 'sob stories' are the weak point in dancers' defences if your aim is to talk them into pay for play. If the desperation behind the 'sob story' is genuine a girl not normally prone to play for pay just may fall into your web.
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    13 years ago
    First time OTC
    Local market dynamics determine supply and demand prices. I am a traveler and I have paid more and I have paid less than you did. I am a bit surprised that a dancer limited you to an hour. I have always been able to talk dancers into longer 'dates' than that. Escorts are a different matter - strict fees based on time engaged for sex (or anything else). Massage parlours are the assembly lines of commercial sex - in and out as fast as possible. In Alberta where I make many of my 'purchases', OTC with a dancer is in the $300 range, escorts $200+/hr., and massage parlours can be as low as $140. For a first time, you did pretty good, particularly on the motel price. Give yourself a C+.
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    13 years ago
    Amateur Pornstar know danceing Around Dayton
    No thank you - hate the tats. This girl would have tough competition at Toronto area clubs from the resident beauties. She wouldn't be on the 'A' list in my beloved lame Alberta clubs either.
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    13 years ago
    Dancer's ATF
    I am not a regular at any club so I can not be any dancer's ATF. I do know that dancers are curious about their co-workers and their actions with customers. On one of my club visits (a club with a public VIP area) I was delighted to receive a BJ from a lovely dancer. On another trip to the VIP for more lap dances the girl I was with quizzed me about BJ girl. Apparently BJ girl had never been observed doing this sort of extra and the dressing room was all abuzz about it. The second girl was really curious about how much I had paid BJ girl. I lied through my teeth. Told the second girl that BJ girl was a champion - best BJ of my life and paid her $500 for the pleasure. Second girl went mute not offering me any extras.
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    13 years ago
    Detroit, Michigan
    Planning Ahead
    vince: What the hell? Excited from an afternoon at Bogarts with Samantha or what ??
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    13 years ago
    About the Wedding
    Dunno, SuperDude, I would buy lappers from Kate. Diana was also eminently lap dance worthy. But Chuck's squeeze, Camilla? Gag me !!
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    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    McDonald's To Hire 50,000 Workers Today
    Sheesh!! I meant my post as a joke, of course; but then I saw troop's link to a Cleveland incident. It makes me ashamed of my joke post. The desperation I saw in that video for minimum wage jobs is heart breaking. My world is so far removed from that sort of bleak despair. The MONTHLY salary for the drilling positions that I am trying to fill is TWICE the ANNUAL salary for these jobs at Mickey D's. Sheesh.
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    13 years ago
    Staking her Claim
    Not being a regular at any one club means I never experience this sort of drama. I think it would be an interesting experience. I don't even have high school stories of fifty years ago to compare (I finished school at 15 and was on my own immediately). I DID receive emails from two different dancers that I had previously seen for OTC romps last autumn. It happened that they were both booked at the same Calgary SC simultaneously and were interested in some more of my cash. Needless to say, I went nowhere near that SC during those bookings. Haven't heard from either one of them since. Hmmmmmmmmm???
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    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    McDonald's To Hire 50,000 Workers Today
    My drilling contractor is having a helluva time lining up labour for the rigs I need. Are we competing with Mickey D's now? What the hell does Ronnie pay the burger zappers now?
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    13 years ago
    Advice For a Weekend Booty Call
    Should you get called to service, snake; I can fly pretty much anywhere at any time to be your replacement...................................
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Two weeks ago in Toronto I had second most spectacular sex of my life with a 40 year old dancer at my favourite GTA club. That lady is not any where near being past her prime. She is Canada Choice AAA grade, as prime as can be found anywhere! Much too good for old farmerart but she likes my bucks !! I can see flying weekends to Toronto in my future !!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    "ignore" feature suddenly not working?
    You are not on my ignore list, lopaw. I like your perspective. I think it would be neat to hang with you some evening. In truth, nobody is on my ignore list. I am sure some of my posts piss off some people and even if other people's posts piss me off, I am a big boy and I have been around a bit so silly shit here on tuscl is just not THAT important to me.
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    13 years ago
    Your clubs vs. others
    You guys should live in Alberta! I swear you Columbus guys would think Columbus is nirvana if you compare your clubs to the Alberta clubs. Lousy Alberta SCs is part of why I am back in business. Toronto and Detroit have spoiled me forever for low mileage SCs.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Two story clubs
    I like walking up the stairs with a dancer to the lap dance area. Following the girl up the stairs allows me to view her body from a different perspective. Muscles flexing in long dancers' legs !! Gluteous maximus bobbling in my face !! Can't improve on it! The hell with elevators.
