I just recently got acquainted with a new dancer at a club I frequent. She's 18 and a sophomore (probably started college early) at one of the local four-year universities. That made me think that over the 20 years I've been going to strip clubs, that so few dancers have told me they're a student at a four-year college/university. If they're college students, most are attending a community college. Even more student dancers seem to be attending trade schools. Why do you suppose so few dancers are students at a four-year college? (I have my opinion, but I'll hold off for now, so as not to influence others who want to chime in.)
In New England the places where I often go, that's all there is, it being a huge college area. Whatever, to me at least, the fact that the girls are getting engineering or economics or advanced degrees in some of the country's top of the cream of the crop schools doesn't really factor in to the dancing...
They pretty much all tell me that they are in college. Usually, this blows up in their face when they tell me about their major and have absolutely no idea what that major involves. If you're going to lie to me honey, tell me about how sexy I am!
Many will say that they are going to school, but several of those will later admit that it is night school or technical school or some med tech program or something. Few are actually in four-year schools and those that are tend to be the liberal arts, psychology, English lit types who don't care what others think and believe they are doing something subversive. They either wash out quickly or they stay in the business and quit school to rake in the money. So there are just too many factors working against the undergrad dancer to make it a long-term arrangement.
Money, primarily. Kids they have, is another. It is refreshing to talk to a dancer who demonstrates the knowledge one would have in a degree pursuit. A few nights back, I enjoyed talking to a dancer working on her Doctorate. I know enough of her field to ascertain she is the real thing. Too bad she was so scrawny, I don't doubt she wasn't happy that I wouldn't buy a drink for her or get dances. I know another dancer back in Detroit who just finished her Doctorate. She's fine, and I know she likes the cash in the strip club business, let's see if she stops dancing now.
I met a dancer in Toronto who claimed to be in the midst of a pipefitting apprenticeship. She just had the incredible bad luck to run that line past a guy like me who has a bit of knowledge about the muscle trades. Had some fun messing with her head until she got up and left. I wish she had claimed to be a welder or a diesel mechanic - I could have really twisted her in knots then!
Oh yes!! The ones that don't know what they are talking about are hilarious. I cite the 2 I know, as a needed counterpoint. They are out there, obviously not many, but there are some.
As much as the local news stations like to run stories about college student strippers during the sweeps rating periods --
"Destiny was one of those exotic dancers who actually used the money she earned to work her way through college. She isn't, and never was, a drug addict. She wasn't abused as a child. In fact, as we discussed her career over lunch, she found herself apologizing because her experience just wasn't that scandalous."
I find it really quite rare. I frequent clubs both in Lansing (Michigan State is in East Lansing) and Kalamazoo (Western Michigan University) and have yet to find a stripper who actually attends a 4-year college. Several are in 2-year community college programs and some are in some sort of trade school (mostly cosmetology) but I have yet to find a girl who actually dances to pay her way thru a 4-year university.
I think others have stated the reason. 4-year colleges are expensive and require a big time commitment. Most dancers are single moms. Maybe students are more common elsewhere, but most of the dancers at the clubs I go to are career strippers.
I hate that kind of pseudo-news filler. Here's a hint, the girls who are actually in school are often more guarded and reluctant to discuss where they go and what they study.
A lot of it is SS. I have known some that are bona fide college students but others may use the "going to school" thing to mask the fact their time is spent seeing clients.
My fav is pursuing a 4 yr degree then law school. I will bang her all the way thru....
I read an article recently describing the reduced demands on students in college. Back in my day you could expect a professor to cover at least 50 pages per class session and if you hadn't read it you were lost. Calculus, modern language and a lab science were required for keeping pace and graduating on time. Now, it's all watered down and overpriced. It may be easier than I think for a dancer to go to a four year college. I just don't see how a dancer can work those hours, attend class, keep up with the homework, write term papers and study for exams. My guess is that most dancers are lying about going to college. It's part of the hustle to get us to buy dances. We feel good about helping a struggling student, but are not enthusiastic about helping with the boyfriend's rent. I have bought dances from women who hold graduate degrees, but they didn't dance while in school. They went into stripping to pay off student loans or make weekend money. We will probably see more college educated and degreed dancers given the poor state of the economy.
Dancers lie routinely about almost everything. Such lies even have their own term, SS. No surprise, then, that dancers lie about attending school. My personal favorite was a 20-something girl who claimed to be studying "psychiatry"...at the local junior college.
I got my 4 year degree at a state university then started dancing. Yes I know it sounds backwards. I was a good student, never got into trouble, my parents said I was a perfect child. I was boring. I was bound to rebel sometime.
Seems like so many of the dancers up in the northwoods are hairdressers or were cosmotolody students..or dental assts... a few nurses.. def not 4 year degree students...
Some girl really are in college. A few really are even in grad school. Most, however, are completely FOS about their education level. Many have not even completed high school. I would estimate that at least 75% of them are not in school at all (too be fair though, many have young children which sort of makes that hard).
It is always fun to call down the ones are obviously lying about their level of education. Calling down the ones who claim to be in med school (for some reasons a popular lie around here) is particularly fun.
I met one today in Key West that said she flew down to make tuition for her next semester at a four year school. SS, maybe, but I don't see what she would have to gain from me.
