
Amateur Pornstar know danceing Around Dayton

Sunday, April 24, 2011 8:51 AM
Zoe Zayn pornstar/model 32 5'1', 115 lbs , these are the places she danced at in the past Cheeks, The Harem, Baby Dolls, Diamonds. NY NY, Bristols Entertainment industry August 1999 – October 2008 (9 years 3 months) She is doing dance appearances at some clubs around dayton to promote her site [view link] , will post schedule when she puts it up on her blog , I beleive she's already done some at Baby Dolls this past week


  • stan1986
    13 years ago
    here is her free ones link also [view link]
  • samsung1
    13 years ago
    32 years old!
  • stan1986
    13 years ago
    A smokeing 32 , i think she looks more like 27-28
  • steve229
    13 years ago
    Getting a little long in the tooth, but I'd do her.
  • troop
    13 years ago
    my opinion, she's a 5, just average. one plus, at least she hasn't gone the implant route, yet.
  • stan1986
    13 years ago
    All i know she gives some great dances
  • stan1986
    13 years ago
    Brooke sometimes goes to the clubs around dayton as a patron , to tip the girls
  • stan1986
    13 years ago
    here is some more pics of zoe zayn at a event in Ind , called N.A.P [view link]
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    She's not bad, but her photos just reinforce my opinion that many non-pro local girls are as hot, or hotter, than the porn stars, and a durn sight cheaper in most cases. Now, if they are better in the sack, and I dint have any experience with porn girls there, I suppose it might be worth it, but they'd have to be a *lot* better to command some of the prices I've seen.
  • farmerart
    13 years ago
    No thank you - hate the tats. This girl would have tough competition at Toronto area clubs from the resident beauties. She wouldn't be on the 'A' list in my beloved lame Alberta clubs either.
  • samsung1
    13 years ago
    Stan take a road trip up to Detroit and visit penthouse to know what a good dance is....diamonds and babydolls would be out of business if it were not for the young military men in Dayton
  • rl27
    13 years ago
    I had gotten a few dances from her, they were run of the mill for Dayton. Which means better than Columbus, but that's not too hard to accomplish. Didn't know she was a pornstar until I saw this topic. Wouldn't go to a club just to see her.
  • stan1986
    13 years ago
    Evertbodys entitled to there own opinion , My opinion she looks great , tats rock , As for Diamonds never been too much for blood for a dance what $40 ? , And i never said that she rivals every other dancer out there , But just remember, opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one. Some are just a little stinkier than others . Have a good day/night at the club.
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