
Comments by AnonymousJim (page 27)

  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    North Carolina
    How do you use the TUCL "Hotlist"?
    I use it because it makes it a lot easier to track reviews for the clubs I'm interested in. It's an easy way to quickly see if there are any new reviews on clubs I visit regularly, or at least have visited. I like to be up on if there's any new talent or changes.
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    9 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Eddie Lacy misses curfew night before Packers-Lions game
    The two players in question were Packers. The only place the Packers might not stay in a hotel on the road is Chicago, but I bet they even stay there.
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    9 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Eddie Lacy misses curfew night before Packers-Lions game
    That's kinda what I'm thinking. Only other thing I could see is that they were at the Suns/Pistons game, which might be what gets said to the media no matter where they were. That game did go to overtime. But honestly, then, tell the brass that and they'll probably be OK with it. Hell, call your position coach from the game: "Hey, great game, great seats, going to OT, we might be a little late, that OK?" I have a sneaking suspicion, however, that's not where they were. Remember, these guys play in Green Bay. In terms of ladies, that's literally going from the outhouse to the Penthouse. Kinda hard to blame them.
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    9 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Clean-Living Dancers
    I've met a few along the way and they tend to be my favorites. I also, however, tend to think they're not long for the business in the end. The last time I went to see my CF, she said she had switched to days for a while because she just needed a break from the kind of customer that comes in at night. It's a more upscale club with no extras (they just don't exist in my part of the world) and she has to drive an hour or so to get there. I get the impression she may be thinking about making it a two-hour trip to go to the much bigger city that's even further away. But yeah, through her E-mail, I was able to find her social media stuff and she does seem to practice what she says she preaches. I mean, I think it's possible -- I drink, yes, but not in excess, I've never done drugs myself. I don't eat as healthy as I should, but I try and workout. Really, women are my one real vice. I can't help but think it's possible there are dancers out there who are kind of in the same boat.
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    9 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Clean-Living Dancers
    Aargh, I mistyped that. She gives spectacular grinds. Great dancer.
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    9 years ago
    New York
    An Open Letter From A Detroit Extras Girl
    I applaud this dancer for her perspective and for seeing it as "just one of her charms." Would love to get a "dance" with her sometime.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Exotic dancers reveal their gnarliest stories (from The Chive)
    Yeah, big whoop. I have to assume the woman in the first story was a waitress or a house mom or something and not a dancer. For Pete's sake, if a guy asks you to dance 20 times and only wants to get dances with you, if you're a dancer, you should have his life's savings by the end of the night, no matter the reason why. I wouldn't think you'd be complaining at that point.
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    9 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Strippers Cavort At Public Golf Course
    That's a ton of free advertising for the club they just got there. Well, maybe free. Maybe they'll have to pay a fine. And maybe they might have paid the station to run the story. You never know. Good advertising, too. I liked the outfits and some of those girls looked halfway decent, at least the parts we could see. Might have to make a visit.
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    9 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Count me in the camp of thinking it wasn't that bad, but then again, I don't think any of us here, who are in no way put off by strippers and strip clubs, will think it was awful. Remember that a lot of folks aren't like us and couldn't get past the shock value. The only part I can criticize was some of the dancing and/or sex. The pool scene ... yeah, that's not how sex works. B-movie softcore sex looks more realistic. Rena Riffel was hot. And Carrie Ann Inaba was in it? Surprised you can't find more screencaps/video online. I found a couple pics via Google, but that was it.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Headed to Flint, Friday afternoon
    Meursalt stole my thunder.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Milwaukee Clubs - Advice?
