It's true. I just came back from getting my BIGMAC fix. There was a recruiting table set up inside. I saw a young hot chick filling out an application. I felt like going up and telling her to come back in 10 years. That strip clubs were hiring now and the pay was better. And besides she already had a loser BF with her.
Maybe the tables should have been set up inside some strip clubs.
McD's does much Summer hiring routinely. I recall a recent former president was berated for "McJobs," as if he were part of the restaurant's hiring authority...
I am in a McDonalds as I write this. Yes, today is National Hiring Day for Mickie D's. Several fine young things of all ethnicities are waiting for their interviews. And yep, shadowcat, most of them can dance on my pole anytime!!
OH SHIT !!! This exceptionally hot black chick just sat down across the table from me. MMMMMMMMMMM, I'LL TAKE AS MANY DANCES AS I CAN, HONEY!!! and a small French fries.
My drilling contractor is having a helluva time lining up labour for the rigs I need. Are we competing with Mickey D's now? What the hell does Ronnie pay the burger zappers now?
The Federally mandated minimum wage, I would imagine, farmerart. I don't know what it currently is. Someone else in our group at TUSCL most likely knows here. Employers here in the USA have the advantage and power with the high unemployment.
Where are your people looking for rig help ? Gulf Coast, mainly Louisiana, folk are complaining that the defacto drilling ban has left them without work.
I just saw an article about the McDonalds hiring day. Current minimum wage in the USA is $7.25 an hour and McDonalds pays slightly more to start. I don't think the people you are looking for are looking to work at Mickie D's. I could be wrong, but I don't think so, farmerart.
I wasn't in McD's but in Walmart tonight. I walked past a young college girl who was bending over looking at something. Then I noticed I could see her butt cheeks or ass crack. Not too bad I thought. Strip clubs could be recruiting in various places.
Just imagine if Sonic which has girls serve your food in your car had topless girls. I can imagine shake sales quadrupling if they ran a special with the girls delivering the shakes in between their boobs. Of course local ordinances would likely ban topless girls outside in the open.
I meant my post as a joke, of course; but then I saw troop's link to a Cleveland incident. It makes me ashamed of my joke post. The desperation I saw in that video for minimum wage jobs is heart breaking. My world is so far removed from that sort of bleak despair.
The MONTHLY salary for the drilling positions that I am trying to fill is TWICE the ANNUAL salary for these jobs at Mickey D's.
Did Payer11 apply? Would have been a good chance for him to up his income. If he worked hard for many months and saved, maybe then he could afford to try the next above his usual $60 crack whores. Hope he didn't miss his chance.
last commentJust imagine if Sonic which has girls serve your food in your car had topless girls. I can imagine shake sales quadrupling if they ran a special with the girls delivering the shakes in between their boobs. Of course local ordinances would likely ban topless girls outside in the open.…
I meant my post as a joke, of course; but then I saw troop's link to a Cleveland incident. It makes me ashamed of my joke post. The desperation I saw in that video for minimum wage jobs is heart breaking. My world is so far removed from that sort of bleak despair.
The MONTHLY salary for the drilling positions that I am trying to fill is TWICE the ANNUAL salary for these jobs at Mickey D's.