
Can a guy cum from a lap dance?

Saturday, April 16, 2011 1:42 PM
Wondering can a guy cum from a lap dance just asking


  • veritaz
    13 years ago
    In many cases, yes. Sometimes a lap dance is hardly a dance at all. It is just a grind session with the clothes still on. The whole point is that the paying customer gets off. Any outcome short of that is a disappointment. Some dancers develop their method so such a thing can happen. Some do not.
  • londonguy
    13 years ago
    I suppose some guys can but I am not one of them. They'd have to be giving me at least a HJ to shoot my load.
  • gsv
    13 years ago
    Yeah, I agree, perhaps some guys can/do - I personally do not.
  • Dougster
    13 years ago
    If I don't, I fell ripped off.
  • rl27
    13 years ago
    It depends on many things including the city, the club, the dancer, the clothes the guy is wearing, and the guy.
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    I believe that it happens with newbies but with the seasoned veteran strip club goer probably does not.
  • Fenster
    13 years ago
    Actually, that's the point of a grinding lapdance.
  • Cheo_D
    13 years ago
    Well, that depends on a lot of things. I know that in my particular case it is not the goal I seek but I can definitely see it happening.
  • SuperDude
    13 years ago
    Long dry spells between SOs can may you tense and overly eager.
  • Roberto4u
    13 years ago
    How do guys handle blowing a load in their pants? Is there a graceful way to handle this situation?
  • Book Guy
    13 years ago
    The answer to your question depends entirely on the dancer and the lap-dance, now doesn't it? :)
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    I never have. Been close a few times, but never over the brink. That's what her mouth is for. :)
  • carolinaclubman
    13 years ago
    I have before. I had stopped at an amp where I got fs and about an hour after that I stopped at a strip club. Saw something I liked and took her to the couch room. She started grinding me in a really good way, after a few songs I started feeling like I was gonna bust a nut, but I was also thinking no way because I never had cum from a lapdance before. A few more songs and I did. She became my favorite dancer for the next few months and I got off every time, but I don't think she even knew it until about the third time because she turned around and kind of sheepishly said "what can I say". After that whenever I got dances from her she would make sure I got off and never even asked for a tip. Some dancers are disgusted if a guy gums and some think it's their mission to make you come. Others don't know or care. Personally it depends on my surroundings as to whether I stop the girl before I cum or just let it happen.
  • dudeanonymous
    13 years ago
    Hasn't happened and I can't see that ever changing.
  • wetpussy80
    13 years ago
    Ok because I dance here at a club in my area and let my boyfriend come, he always seem to want lap dances from certain women and he pays 20 for nude. I wash his clothes and see nut stains in them. He comes to my club everynite even when im not there......what do u think?
  • veritaz
    13 years ago
    You "dance" for other men, some of whom may get off. He pays for "dances" with other women. Sounds like an even deal to me. If you become disturbed by his getting off with other entertainers, expect him to become disturbed with your current way of making money.
  • SuperDude
    13 years ago
    Posters have suggested dark trousers, wearing a condom, letting the dancer swallow, using a handy wipe or towelette or just shooting into the air. All a matter of what works with you and the dancer.
  • ww
    13 years ago
    If your wearing the right clothes or, better yet, if mr. happy is on the outside you will definitely have a higher probability to lettin' loose...I know dancers that will give you contact dances with your member between their booty cheeks...suffice it to say, its a great feeling! But if you talking a "regular" dance with a guy in some denim jeans...a veteran stripclubber will most likely never get off from that...
  • pabloantonio
    13 years ago
    I have been very close. I had picked the perfect dancer (for me). She was curvy with great breasts. She had the perfect perfume and her dances were very very sensual. She was beautiful. All I could imagine was having sex with her. I caught myself just in time. I could have come but I didn't.
  • lopaw
    13 years ago
    I don't know about guys, but girls certainly can ;) I've done it more times than I can remember. Some dancers really do know the meaning of "customer service"!
  • Rod8432
    13 years ago
    This topic has been covered earlier, but briefly, the answer is "yes" and rather regularly with certain dancers. If wearing loose lounge-style pants while sporting an erection that is nestled in her butt cheeks or laying to one side as she grinds over it - AND she's attractive to me - the LD friction will usually get me where I'm going. Although I gotta say, some girls get me there every time, while some others just can't find the groove. So it's all a bit of a mystery - as sex can often be - but if I do cum, it's no mystery what happens to the sperm. It shoots out on the inside of my pants where my penis head is. It leaves a wet spot that dries in about a half-hour - no big deal.