    Yeah, I'll occasionally treat myself with a trip down to Scores and my ATF danced at Polekatz. A lot of folks rip on the Chicago clubs, but compared to Milwaukee, they're heaven, though a pricey heaven. Depending on your aim, on a fall Friday or Saturday night, Milwaukee's bar scene offers options to at least view some nice scenery. College girls tend to congregate in the bar districts on Water Street, Old World 3rd, Brady Street, North Ave. and near Cathedral Square. Red Rock is a popular country bar, Buckhead is always hopping with dancing & drunkenness, McGillycuddy's is a classic option, etc. You'll even find halfway decent girls in a lot of dive bars because, honestly, Milwaukeeans are tremendously cheap and anyplace with cheap drinks, dive or no, will draw. Note, however, that Milwaukee's not exactly the easiest city to pick up women in general. While a city in size, it's still small-ish, and there's not a lot of population turnover. People who move here stay and don't seem to leave, so everyone seems to know everyone in a six-degrees-of-Kevin-Bacon sort of way, which makes women kind of hesitant to pull the trigger on something quickly. There's always that sneaking suspicion that another gal at work or the cousin down the block knows you from someplace and would look down upon both her and you if they found out either of you were picking up someone at a bar. Plus, unlike a lot of other places, going to a bar is something you do in Milwaukee with a group of friends you already know, not really to meet people. So unless you have a good wingman or two who can mingle you into another group of ladies, and you're willing to wait out a date or two, you might not have luck, because cockblock game here seems to be strong. If you want to go a little older, there's always Victim's, er, Victor's, on the East Side, which is kind of known as a home for skeezy, gold-chain-wearing, 40-60-something guys trying to pick up ladies ranging from the young and naive to the cougarish and desperate for any semblance of validation. But yeah, you get what you get there. Sexual frustration seems to be a theme in Milwaukee. Until Walker, we were always a state known for being politically progressive but quite morally conservative. Unfortunately, what I would have rather seen change stayed the same and the other part did a radical flip. Oh well.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Milwaukee Clubs - Advice?
    Milwaukee's been my hub for some time, so I guess I can speak to it, though I won't have many different opinions than what you've seen above. Silk & OTB are basically the two best options, but that's not saying much. Extras are a near impossibility here and I've never had luck OTC, either. Neither club has a ton of blow-you-out-of-the-water women. Silk, at present, has a young lady named after a Lewis Carroll character who is quite nice, and occasionally has one or two other decent ones, but beyond that, pfft. OTB only has decent talent on the weekends, I've found, and that's hit-or-miss, depending on the type you like, too. For as much as rickdugan seems to like Heart Breakers, I always think their talent is meh at best, uninspired and uninterested. Then again, I prefer the more Vegas-style atmosphere and Heart Breakers is a Vegas-style environment place that, unfortunately, is often populated with Reno-style talent and biker-style clientele. If black clubs are your thing, The Cheetah Club is on the north side, but the area is sketchy at best. Our escort scene is also decidedly meh. Sadly, I think people here care more about the Packers than they do about feeling sexually satisfied. Honestly, if you have the means, I'd recommend an excursion elsewhere. If you really like glam, i.e. big, fake boobs on skinny blonde pornstar types, then head 90 min. south to Scores Chicago or even further to Polekatz. If you like the dive-type places where the ladies might openly discuss using pot, but also might be willing to entertain ideas beyond just your typical lap dance, head about 75 min. west to Club Bristol outside Madison. While there, yes, the Geisha House has massage options there for the desperate, but the one time I went, I had the choice of four haggard ladies and decided to just pass. I occasionally get to travel to Detroit. It's like a whole different world there when you deal with what you get here.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Never Pay in Advance
    As outlined upthread, yes, a lot of clubs, you have to pay for at least one dance to even get into the couch room with the dancer, and/or pay a bouncer the VIP fee to even get into a room, meaning yes, you basically have to prepay something. These clubs, however, are also usually very thorough about oversight, as the bouncer that takes that money tends to sit at a cash register, keep track of how many songs you've done and usually also has access to a security camera feed. For the most part, these are clubs where prices are non-negotiable and extras aren't to be found. Some of us live in areas of the country where these are the only options and while we tend not to get ripped off, we also tend to not have as much fun.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    OT: Late Night Stephen Colbert
    I think he'll work if they give him time. Colbert, I think, can pick up the audience that Conan would have had if NBC had just given him due time. (Honestly, while Conan occasionally has a good bit or two, I think he's lost something in the transition to basic cable.) Colbert's quirky, but he can grow on you if you play along and willing to listen to his side of the story. Many conservatives won't be willing, but so be it. I think it will be a good mix for the Letterman/Ferguson folks who are used to turning on CBS and I think he'll draw a healthy crowd from the folks who used to watch Comedy Central, but haven't quite turned onto Larry Wilmore's panel format and would rather follow Colbert than try and pick up the new Daily Show. I get the impression Colbert is going to be kind of sly, smart, witty and intelligent, in New York sort of way. There's a place for that now. Fallon is kind of more giggly, light, harmless fare, Kimmel is a little lowbrow and Conan is uneven at best. Colbert will put out a solid, smart, snappy show that you want to see every night. I'm kind of looking forward to it.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    anyone go clubbing this weekend?