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    13 years ago
    how long and how much
    I did a five club tour in Toronto one day recently: noon to 2:00A.M.; but there was drive time from club to club included in the fourteen hours. Only one club had a cover charge, no valet fees at any club, no booze (driving), lots and lots of lap dances, full meal deal at one club (pretty much the max for me per day at my age). For farmerart the cost came in at a VERY reasonable #, $1500. And, it was only that high because I bought the first Champagne Room ($300) of my life and left a hefty tip for spectacular work done in the CR.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Accosted by bouncers
    Two unsettling bouncer experiences for me. First one was in a lame Alberta club staffed entirely by women. The bouncer was a short young girl. I was happily enjoying my first lap dance in this club, groping the girl like crazy. Little bouncer girl pulled open the curtain and told me to sit on my hands. Startled the crap out of me. Second lousy bouncer experience was much more unsettling. I was in the lap dance area of a high-contact club with strict bans on male customer-female dancer sex. Enjoying some intimate groping with my girl when three bouncers forcefully evict a customer from the club and another bouncer throws the dancer screaming and crying out of the club. This was just nasty. I was sure glad I wasn't caught with my pants down!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Can a guy cum from a lap dance?
    Not this guy! I am 62 and need quite a bit more than a grind on my pants.
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    13 years ago
    Strippers you've been with - generally a better lay compared to other women?
    If it were not for SCs, massage parlours, and escorts I would have NO sex life at all. Of the group just listed I much prefer SCs for my hunting. Massage parlours and escorts are the assembly lines of commercial sex. SCs are not. All the spectacular sex of my life has been with dancers - primarily older dancers. However, #1 on my list is a young hot bodied uninhibited squirter with the tightest pussy my old boy has ever experienced! But sooooooooooooo dim-witted.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    The TUSCL Top 100
    I submitted the reviews from my recent Eastern stopover after this thread was started. My reviews come in clusters of a dozen or so at a time - a function of my SC travels. I live in a SC dead zone so the reviews of the different clubs I visit near home are all pretty much the same. I make a point of visiting different clubs when I travel and always submit reviews of each new club (for me) that I visit. I use tuscl to guide me to clubs when I travel, particularly if the club has been reviewed by a tuscler whom I have come to respect. A visit to Subi's in the Detroit area was prompted by reviews from a tuscler whose opinion I respect (vincemichaels). Subi's now figures prominently in the Top 100 list (as it should IMO); but it does not have 100s of reviews in its portfolio as many of the other Top 100 clubs do. So, Founder, this tweaking of the rating system is bringing worthwhile changes to the tuscl Top 100 list. I can see how this can be a fascinating (and frustrating) task for you. Some suggestions for you: 1. Do not use reviews from reviewers with fewer than 10 different clubs reviewed. 2. Keep all old reviews in play from active credible reviewers; but turf the reviews of posters who go silent (1 year since most recent review). 3. Throw a club in the mix when it receives reviews from 10 or more of your credible reviewers.
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    13 years ago
    Got your taxes done yet?
    In Canada, my personal return is not due until April 30 and my corporate return deadline is June 30. Lots of time yet - though there was a pleading call from my accountant this week to get the finger out of my ass and bring in my stuff to him. Pussy!! For what he charges me he can pull a couple of all-nighters to get my return done!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Private VIP rooms vs shared VIP areas
    My first visit to a wide open VIP resulted in a dick that resolutely remained limp. I had a heart-to-heart with the old boy and convinced him to try harder. Mr. Wood got the message. Now, he and I don't mind the shared VIP but the preference for both of us is OTC at the hotel.
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    13 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Which do you prefer?
    Hirsute not glabrous. What the hell does acomoclitic mean?
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    SeekingArrangement.com Gals
    I just browsed the two sites under discussion here. I cannot believe that any wealthy guy anywhere would use these sites. Too much personal data is demanded. No wealthy guy that I know would put up with this. Wealthy guys do this shit to other people. They would never succumb to these demands for their own personal data. Wealthy guys are private, circumspect, and anonymous. I want no part of these sites. These sites are for wannabe sugar daddies and simple women who have the delusion that rich guys troll for sex in this manner. Good luck all who choose to use these sites. You will NEVER see farmerart running his game through sites like these. At the moment, the anonymity of the SC works just fine for me (and much cheaper in the long run).
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    This is about my minimum expectation in a lap dance. If the girl does not permit this within the first two songs she is usually summarily dismissed.