

I went to a club last night and had a few too many.... I actually kept my money in my pocket more then other times, it made me wonder if being drunk causes me to spend more money or less and I actually think it tends to be less.. I also wonder if the girl is drunk will she be looser and I'm not sure that's the case... i'm I in the minority on this???


  • Dudester
    13 years ago
    Twice, I thought I had a sure thing with drunk strippers. Twice, it was a regrettable decision. No more drunk strippers for me.
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    A couple of drinks will loosten them up but when they get shit faced it usually spells disaster. I have quit drinking but when I used to, I NEVER drank too much in a club. Too many bad things can happen. Especially not able to get it up.
  • Stiletto25
    13 years ago
    Tipsy dancer equals all good
    Shit faced dancer equals emotional (and not in a good way)
  • pabloantonio
    13 years ago
    I agree with Stiletto. Tipsy dancers are usually ready for sex if they like you and if they are an extras girl. Drunk dancers spell disaster. I avoid drunk dancers like the plague. Besides management tends to come down hard on girls that are wasted.

    I made a surprise visit to one of my favs last year at her club. My flight arrived in time for me to freshen up and make the club by 10PM. Unfortunately my fav had been there since 2PM and she was toast. The manager had enough and told me to "get her out of here." There was nothing I could do but take her to her apt and let her sleep it off. No, drunk girls are no fun. I know all too well.

  • SuperDude
    13 years ago
    Drunk strippers usually break into tears about something before you can find out if things are going anywhere. Who needs an OTC crying jag?
  • Rod8432
    13 years ago
    I've found for LDs that while drunk strippers would initially seem like extra fun, they're actually less so. They'll grind, but often lose their focus and sense of rhythm, resulting in a dance that's sloppy, uncoordinated, and without finesse. There's lots of exaggerated bumping and wiggling but it's hard to enjoy. I pretty much stick with the sober or only slightly tipsy girls.
  • farmerart
    13 years ago
    I can tell you that whenever my spending careens out of control in a SC excess booze is always the culprit.

    I have also discovered that in the lame Alberta and Vancouver clubs that I frequent I can get much better lap dances if I ply the girls with a few shooters or cocktails. They are much, much more willing to bend house rules.

    Or, is it just my devastating good looks, ripped bod, and playful personality?
  • dudeanonymous
    13 years ago
    Lately, I seem to be buying dancers a lot of bottled water and soda. Probably not a general sobering trend by dancers, so perhaps I'm becoming attracted to the ones who aren't looking to get drunk.
  • steve229
    13 years ago
    So I'm at the bar, cuddled up with my favorite, having drinks and sharing lunch. A young dancer, "G", comes by. "You two look so happy," she says, wistfully. My fav and I exchange looks. "No really," G adds, "you're such a cute couple, all smiling and laughing."

    G then orders a shot, and starts pulling singles out of her garter to pay for it, but comes up short. Being the nice guy I am, I kick in the difference. She gives me a hug and a sloppy, boozy kiss on the cheek. "This is my 3rd shot," she says (the club has been open about half an hour by now).

    Later another dancer comes by and tells my fav she needs to go on stage early because G is in the DR "crying her eyes out." Seems her boyfriend just broke up with her. So now things are starting to make sense.

    When I'm leaving later I see that G is back on the floor. A young guy is buying her shots, and she is all over him. The guy has an expression like he's just won the lottery.

    If I wasn't with my fav, I might have made a run at her myself. To console her, you know, in her hour of need.
  • vincemichaels
    13 years ago
    I agree, drunk can be disaster. I remember one time a guy rushing out of the VIP with puke on his pants !!! LMAO. I wonder what the dancer was doing to be so close to his pants. :)

    And farmerart, absolutely, those attributes you mention, (devastating goood looks, ripped bod, and playful personality) !!
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    Prefer them relaxed, not unconscious. And I don't drink at all when I'm in the club.
  • bang69
    13 years ago
    I never drink in sc. A dear friend of mine is a stripper. She told me dancers look for drunk patrons.
  • m00tpoint
    13 years ago
    Surefire way to a bad time - Drunk husband.
    Surefire way to a good time - wife in strip club a bit over the edge of tipsy
  • m00tpoint
    13 years ago
    Surefire way to a bad time - Drunk husband.
    Surefire way to a good time - wife in strip club a bit over the edge of tipsy
  • gsv
    13 years ago
    Overall I'd say it is better to minimize the drinking in the club. There are definitely some advantages to it - the girls will gravitate to you and that may not necessarily be a bad thing, especially if you're drinking with them and they're tipsy as well. Plus (at least this is how it is for me), the girls will start to look even more attractive. However, you may end up spending some more money (I have done it, but not too drastically) than you anticipated, not just in buying all the booze, but you'll probably spend a lot more on LDs, etc. Overall best thing is to drink minimally yourself, or not at all. But I would not hesitate to buy drinks for the girls.
  • magicrat
    13 years ago
    Guess I fall into the camp of more drinking by me, the more $ I spend with no more corresponding fun with the dancers. On the other hand, I've been to clubs in the past few months and have drunk little to none, and the whole vibe seemed depressing. I'm thinking there's a fine line there between getting a buzz on and total stupidity.

    As far as drunk dancers go, on a recent visit a regular dancer seemed even more trashed than usual. The mileage went up, but then she wanted twice the $ for what I've paid in the past. We compromised but that exchange was a little weird. Shadowcat can probably guess who I'm talking about as he was there.
  • newmark
    13 years ago
    I normally don't drink in a club, or when I do it is only a couple. I don't think it has ever been a factor in my spending. I usually end up with dancers trying to get me to drink.
  • newmark
    13 years ago
    I normally don't drink in a club, or when I do it is only a couple. I don't think it has ever been a factor in my spending. I usually end up with dancers trying to get me to drink.
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