
ATF status... revoked

Aspiring Global Hound
Saturday, May 7, 2011 5:15 PM
What has an ATF done to loose her ATF status with you? Went to my regular club last night to see my ATF. She takes off her panties and ... WTF? She's got new dermal percings about 2 inches north of her sweet spot. Sorry sweetie, not my cup of tea. Looked up some info on that type of percing and they're pretty much permanent becasue your skin grows into the mount the 'jewerly' attached to. Now, there are worse things IMO (such as tats) but random pieces of metal in your abdomen just doesn't work for me. I just hate it when exceptionally pretty girls ruin their bodies with this kind of garbage. There has also been so other baggage draging things down between us lately too, so there is also some "straw that broke the camels back" in play here as well. Oh well, it couldn't last forever.


  • gatorfan
    13 years ago
    She should have consulted with you first.
  • Dudester
    13 years ago
    Something most strippers understand is marketability. They really should take business classes.
  • deogol
    13 years ago
    OK, being serious, but how can one really do marketability? How many "what do you like" threads are on here and everyone comes out with something different including purple dyed leg hair? She got some piercings - a market test - if her earnings go down, they will probably come out. My ATF would not move with me across the continent. No sense towards customer loyalty. >;)
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    I'll let you know if/when it happens. I have known gridget for over 8 years and she reached ATF status 3 years ago and it still going strong.
  • stan1986
    13 years ago
    I think tats are hott , as long as their done right , its her body she can do whatever she wants too it .
  • lopaw
    13 years ago
    My last ATF got pissed at me and chased me around the club with her scary stripper shoe, yelling at me in spanish. She was one latina loca. I no longer crave or will seek out another ATF. Nowadays I like to share the love (and $$$) with many many MANY dancers. If one starts getting too close, I move to another club for a while til it cools down. Geez - I already have a "wife" at home....I don't need one in a stripclub.
  • SuperDude
    13 years ago
    She is free to change and so are you.
  • GoVikings
    13 years ago
    lmao, gatorfan is hilarious, I love his posts.
  • GoVikings
    13 years ago
    "I just hate it when exceptionally pretty girls ruin their bodies with this kind of garbage." I agree with you 100%. I also agree with your statement about tats. I HATE it when I see girls that have a large portion of their body covered in tats. Now don't get me wrong, a couple of small tats isn't bad, but other then that I just think it looks terrible. I want to see a ladies beautiful skin, not her body covered in a bunch of tats or piercings. With all that said, like everyone mentioned above, there's no point in complaining about it because the individual is free to do what they want. I just don't think it looks good at all.
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    Nothing. She always has been and still is.
  • jackslash
    13 years ago
    If these girls were sensible and had good taste, they wouldn't be strippers.
  • 10inches
    13 years ago
    definite NO to body piercings of any kind. small tramp stamps are okay but anything else and i won't tip no matter how hot she is!!!
  • farmerart
    13 years ago
    The sole dancer I ever could really call an ATF lost her status with me by letting me into her tiny intellectual world. She had the IQ of a piece of celery. Sexually she was Mensa. I brought her out from Toronto to rancho farmerart for a long weekend and she spent virtually every non sex moment watching cartoons on my various satellite TV systems! Lord, I do miss that incredibly tight pussy, however.
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    farmerart, A solution for you. Bring her out to your spread, so she can. ALSO, find an intellectual to bring along. That way you will have a companion for each of your endeavors. This advice is provides free of charge!
  • steve229
    13 years ago
    Current fav doesn't have any tats, but she does have those nipple rings. She told me once she was thinking of getting a clit hood piercing, and asked what I thought. I said that I definitely would need to accompany her for that to, you know, hold her hand and drive her home, and then offer some post operative care, lol.
  • gsv
    13 years ago
    A *few* tats here and there are OK and all, and a navel piercing can look pretty hot. But as it starts to get beyond that, it's too much so I can completely understand where the ATF status can get lost. I wish more girls who are naturally so beautiful would realize that they don't need to add all these things to their body - they look great already.
  • harrydave
    13 years ago
    farmerart, LOL! Who was it who said sex is 90% mental? As for tattoos and piercings, I don't have strong aversion, but at some point, decoration turns to mutilation. Plus, there is something really sad about a large abdominal tattoo after childbirth. Is that a flower or a gila monster?
  • bang69
    13 years ago
    its her body she'll do as she please with it.
  • Dougster
    13 years ago
    farmerart: "She had the IQ of a piece of celery" "she spent virtually every non sex moment watching cartoons on my various satellite TV systems" Well, well. Seems we have found a match for txtittyfan. Introduce them, and I'm sure he'll be writing on here about how clever this woman is.
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    mjx: That wouldn't have been nearly enough for me to kick her to the curb. For me my ATF held that status for reason having to do with her attitude and enthusiasm more than her looks. Not that she was a dog, there are hotter women around, but when I could call her and get *seriously* fucked a couple of hours later, that counts for way more than the presence or absence of some hardware that isn't even in an area with which I'm overly concerned. Gods, I miss that pussy!
  • MrsGMD
    13 years ago
    You are *such* a pervert.
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    Bored much?
  • MrsGMD
    13 years ago
    Its my night off and I'll do what I want. aren't you supposed to be working instead of playing around on your phone. What would your boss say? (:
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