
Comments by farmerart (page 89)

  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Seattle, Washington
    When and Where Did Lap Dancing Begin?
    I had no clue about lap dances and all the rest until April, 2010.
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    13 years ago
    NHL Playoffs results/predictions based off strip club city strength
    Bien sur, vincemichaels. Elles sont formidables - les quebecoises, les acadiennes, meme les franco-albertaines.
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    13 years ago
    Most You've Spent in Strip Clubs in One Night?
    I always provide much hilarity here when I reply honestly to questions like this. Even though I now know my way around the SC world I am still capable of nights of silly irresponsibility. Case in point is my most recent SC visit in Vancouver - almost $2000. All time worst was in Wisconsin last summer - upwards of $8k. (I still have nightmares about that night.) Vancouver visit, surprisingly enough, was a blast; it just happened to be in a club of $50 lap dances and a large crew of super hot dancers. Booze always plays a big part in these financial disasters.
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    13 years ago
    Ooops.... RickDugan Calls TxTittyFan An Idiot
    Here is a real world problem to be dealt with in the forex market: Oilman (me) is producing oil in Canada. Costs are in CAD. Revenue is in USD. I hedge oil prices in the futures market - 2011: US$104/bbl; 2012: US$106/bbl; 2013: US$106.50/bbl. Question is: What do I do with CAD-USD cross rates for the next two and a half years? Lock in today's rate of approx. C$1=US$1.025. Or take the spot rate at time of sale? My perception is that USD falls vs. CAD in the next two and a half years, so hedging currency at today's rates helps me. But if my perception of currency movement is wrong my netback/bbl of oil can be hit by 10-15%. That is how currency movement affects the real world. Any advice?
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    13 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    "He's Old Enough to be my Grandpa"
    Since I was 61 years old when I first visited a SC (and I am now only 62) I consider myself to be a callow youth in SC terms. Damn you old guys tying up all the hot dancers!!
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    13 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Going without
    harrydave: Over the years I have had employees who spoke many different languages. Cantonese speaking guy used to continually say to me (when he was pissed off at me) something like this: "Ham Lan Ma". I discovered later that it was: "Suck my dick". I got a waiter in a small town Chinese restaurant to teach me a suitable comeback: "Day Yoo Nay Eee" = "Fuck off". I've got Tagalog, Ukrainian, Czech, Polish, Romanian equivalents also; and of course, English, French, and German. No Arabic for you however.
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    13 years ago
    same taste in girls
    @Club_Goer: I checked out your profile pics. WELL !! You and I would be competing for the same dancers if we were in the club at the same time.
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    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    That review pisses me off.
    Dunno, shadowcat. What's the point really? You can't help out every single person you encounter with his head stuck up his ass. Let it slide and ignore.
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    13 years ago
    Stripper Shit Whoppers
    Strippers peddle shit to me ?? NO WAY!! I am such a nice kindly old gentlemen no dancer would ever do that to ME. Uh............ would she?
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    13 years ago
    NHL Playoffs results/predictions based off strip club city strength
    Strip clubs? Has to be Tampa Hockey club? Only one answer - Boston. Most Mellow city? Vancouver Do You Know The Way To San Jose? I don't
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    13 years ago
    When You Discover You Are Not The Man You Used To Be............................
    trojangreg, In a hotel tavern in DirtyAss, Alberta right now. No strippers but there is a toothless old girl in greasy coveralls at a table across the room. Three big glasses of draft cost less than a single Kokanee at the 5.
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    13 years ago
    off subject - our health
    I have had these colonoscopies since I was about 40 and I don't really get sedated. My doc gives me some Valium just to relax the sphincter muscles. I don't mind the fasting but I HATE giving myself enemas. Last few times I have done it outside, sprayed myself down with the hose, then inside for a shower. Helps to live on a farm - can always use some manure! My doc lets me see the screen displaying my colon. It is very interesting to see what things look like in your bowels. Don't be wusses. Get this done. Colon cancer caught early is very treatable.
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    13 years ago
    S. Calif. city bans coffeehouse nudity, gambling
    Gotta luv the irrepressible entrepreneurial spirit of these gals. Franchises available in Canada?