I also earned my four year degree(in business)while stripping. I began at a community college because the tuition was less, the classes smaller and easier to get into.
One of my first ATF's 15+ years ago went to law school. She switched to weekend nights, and I didn't see her much during most of law school. She sent me a clipping from the newspaper that listed successful bar exam candidates, then moved away from the area.
I was happy for another one who proudly spoke of obtaining her 2-year degree, and then being accepted at a 4-year school to finish her bachelor's degree. I was surprised to hear her complaining about failing the GED a couple of years later.
You make me feel like an ass. Could well be that you are right. Remember, however, this was a Toronto club - there is never any beating around the bush about sex in the Toronto clubs that I patronize. Even so, maybe it WAS me that was had. Wouldn't be the first time.
One stripper here, who seems rather "career stripper" (or, just, "career alternative" a.k.a. "career stick-it-to-the-man"), has claimed to me that she has a forklift license. I kinda believe her. I've met lots of girls who claim they're in the process of getting their G.E.D. or equivalency; and many others who claim they're at one of the branches of the state university system in pursuit of some kind of technical certification that is about a half-step below a full "legitimate" bachelor's -- for example nursing (but not the full R.N.); or something like medical secretary, paralegal, optician, culinary and catering hygiene certification, mortgage brokering, real estate agent, small engine repair, automotive repair, aircraft repair, veterinary assistant, etc. etc..
Most of these stories "could" be true, given that most of these programs require a small set of basic courses and then a battery of tests which should be easy for anyone with aptitude in the field, plus good background and course-work. Therefore, the steps toward certification are catch-as-catch-can. Viz., "I only need my level-seven license but I keep failing the test and I'm going to have to take another arithmetic course before I'm allowed to take the level-eight test." This sort of run-it-on-your-own-schedule educational plan fits well with a stripper's world view of how the rest of the universe views (or "should view," according to her) time-commitments.
What's hard to believe is a girl who claims, at least once a month, that she's retiring from stripping "next month," and she continues to make those claims year after year.
I don't think there is anything wrong going to community college with the intention of transferring to a four year program. Financially it is stupid to pay four year rates when one can get the education in basic sociology, English, etc. at a cheaper community college rate.
I have met many claiming to attend a 4 year college, and it is my belief that only three of them are legit. And the only clubs I ever met those ladies at are at clubs in Lawrence, Kansas, the home of the Univ. of Kansas. There may have been some I met in the clubs of Lincoln, Nebraska, home of the Univ. of Nebraska, but no one there ever wanted to talk about school. As for anywhere else, it would only make sense to me if there happened to be a college nearby, because if the college is too far away, it would seem that work took too much time.
I am only positive of one and I didn't find out until after the fact. She came into the club one day, happy as hell, and told everyone that she had just gotten tenure at the University of South Carolina. I asked her what she taught. "Public speaking and Theateur". I asked so why are you still dancing(occasionally). "Because I miss it". Last I heard she was now reaching at Clemson.
last comment"Destiny was one of those exotic dancers who actually used the money she earned to work her way through college. She isn't, and never was, a drug addict. She wasn't abused as a child. In fact, as we discussed her career over lunch, she found herself apologizing because her experience just wasn't that scandalous."
I find it really quite rare. I frequent clubs both in Lansing (Michigan State is in East Lansing) and Kalamazoo (Western Michigan University) and have yet to find a stripper who actually attends a 4-year college. Several are in 2-year community college programs and some are in some sort of trade school (mostly cosmetology) but I have yet to find a girl who actually dances to pay her way thru a 4-year university.
I think others have stated the reason. 4-year colleges are expensive and require a big time commitment. Most dancers are single moms. Maybe students are more common elsewhere, but most of the dancers at the clubs I go to are career strippers.
My fav is pursuing a 4 yr degree then law school. I will bang her all the way thru....
I was a good student, never got into trouble, my parents said I was a perfect child. I was boring.
I was bound to rebel sometime.
If she ever tells us where she is working. LOL
It is always fun to call down the ones are obviously lying about their level of education. Calling down the ones who claim to be in med school (for some reasons a popular lie around here) is particularly fun.
I was happy for another one who proudly spoke of obtaining her 2-year degree, and then being accepted at a 4-year school to finish her bachelor's degree. I was surprised to hear her complaining about failing the GED a couple of years later.
Her: I'm an apprentice pipefitter.
Me: Hmmm...I just happen to be a master pipe layer! Let's get out of here and practice our trade!
You make me feel like an ass. Could well be that you are right. Remember, however, this was a Toronto club - there is never any beating around the bush about sex in the Toronto clubs that I patronize. Even so, maybe it WAS me that was had. Wouldn't be the first time.
Want to buy 100,000 shares of Bre-X?
Most of these stories "could" be true, given that most of these programs require a small set of basic courses and then a battery of tests which should be easy for anyone with aptitude in the field, plus good background and course-work. Therefore, the steps toward certification are catch-as-catch-can. Viz., "I only need my level-seven license but I keep failing the test and I'm going to have to take another arithmetic course before I'm allowed to take the level-eight test." This sort of run-it-on-your-own-schedule educational plan fits well with a stripper's world view of how the rest of the universe views (or "should view," according to her) time-commitments.
"Reaching" for what, another $5 from you? :)