About the Wedding

avatar for Dudester
At another site, there was a poll of those who would watch the upcoming royal wedding. Most, including me, said "NO !!", but then I offered to throw the Prince and his brother the mother of all blow out bachelor parties, if he came to Houston.

The thought struck me that if you walk into a SC with a celeb, or celebs, at the least, you'll get leftovers.

What say you ?


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avatar for Clubber
14 years ago
I once ran into a guy I barely knew inside a club. I said hello, ordered us a couple of beers, and sat by him just to talk a bit. Turned out he was a high spending regular. And yes, there were a lot of "leftovers"!

One need not be a celeb, as money talks, no matter it's source.
avatar for shadowcat
14 years ago
Back in the 70's, I was checking into a Marriot hotel in Minneapolis. Elvis was in town doing a concert and his entourage had taken up a full floor of the hotel. As I stepped into an elevator, 4 teeny boppers jumped in behind me. They asked "Are you with Elvis?" Had I said yes???
avatar for Prim0
14 years ago
In my short lived bouncer days we had one "celeb" come in to the club...he was that guy from the tv show Fame(Billy Hufsey - http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0400311/). Granted, he's not a bad looking guy but he did take out the best looking dancer later that night. No complaints from management either!
avatar for SuperDude
14 years ago
In Detroit the celebs are gangstas you don't want to be seen with. Sat next to a stranger who was buying rounds and dances for me and other guys seated near him. Dancer warns me that he was a coke dealer.
avatar for samsung1
14 years ago
Interesting Prim0, that guy is from Brook Park, OH - a suburb of cleveland - where a lot of dives are located with their $10 lappers.
avatar for SuperDude
14 years ago
The British Royals are overrated holdovers. Great for pomp and pagent, but not much else.
avatar for londonguy
14 years ago
Can you qualify that statement SuperDude?
avatar for SuperDude
14 years ago
As an American I am fascinated and perplexed by our devotion to the British Royal family. I just don't get it. It is not for me to decide for the British how their society or government should be structured. I have a niece living in London, dual citizenship. She reminds me that the House of Windsor is admired and respected and Yanks can take it or leave it. From the beginning of the American experiment, we have rejected, in law, the idea that one's status at birth determines one's social rank and legal priviledges. At least that's the theory. So I cannot understand this American fascination with all things Royal. Why does it matter so much to Americans? I spent an evening escorting Lord Snowden around Detroit when he visited in the 1970s and he was not able to explain our fascination except to tease me by suggesting we made a mistake in 1776. A former neighbor, a British cititzen, may have infected my thinking. He was from a working class family, came to the USA after marrying an American girl. He was a fierce republican, advocating a dramatic reduction if not outright abolition of the monarchy. He gave me the line "It's a lot of money to spend on a pagent."
But I choke up when I play recordings of Churchill's speeches. I watch Prime Minister's Question Time on C-Span if I can stay up that late. My short wave radio is tuned to BBC for overnight news, midnight to 5am.
Maybe I am overreacting to the royal wedding and how it builds unrealistic expectations about weddings in many American women.
avatar for farmerart
14 years ago
Dunno, SuperDude, I would buy lappers from Kate. Diana was also eminently lap dance worthy. But Chuck's squeeze, Camilla? Gag me !!
avatar for SuperDude
14 years ago
From the little I know about it, Charles and Camilla were close as teen-agers and university students, but drifted apart when he wouldn't commit. She got married, but they both still longed for each other. So, they got back together and their reunion had consequences.
avatar for SuperDude
14 years ago
avatar for vincemichaels
14 years ago
I'd do Kate and Diana. Camilla, I agree with farmerart. We could put Camilla to work on a rig, farmerart. She'd fit righ in. LOL
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