
"He's Old Enough to be my Grandpa"

Detroit strip clubs
Sunday, May 15, 2011 11:57 AM
Not long after I arrived at the club last week, a group of guys in their 20's came in and sat at a table near mine. I soon forgot about them as dancers began joining me for drinks and small talk. But when I escorted a tall blonde dancer past their table toward the VIP, I heard one of the youngsters say, "He's old enough to be my grandpa." I have to admit that hurt a little. And technically he was right--if his grandmother was a slut I'd knocked up in high school. Certainly I'm old enough to be the father of every girl in the club. But I don't like to think of myself as a grandfather. I don't like to look ridiculous. I can brush off comments from some random guy, but if the dancers begin uttering that phrase, I think I'll just hang it up.


  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    I am a grandfather. At 69 I occasionally have to show them my drivers license to prove it. My biggest compliment to them is "Congradulations. You just got a grandfather to cum"! They get a kick out of that.
  • inno123
    13 years ago
    I would have said back to them "And if you're lucky you'll still have it by my age too".
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    At 50, I'm still just a bit shy of the age where I could be a grandfather to an 18 year old, if everybody was 18 when they got knocked up. But I agree with inno; next time smile and say "But I got her, and you didn't." :)
  • sanitago
    13 years ago
    But I agree with inno; next time smile and say "But I got her, and you didn't." yes, not being a 'spring chicken' myself, I sometimes wonder why I'm setting there with a woman who could (almost) be my grand daughter. then I'll go in the back and get a private dance off of her, and be glad I did.
  • joker44
    13 years ago
    cat has me beat by a couple of years but I recently had a related experience. had arranged for a VIP with a dancer new to me. we agreed to get together after she sat with some good rail tipper younger guys. the visit with them stretched out and I grew impatient. they didn't seem to being buying any LDs or D drinks, just talking. finally, went over to their table, looked directly at both young men, and asked "excuse me, are either of you buying a dance now?" one guy mumbled something about "maybe later" Me: "good, I ready for her now!" while taking her hand. She popped up immediately with a big smile on her face, probably at the thought of the VIP $$$. As we walked away I caught a glimpse of the surprised look on their young faces!!
  • vincemichaels
    13 years ago
    jackslash, any time you want my cousin, Guido to teach them a lesson in manners, let me know. I've heard the comment on occasion from a few young bucks, I smile as I pass the table.
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    13 years ago
    You got the goods and the youngsters at the table near you didn't! I'm in the older generation too, and I've been told many times dancers so much more appreciate me in their clubs than the young "hunks" they could otherwise waste their time with. They may be fun to talk to, but our age group has money and the courtesy/politeness that dancers appreciate.
  • joker44
    13 years ago
    @club_goer: What U said plus: $$$ talks, BS walks [or, in this case, sits with dumbfounded look]
  • bumrubber
    13 years ago
    If it makes you feel any better, a 31 year old woman I once dated had previously dated a 70 year old, who, as she put it bluntly, "could fuck the daylights out of" her. I can say first hand that coming from her, this is quite a compliment.
  • Stiletto25
    13 years ago
    Young men are obnoxious when they are in a group. I've had some of my worst experiences with groups of guys ages 21-30, give or take. Strip clubs, I believe, bring out the worst in them. Older men are more enjoyable to dance for,they know what they want, they have more disposable cash, and are generally more comfortable in their own skin.
  • dudeanonymous
    13 years ago
    Disposable income, life experience and knowledge of how to treat a woman vs. broke, self-absorbed and generally young, dumb and full of cum. I've had guys half my age acting like idiots ask me why dancers are showing me so much attention and ignoring them. As the saying goes, if I knew then what I know now....
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    I enjoy knowing they are with me no matter the reason. If it is $$$, so be it. I have them and they don't! " jacka.
  • Digitech
    13 years ago
    I guess I am younger than most on this forum -- I have had lapdances from strippers old enough to be my mom!
  • PredragDr
    13 years ago
    I know this guy who strives to have a sugar momma in her 50's, a friend with benefits in her 30's and a teenage stripper to cheat on all of them with. By the way, this guy is just shy of 30. I guess the three generation thing would be something to talk about...
  • lopaw
    13 years ago
    Yikes! When the day comes that I overhear someone in a club saying that I'm old enough to be a dancer's grandma, then I'll know it's time to seek my fun strictly OTC!
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    lopaw, Would you rather they say you're old enough to be someones Grandfather?
  • lopaw
    13 years ago
    Clubber, no,lol - if they said THAT I'd think one of two things - either they are legally blind, or I really AM looking like someones grandpappy and the merciful thing would be to have someone put me out of my gender-bending misery.
  • Dudester
    13 years ago
    Up until my early 30's, I had had only 4 lovers-trying to keep myself "pure for marriage". Although I had been strip clubbing for awhile, I had yet to try the VIP experience. The final tipping point: I had joined a church. I was standing in the lobby. A young and attractive woman came up and struck up a conversation. After a bit, I thought I was getting a nibble on my hook. I asked her if I could take her to dinner. She got a look of horror and shock, then quickly walked away. I wondered what that was all about. I then saw my reflection in the glass. It struck me that because I was more than ten years older than her, I was positively geriatric to her.
  • farmerart
    13 years ago
    Since I was 61 years old when I first visited a SC (and I am now only 62) I consider myself to be a callow youth in SC terms. Damn you old guys tying up all the hot dancers!!
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    So farmerart, I would think in your profession and history, SC's would be the norm. Were they just not available? If so, I would think having one around an area where younger relatively paid men work would be a goldmine.
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    Oh, and I only tie up one. The others prefers handcuffs. :)
  • PHound
    13 years ago
    Dudester, who knows why she walked away. One thing for sure keep on trying because before long you'll find one that will accept your compliment and oblige you. Keep yourself up (groomed and washed up) and you'll score. I talked to an older guy a number of years back, he told me the best thing is to ask them out for coffee, if you get along at coffee you can decide where to go next from there, plus you won't be out of the cash for a meal. I guess they feel coffee is less of a commitment for sex than dinner. Good luck!
  • SuperDude
    13 years ago
    40 year old MILF dancers love older guys with money.
  • gatorfan
    13 years ago
    And she's old enough to suck my cock
  • imnumnutz
    13 years ago
    I just celebrated my 60th. I cannot tell you how many dancers have told me they like older guys because they tend not to be jerks. Whether it's a line or not, I don't know.
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    imnumnutz, Not a line at all! You know none of us are jerks. wink wink nudge nudge.
  • steve229
    13 years ago
    "many dancers have told me they like older guys because they tend not to be jerks." I get that a lot too, but I eventually prove them wrong, lol.
  • vincemichaels
    13 years ago
    You da man,steve !!
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