That review pisses me off.

avatar for shadowcat
Atlanta suburb
OK, you read a review for a club that you know well. You disagree with what the reviewer said. He is not a shill but is obviously a newbie or dumb ass and doesn't know what the fuck he is talking about. He said something about a dancer that you know is incorrect or you think he way over paid for dances. Or he pissed his money off in the Champagne Room.

What can/or you do about it? I have done two things in the past. I have used the club discussion board to rebut the review and in extreme cases I have sent the reviewer a PM. I got mixed results doing both. I got some thanks and a couple of "fuck you's".

I have always thought that a nice feature for TUSCL would be the ability to comment to a review. Maybe I should just ignore the whole thing.


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avatar for Dudester
14 years ago
Chiming in for shadow-Houston Dolls was an extremely high mileage place 2004-09, but January 09 the great mileage and extras disappeared. The guys giving great reviews post Jan.09 were either newbies, easily impressed, or just plain dumb. I didn't send pm's (I don't like to stir shit).

On imdb there is a "does this review help ?" button.
avatar for motorhead
14 years ago
Yes I agree. That is one feature that TUSCL is lacking.
avatar for farmerart
14 years ago
Dunno, shadowcat. What's the point really? You can't help out every single person you encounter with his head stuck up his ass. Let it slide and ignore.
avatar for txtittyfan
14 years ago
So the only good reviews are the ones you like and agree with? Everyone has a different viewpoint, and some may be more objective than the person continually raving about their favorite club.
avatar for bang69
14 years ago
I agree with you 100%. we need that feature on this site. HAPPY CULBING Y'ALL!!!
avatar for jackslash
14 years ago
You can write your own review, commenting on the review you disagree with and explaining why it's wrong. I think that's the best thing to do about a review that's stupid. Of course, people have different standards and may have different experiences in the same club. If a customer is ripped off or the girls are not to his taste, he will post a negative review. But I think you're objecting to reviews of good clubs where the reviewer is obviously ignorant or unfair.
avatar for racejeff
14 years ago
I guess I feel the need for a comments area in those cases where the review contains factual errors that may lead others to wrong impressions. I ran across that recently in one of the local clubs I visit.
avatar for samsung1
14 years ago
It used to be that when you flagged a review, it showed that the review was flagged so the use could click on the flag and read a comment about it. Now it does not seem that way anymore.
avatar for steve229
14 years ago
"a club that you know well"

Shouldn't a well known, well regarded club regular enjoy significantly better experiences than "a newbie or dumb ass?"

avatar for joker44
14 years ago
Yeah, certain reviews bother me. Sometimes they contain erroneous club info, mischaracterize a dancer or other staff; others rate a club higher than justified by the description of action and neutral to negative tone in the body of the review.

BUT the solution isn't to add rebuttals directly to the list of that club's reviews.

I think the best approach is to use the CLUB discussion board to post club specific corrections and review diagreements; FLAG reviews for factual errors; and finally use PM to reviewer to discuss differing point of view or communicate such things as "You overpaid for dances." Anything of a personal nature such as "you were wrong about dancer X or you didn't negotiate the VIP correctly and got taken" should be handled by PM.

This means that FOUNDER will need to bring back club discussion board and review flags that display.

Allowing direct commenting to a review will result in trolls, shills, & those who generally use relative anonymity to get off on flaming and personal attacks. We might as well just merge with or StripClubList or whatever. Tuscl will become just like them: poisoned by much personal invective, shilling, and relatively little useful info. And you know we have already seen some of this on TUSCL; no need to make it easier.

Let keep TUSCL civil and different from the run-of-the-mill Internet SC crap.
avatar for m00tpoint
14 years ago
It is apparent that MMV within the same club based on the dancer, bouncer and even what they both ate for breakfast. Turnover is incredibly high in this industry and I think we all recognize that consistency is just not going to happen. It is the nature of the game.

I agree with TUSCL that the flag button should not be used for simple comments. Flagging usually means the post violates some rule and someone needs to look at it for possible removal.

I understand when I read a review that I am reading one person's assessment of a particular night and particular dancer or dancers in a club based on their expectations and list of desirables. Mine may be completely different.

Perhaps a better way to monitor the "facts" which would be pricing, hours, location and phone would be for TUSCL to contact each club and ask to be contacted when there is a change. I would think most clubs would be onboard for this as it is free advertising to a known market.
avatar for Thickasabrick
14 years ago
I tend to agree with those usggesting that the "rebuttal" process needs to be understated. We all know YMMV and to tag on to mOOtpoint and say that I have definately had different experiences in the same club depending on what either the dancer or the manager had to drink that night (a tipsy manager can make a huge difference in available services, especially in a small club).

On the other hand, some clear guidance would have either spared me money or frustration in my newby days. Definately let someone know if they got shortchanged.
avatar for biggb011
14 years ago
I cant see letting someone's POV bother me. How can you say a guy is a newbie or dumb ass and doesn't know what the fuck he is talking about? I been to clubs on the same night and time and got dances from the same dancers and had complete opposite experiences each time. Maybe the stripper you are referring to was having a horrible day when she ran into him? That's y they came up with YMMV... But i guess its understandable to be protective of someone you, or some club you like
avatar for Clubber
14 years ago

Might be a nice touch, but I don't think it is needed. I've been in my favorite club when I'd rate it 1/2 of what I would during a normal time. And those weren't the times vm was there! :)
avatar for dudeanonymous
14 years ago
I think joker and and m00 have the right ideas: direct rebuttals would lead to open fights and shilling and, and user experience is not only highly subjective, but subject to change. I've had some horrible nights at some favored clubs, and I usually either don't write a review or temper my review with comments on my past, favorable visits. The reviews contain mostly opinions. If someone had a horrible time at one of my favorite club, who I am I to say he didn't? It happens. I read at least the last year's worth of reviews when I'm planning to visit somewhere new and sort of average out people's opinions.
avatar for vincemichaels
14 years ago
vm is going to pee on Clubber's leg next time in the club :)
avatar for mmdv26
14 years ago
Bring it up in discussion, and let's get some shit flyin' here! It'll sure teach some stupid newby not to shoot his mouth off it he doesn't know what he's talking about. Especially if his experience was different than somebody else.
avatar for Clubber
14 years ago
Gives me the better part of the year to develop PPP (pee proof pants)! :)
avatar for gatorfan
14 years ago
Be the ball
avatar for rickdugan
14 years ago
Obvious crap reviews bother me as well, but I try not to get too worked up over it. As txt said, points of view and experiences will differ.

I do tend to weigh the POVs of seasoned reviewers far more than those of newbies, so I find the creds posted for each reviewer to be very helpful. Very rarely do I even read the comments of a 1 and 1 reviewer any more. I have also made use of the FLAG feature when the review is egregiously bad.
avatar for Realist123
14 years ago
I have to also think that a seasoned veteran of a club will share a different view than someone coming in for the first time and not being experienced, If you don't like the review then, write your own, I agree being able to comment on someones review would be a good idea
avatar for Prim0
14 years ago
Reviews are like assholes...everybody writes one. Or something like that.

The problem is that each experience is different for each reviewer. When I'm looking at reviews, I have to look at all of them to get an idea of what the club might really be like. Think about all the variables that go into a SC, time, girls moods, number of custies, bouncers moods, managers moods, DJ's moods...Maybe a review was written about a visit where all the stars aligned and the reviewer had a great time in a shitty club or a bad time in a great club. The only things that are somewhat consistent are prices and hours of operation (but even then you'll have outliers).
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