    ranukam: I agree. Seems as though most of the girls who know what they're doing take holiday weekends off like the rest of us. Only holiday I enjoy at the club is Halloween.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Man shot and killed at Detroit strip club, no arrests
    I thought I remembered reading a story about a guy who got shot in the neighborhood near Penthouse after a visit a few years ago. Protips: Use the valet. Stay on 8 Mile and don't use the side streets. Try not to be driving a car that makes it look like you'd make a good target to rob. Doing anything in that part of Detroit carries some risk, but there are ways to minimize it. Stay safe out there, folks.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    You better tip her afterwards
    If we're talking just the lapper area, yeah, when I was a little skinnier, there was one asian chick who took a certain joy in being able to reach over my button, down into where she needed to and HJTC without unbuttoning or unzipping. If only more women would try this, even if they had to unzip.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    We all have different tastes.....in women.
    If I had to pick from all of the ones listed here: Jennifer Lawrence, Charlotte McKinney, Alison Brie.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Detroit - Stagnation Effect
    I think part of your problem is that you started with Flight Club. Both here and on Two Sheds, Flight Club usually ranks behind only Penthouse, and the two clubs are basically alike in most ways. Seems to me that most other places will be a step down. Also, it does sound like you're just in a bit of a losing streak. All it takes is the one right woman at any given place to show you a good time. Try hitting up Flight Club or Penthouse again, maybe on a day shift (I've had better luck at both places days), and be picky.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    How long do you let "Maybe" ride?......
    "Maybe" strikes me as the classic "I'm not saying no, but I'm saying no" kind of answer. I'd read between the lines some. If it's the same kind of maybe each time ... then yeah, punt. That's the great thing about the club: There's always other options.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    I Hate Tennis...but Damn, Chris Evert is Still Fine
    I always had a thing for Steffi Graf. And Martina Hingis. Ever since Kournikova, however, I feel like they try to sell any women's tennis player who isn't totally fugly as "OMG SHE'S SO HOT SWIMSUIT AGOGOG," when a lot are just kind of average, or maybe slightly above-average. Plus, would you really want a tennis chick? Probably some eastern European woman who had a boring childhood and an overbearing father who ... wait, that sounds like most dancers, never mind.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Never Pay in Advance
    I kind of consider you naive if you go to Penthouse and *only* get dances, ahem. The good thing about Penthouse is there's not a lot of oversight. That's how you can end up getting FS from a blonde 9 with DDs there for the right price, which would be unthinkable at most other places. That good thing, the lack of oversight, can also be a bad thing, though, and the right ROB can take advantage. I get the impression the upstairs bouncer basically just kind of has to keep mental notes on which rooms are occupied and which ones aren't so he can give you a room if you want "dances" (I still laugh). If you asked him to pursue an payment dispute, especially when you negotiated a different dance price with the girl, I bet he'd laugh and say, "As long as she covers the cost of the room per dance, prices for stuff here are between you and her." Honestly, I think you should avoid the last 45 minutes of the night at Penthouse. I've never had a good experience there, or at Flight Club, that late. I think the worthwhile women have already made their money by that time and might have already left. I think there are two different approaches one can take at Penthouse, too: The first, which I know a lot of you believe in, is to negotiate services & costs up front. You probably get the best value that way because you're in position to make a "take what I'm offering, or take nothing and I walk away" offer. You can land in this guy's situation if you do that, though. Also, just because a woman LOOKS like one you want to take upstairs, doesn't mean she will be anything but mechanical once you get there. But when you've already promised $X, it's difficult to renegotiate once she performs the service. The other approach is to say "I'll just start with dances" and see where things go. Granted, once she's got you in the room and she knows the blood is in the wrong head, she can probably ask for a lot more money and know you'll probably give in if you decide you want more. But, at least then you'll have figured out she good at what she does by that point and that you do really want more. This has worked better for me. The big thing at either place: If any red flag goes up with the girl you're doing business with, walk away, because you're probably not going to get a lot of bouncer help if she takes your wallet, overcharges you for negotiated services, etc. There are other options.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Vanna White
    ilbbaicnl: Oh, c'mon. You CANNOT leave out Holly Hallstrom.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Sofia Vergara admits she wants 'fake boobs' as she curses her 'huge' 32F breasts
    Gravity wins every time.