  • inno123
    13 years ago
    I think that the biggest factor is whether the dancer wants that to happen. Most don't so when the guy is getting close they will shift or back off a little. After all once the guy climaxes he isn't going to buy another dance.
  • GoVikings
    13 years ago
    I'm with jackanonymous. When I hear that guys have came from a lap-dance, it makes me feel like I've been getting poor lap-dances. I've never even come CLOSE to cumming during a lap-dance. With that said, I've never gotten a lot of lap dances in a row. The most I've ever had consecutively is 2. Perhaps if I were to get 3 or 4 in a row with a dancer that I'm really attracted to and is a good grinder, it MIGHT happen, but I doubt it.
  • Stiletto25
    13 years ago
    Yes they can and do.. If it bothers you that you're boyfriend goes to the club, find a new boyfriend. Chances of him changing are slim..if he's spending his own money, cool..whatever..if he's spending your money or joint money..not ok. You dance as a job to take money out of the club.your man should not be paying your counterparts.
  • Stiletto25
    13 years ago
    Yes they can and do.. If it bothers you that you're boyfriend goes to the club, find a new boyfriend. Chances of him changing are slim..if he's spending his own money, cool..whatever..if he's spending your money or joint money..not ok. You dance as a job to take money out of the club.your man should not be paying your counterparts.
  • mjx01
    13 years ago
    yep, it happens
  • Realist123
    13 years ago
    Looks like I'm the only one that thinks cumming in your pants is pathetic, if you get that worked up with one of these girls with your clothes on, I have no idea how you boys would handle a women once you get her in bed.
  • Slin
    13 years ago
    I have before but it was because I was intentionally trying to cum. Most of the time I don't let the girls know but there was one incident where I actually negotiated before hands where the girl agreed to get me off from grinding while whispering dirty stuff in my ears. I had a friend who had gotten dances from the same girl before and he accidentally blew his load. He told the girl and she demanded a $80 tip form him.
  • farmerart
    13 years ago
    Not this guy! I am 62 and need quite a bit more than a grind on my pants.
  • DandyDan
    13 years ago
    I have on occasion. It's always been with new girls.
  • RocStarsky
    13 years ago
    There are several factors to this: 1) A guy gets a lapdance from a dancer who he is attractive and giving great connections. 2) The lap dance is great with full grinding. 3) Touching body parts. 4) Communicating sexually. 5) No turn-offs from the dancer. The dancer is an entertainer and main purpose is to get the patron excited. The lap dance (not air dance) is a form of penis stimulation and stimulation is a big part of ejaculation, so yes its possible and is is very common to have a guy ejaculate during a lap dance. Its the excitement and stimulation that drives that hard tool to deliver. Its uncommon to ejaculate without stimulation but it can occur without any kind of touching and just from full-on excitement. The topic is "Can a guy cum from a lap dance?" and is the poster referring to a full load or pre-ejaculation? I will honestly come forth to say that I have pre-ejaculated during lapdances, but never ejaculated a full load. I guess if the lapdance i've been given were way way longer, then I can see myself shooting that full load, but that would probably take 60-90 minutes of full grindage. having the dancer stroke you with her hands would yield a faster climax :)
  • boatmonkey
    13 years ago
    Does a bear shit in the woods?
  • mmdv26
    13 years ago
    Decades ago when I first started this disgusting strip club mongering habit, I was sitting there talking to the girl waiting for the next song to begin. I was pretty turned on already, with wood extending down the leg of my jeans. She notices this, and put her hand right on it. BOOOM, I'm done! Gave her $5 (that was the price then, LOL), and apologized. She kissed me on the cheek and said, "that was too easy". In the ensuing years, I might have made a mess in my pants once or twice. Have come close, but usually push her back when I get close. I much prefer to nut in her hand, mouth or pussy...or on her ass, tits or face.