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    13 years ago
    IT caught in crossfire when it comes to smartphone privacy
    I provide Blackberries for my employees to use on business and I insist on the Blackberry use because I have such high confidence in the Blackberry encryption walls. Security is critical in the oil patch. I don't give a crap about the GPS features of any of these devices. I don't even know if Blackberry has it.
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    13 years ago
    A bit of confusion about lap dance policies at strip clubs.
    What are boobs? That is a new word for me.
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    13 years ago
    how far would you travel?
    Egads, if I drive to a SC with reliable takeout I can count on a 3-hour drive to Calgary. For a club with UHM ITC it is a flight of over 3000km to Toronto or Detroit.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Seattle, Washington
    Dancers who are Students at a Four-year College
    @Prim0: You make me feel like an ass. Could well be that you are right. Remember, however, this was a Toronto club - there is never any beating around the bush about sex in the Toronto clubs that I patronize. Even so, maybe it WAS me that was had. Wouldn't be the first time. Want to buy 100,000 shares of Bre-X?
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    13 years ago
    Average strip club profits
    You are right, bumrubber. With so much of the SC business being cash the temptation to skim must be overwhelming. I saw the audited books of an Alberta SC last year and the return on equity (based on the asking price for the club) was absolutely unacceptable for me. The asking price for the club would have to have been cut by 75% to make the numbers acceptable for me to be an investable business. The seller was rock solid firm on his asking price and when I pushed my arguments he just gave me a sly grin. So, obviously this is a business where profit statements shared with the tax authorities and profit in pocket are two completely different stories. My participation in the SC world shall be as a customer forever more.
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    13 years ago
    steve229, I made a return visit to No. 5 Orange a couple days after the review that you quoted when starting a discussion here about price gouging. Bartender plops down a Kokanee and says, "Sorry art, I think your favourite lady left the club already." Ouch! After a single visit the bartender remembers all this stuff?? Sheesh.....
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    13 years ago
    Aspiring Global Hound
    ATF status... revoked
    The sole dancer I ever could really call an ATF lost her status with me by letting me into her tiny intellectual world. She had the IQ of a piece of celery. Sexually she was Mensa. I brought her out from Toronto to rancho farmerart for a long weekend and she spent virtually every non sex moment watching cartoons on my various satellite TV systems! Lord, I do miss that incredibly tight pussy, however.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    I can tell you that whenever my spending careens out of control in a SC excess booze is always the culprit. I have also discovered that in the lame Alberta and Vancouver clubs that I frequent I can get much better lap dances if I ply the girls with a few shooters or cocktails. They are much, much more willing to bend house rules. Or, is it just my devastating good looks, ripped bod, and playful personality?
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Strip club permissiveness
    I do not have george's experience since I have been at this hobby for barely a year but it has been a very active year and I can see the basis for george's thesis. I started as a wide-eyed oaf amazed at what was happening in the US and Toronto clubs I first visited and then came back to the reality of lame Alberta and Vancouver clubs where I live most of the year. But even here I soon became able to find the OTC services that I have come to enjoy on a pretty regular basis. I am thinking that if it is so easy to arrange OTC in 100% clean clubs in 2010/2011, it must have been just as easy to arrange 10, 20, 30 years ago. This easy availability of sex via SCs did not just happen because my money and I appeared on the scene a year ago.
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    13 years ago
    North Carolina
    Strip Clubs in Mexico
    My thoughts exactly, motorhead. I will add this as a Canadian; my trips to the US are becoming less frequent because of the hassles I experience by US border control people (air and land crossings). This just means that Toronto area clubs are getting the money I would spend in Detroit area clubs.
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    13 years ago
    Seattle, Washington
    Dancers who are Students at a Four-year College
    I met a dancer in Toronto who claimed to be in the midst of a pipefitting apprenticeship. She just had the incredible bad luck to run that line past a guy like me who has a bit of knowledge about the muscle trades. Had some fun messing with her head until she got up and left. I wish she had claimed to be a welder or a diesel mechanic - I could have really twisted her in knots then!