  • gatorfan
    13 years ago
    cum from a grind? I think it can happen but who would want
  • 3LeggedMan
    13 years ago
    I've cum in my pants just once in the past 3-4 years. That was during my first VIP session with a new, rather popular dancer at my local club. I've had 4-5 more VIPs with her since, but without the happy ending. She hasn't put out the same level of effort that she gave that first session. While cuddling with her is somewhat satisfying, it just isn't the same. I'm planning to have my next VIP at that club with a different girl. Prior to the experiences with that beauty, I'd had several occasions where there was a happy ending, but probably only in about 10% of my visits to various clubs.
  • 2lionking
    13 years ago
    this is something I had been deeply embarrassed about for myself. I have no problem cummin during a lap dance. Then I walk away and it feels horribly gross. Wondering if my wet spot shines through. Talked with a dancer about it and she said not to be embarrassed as it is a full compliment to succeed in the happy ending. So now I am more relaxed and I get a hard on but not to ejaculation. The dancers love my hard on and I get the pleasure of lasting longer.
  • vincemichaels
    13 years ago
  • wetpussy80
    13 years ago
    Thanks to all the non ignorant people for responding appreciate it
  • Book Guy
    13 years ago
    Yes, I can get a nut from a lapper. I have to actively choose to do it, and then get set up for the experience; and the dancer has to be of the sort who will help me out. But it's not necessary for her to reach inside the pants, or for her to give DIRECT sex-oriented or manual motions from outside the pants. The right kind of motion, the right kind of pants, the right kind of condom, and I can nut if I go ahead and arrange myself properly and then participate in the right angle and direction. To those who want to improve on either (a) getting a nut from a lap dance, which they currently DON'T experience, or (b) cleaning up from a nut, which they currently DO experience ... here are some suggestions: A. To increase the chance of nutting: 1. wear the best shorts, pants, underwear, no-underwear, sweat-pants, etc., for your grindage preference; don't wear blue-jeans. 2. condomania: -a. before your dance, excuse yourself to go to the men's room, where you -b. put on a condom with lube on its interior, which you prepare either by: --i. bringing a mini-lube packet and applying the goo to the condom and/or to Mr. Willie by hand, or --ii. getting a brand of condom that has pre-lube in its interior; then -c. fix your trousers and shirt-tails properly for ideal lapper experience, and -d. THEN go get your lapper. There is a fine art to standing up in a toilet stall while holding a beer bottle, pretending to urinate, keeping your feet spread far enough apart that any casual observer would assume you were urinating, keeping your pants from dropping down onto the hideously unhygienic floor, sustaining the proper sort of woody, applying a pre-lubed condom, disposing of the condom's foil wrapper, pretending to finish urinating, ensconcing the quasi-droop and its slimy sheath inside the silk underwear, arranging the dress shirt such that the tucked-in ends enhance rather than detract from the lapper experience, fastening the eleven goddamned buttons and slides necessary to secure typical dress trousers, flushing, and then nonchalantly taking a swig of your beer as you depart the stall and pretend nothing was unusual. :P Or your could: 3. get a better dancer. :) B. To decrease the chance of messing your trousers if you do nut: wear a condom. Jeez, wasn't that a bit obvious? You can search for other threads on this and related subjects: Don't. Wear. Jeans.
  • laplap1974
    13 years ago
    Absolutely. The trick is to wear windbreaker pants. The fabric is thin so that gives better contact from the dancer. The dancer has to know how to dance in that she is able to grind you good. There is a certain point where the dancer gets a feel for you and she will work you up just to make you cum. Pick the dancer and develop a connection. Most importantly wear the right pants
  • vincemichaels
    13 years ago
    yw, wetpussy80
  • Columbo
    13 years ago
    Hasn't happened for me yet, but it is fun to have them try. The condom idea sounds interesting, but I get the impression it would come off pretty easy from the grinding, even in the underwear. Anyone who has tried it have tips for keeping it on?
  • bigdude012
    13 years ago
    I've precum a few times from LD's but only once did I fully cum. That particular dancer made me feel like I was inside of her even though I wasn't.
  • sharkhunter
    13 years ago
    I'm more likely to fall asleep in a strip club than I am to get that excited by anyone. That might have something to do with visiting clubs late at night, drinking a few beers and not finding any dancers that really turn me on that much anymore. I was thinking I never got off from a lap dance but if you count the precum leaking out, then that is hard to stop at certain times. I suddenly remember one dancer arguing with me. I said I didn't do anything but she claimed she tasted something. I knew I didn't blow a load but she kept telling me she tasted something. I didn't know what precum was at that time. A tiny little bit can leak out before you blow a major load. Anyway that was a strange lap dance since she seemed possessed kissing me in strange places telling me not to worry. I say she seemed possessed because as soon as the song was over, it seemed like she suddenly realized how far she went with her kissing and licking. She attempted to threaten me if I ever told anyone what she did at the club. Her threat was that she would never dance for me again if I told anyone. Weird I thought. She didn't ask for a tip either. Too bad that club isn't open anymore.
  • samsung1
    13 years ago
    I have done a 30 minute champagne room here in Columbus and have not had happy ending...in Detroit I don't think I could last 30 minutes with some of those high mileage dancers! A guy buys a lap dance hoping to get lucky...the dancer already know if he will or not. I think unless you have some premature ejaculation problem you are not going to cum unless the dancer wants you to and explicitly says she wants you to. If she does not give direct answers most likely she is just leading you on or not interested.
  • Book Guy
    13 years ago
    @sharkhunter: I've had one or two "dancer seemed possessed" experiences, too. Only much later did I realize, the dancer was probably on an odd and not-so-functional mixture of stripper-brains, alcohol, and illegal drugs such as MDMA extasy heroin cocaine upper-pills etc.. They get in "funny" moods, some of them, because they're "revving the engine" in order to be able to do a great job and yet still stomach the contact; or, merely in order to stay up til all odd late hours.
  • rl27
    13 years ago
    I have had it happen twice in Columbus, Samsung. Both times I warned the dancer if she kept the contact up I would cum. The first time was at a club that was then known as Columbus Gold II in a 30 minute champagne room from a dancer named Dakota. Dakota just smiled and picked up the pace when I warned her. The second time was about 4 or 5 years ago at Kahoots in one the booths with a dancer named Stephania. When I warned her, Stephania said "I don't mind, in fact I wondered if I would ever get you to." Then proceded to grind like mad all the while whispering encouragement in my ear. All other times were out of town.
  • samsung1
    13 years ago
    rl27, interesting stories. That was before the pasties and no contact laws here in Ohio/Columbus. Kahoots is a fun club but now the songs are clipped short to 3 minutes at most and $30/song (I believe it was $20-25 before and no clipped).
  • mmdv26
    13 years ago
    @columbo ...."The condom idea sounds interesting, but I get the impression it would come off pretty easy from the grinding, even in the underwear. Anyone who has tried it have tips for keeping it on?"..... Duct tape.
  • Yeah! I did. That set me on my self-destructive path that has led me to TUSCL. Ah, Spice of Anthony's Showplace in Nashville!
  • Prim0
    13 years ago
    Can and have...and the sooner the cheaper!
  • Book Guy
    13 years ago
    Not duct tape! Maybe rubber cement, if the condom slipping off is genuinely an issue. it's been an issue for me only in the mildest sense, really. Come to think of it, a few dabs of duct-tape might be exactly the thing ... :P
  • steve229
    13 years ago
    When I see this thread title, I hear it in the voice of the GEICO commercial guy ("Can GEICO really save you 15% on auto insurance...)
  • travelingguy
    13 years ago
    samsung1 - the pasties thing in Columbus sucks but I dare say that the no contact laws are exercised liberally by some clubs/dancers. I have had nearly as much contact in a couple Columbus clubs as I have in Detroit or Miami/Tampa. As I am sure you know, it is all about finding the right dancer and/or becoming familiar to the right dancer...
  • PHound
    13 years ago
    The question was "Wondering can a guy cum from a lap dance just asking". Not a HJ, BJ or having mister happpy sticking out. Overall I'd guess that it is not that uncommon, but it was for me. It happened only one time, but she was stroking me through my pants. I was a little embarrased but she told me that was commonplace for her that more than 50% of the time her customers would cum. She treated it like she was proud because she knew I was getting into her and her technique. That girl defined the meaning of full contact, even when fully clothed. For me it was probably like .001% because this has only happened once while constrained in my pants over like 20+ years of LD's. I'm not saying that I haven't cum at a club before, just not from a LD. I prefer not to make a mess, although it's not that big a deal. It's not my objective for having a LD or usually going to a club. I'm there for fun, pleasure is more that just cuming it's getting there. My ATF would get and keep me hard for it seemed like hours, I didn't have to get off every time, she could just keep that thing up and I was luvin it.
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