
Comments by AnonymousJim (page 26)

  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    A Particular Service
    Thanks for filling in the blanks, Subra. Part of the challenge is just making it clear what you want. I've seen Russian as a term used, but I was pretty sure a type of troll would have run with that in a different way here. I'm thinking a dancer with a menu and DDs will have had at least one guy who's done it with her before, be it on the clock or in private. Yeah, clean-up struck me as why there could be a charge, but I'd still think it would be less than FS. You're not banging around her box, so to speak. Plus, yes, a mess, but it seems less likely to cause issues outside of her than inside of her in any way.
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    8 years ago
    Yeah, and that was the NBA equivalent of what they call a "Testimonial" in soccer -- a tribute game that meant nothing otherwise. Big whoop.
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    8 years ago
    LeBron made a rookie mistake
    A lot of social media models make nothing, but do get discovered and turn that into something else. All the more reason to club, gents. No digital trail.
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    8 years ago
    Credit Cards - worth it?
    I'm less leery about the ATM. Yes, the fee is usually ridiculous, but I have an account that reimburses me for fees, no questions asked. You just need to know your limits financially is all. Credit cards are another story. For those who have said they've never had problems, I think a lot has to do with the nature of the clubs you visit. I tend to trust the big city, more Vegas-style clubs more when it comes to credit cards. If they're committing credit card fraud with higher-end customers (who may, for instance, be a bank VIP or something), they're going to have it come back on their hands big time. In a dive, however? Best of luck to you.
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    8 years ago
    Current pornstars
    Capri Cavalli is worth the price of admission as well.
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    8 years ago
    The A team
    For all of you saying "all of them, if you click through the gallery, there's a picture of Mr. T. Also, allow me to echo brother motorhead. Trolling Myspace club sites? What is this, 2005?
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    8 years ago
    Current pornstars
    shadow: Haze is doing some feature dancing now. I want expecting her to be great, but she was damn good. http://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=707106913
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    8 years ago
    Anyone seen the tv show, the Internet ruined my life?
    Facebook during WWII, you say: http://imgur.com/gallery/s9x7u
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    8 years ago
    I’ve had enough and I can’t take it any more
    Parking Lot
    I've seen uniformed security with a private firm badge before but never actual police protection. Interesting.
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    8 years ago
    Credit Cards - worth it?
    I feel like it's the mark of a club veteran to say he's used a credit card once or twice. But yeah, in general, a terrible idea for multiple reasons, namely that these businesses aren't always run by the most savory people, so you probably don't want them getting their grubby little hands on your card number.
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    8 years ago
    Current pornstars
    If you don't know who Dillion Harper is by now, you should.
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    8 years ago
    I’ve had enough and I can’t take it any more
    Parking Lot
    I'm with you on this one. When I see cops come in, I generally try to make my way out. Not so much because I think I have done or am doing anything wrong. Moreso if something does go down because they're trying to get someone who is doing something wrong. Ranging from having to be a witness to something someone else did, to getting hit with a stray thrown bottle to getting shot, I don't want it to happen when I'm at the club because I don't want to have been identified as having been at the club. I prefer to stay Anonymous, Jim.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Just here for a good time.
    Can I Find Out if a Dancer is Working?
    I've seen it swing both directions. Some clubs will say they can't tell you over the phone. I think they're concerned about guys potentially stalking dancers. Others post their lineup and regular schedule on their website or on Facebook. That cuts both ways, though. There have been times I've seen a favorite listed and said, "OK, I'll go." Other times, haven't seen a favorite, or saw someone I had a bad experience with and said, "Someplace else tonight." In general, though, I think part of the fun is finding something new, and usually the nature of the club is most indicative of what you'll find. That's why we review clubs, not dancers.
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    8 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Tax Refunds & Crowds
    VM: Well aware. Have been to Penthouse three times. Hit up Flight Club twice last time I was in town. Would love to "do the double," as it were -- fly in, hit FC, see what I can accomplish or bail, then hit PHC and do the same. Just a shame I can't do the day shift this time around. Have occasionally debated trying out The Coliseum. Talent seems like it might be a step down there, though. Have never tried to figure out why. I know H8 and BT's supposedly have "value," but sorry, I'm not getting into town once or twice a year and, to use a simile, ordering a rail drink in the best place to get top-shelf service. Give me the busty blonde young 9 experience over the "value" 6. The rest: Interesting. I'm willing to bet most folks fall into one of two categories -- those who try and get their refund ASAP or the procrastinators. I'm thinking the procrastinators will get done this weekend or next. E-file and you have your refund in under a week. But maybe that surge won't hit for another few weeks, or won't hit, period, as you guys are saying. OK, then.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Indy Update
    I've clubbed in Indy three times and my only OTC attempt there was a success. Between the combine, the speedway, the NCAA, the NFHS and a history with both cars and banking, it gets a lot more (male) out-of-town visitors than you'd initially think. As such, I think the girls know the drill, so to speak.
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    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Beautiful Women
    Could they run the world? Surely. But given the other "world leaders" and crap they'd have to deal with ... why would they want to? They just want what everyone really wants down deep: To be happy.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    There are a few other pieces of advice I'd give beyond just the "where." Clubbing in Detroit is a different game than elsewhere because of the possibilities that aren't as readily available elsewhere: - Get there early enough. Because a lot of girls are negotiating up, the better girls often do their damage early in their shift and either leave or coast by the end. I've had bad luck after 1 a.m. By that time, those who struggled may get a little desperate, but there's often a reason they struggled (i.e. they're not the ones you want to touch). Others are content to just sit at the bar or just head to the back. - Take your time. Because of what goes on, some of the most worthwhile girls disappear for a while. You'd hate to see something better than what you got while you're leaving. Consider dinner at one of the nicer places; the food's not cheap but good and it gives you a chance to settle in and get comfortable. Figure out the stage rotation and tip your "target" on the final stage as you invite her to join you. - Talk to the girl first. While you can get mad mileage in Detroit, the reason is because there's little oversight, which means ROBs can also run rampant. If she's rushing you or pushing you too fast, look elsewhere. - If you're more concerned about cost, talk menu and negotiate up front. If you're more concerned about quality, it's not as big of a deal to discuss up front, but you might pay 1.5 to 2 times as much if you're negotiating once the blood's in the wrong place, at least if the girl's smart. But she might also be more willing to try and do everything she can to make the experience good if she doesn't feel like she has a ceiling. - Try and get a room with a couch, not a chair. At Flight Club and Penthouse, some rooms have one, some the other. You don't have to be as creative on a couch. - Tip the bouncer when you get a room. No need to have him peeking in more than he should. - Relax. If you're not used to having no mileage upper ceiling and extras, it's easy to be overeager and feel like you have to get everything you can or you'll feel cheated. I put too much pressure on myself, though, when I do that. Instead, don't treat it any differently than any other night at the club. It's just that, as things progress, more is possible than is usually possible at other clubs elsewhere. Go with the flow. - A really good dancer should have protection and baby wipes with her. You might want to at least bring your own protection and a napkin, however. - If you have a really good experience, don't be afraid to ask about OTC. If they're already open-minded enough to do what they're doing at the club, they'll certainly be open-minded enough to think OTC.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Holy Hail Marys
    Wisconsin dancers are going to be lackadaisical for weeks with depression. Time to make my way to Chicago instead. With the markets taking a dive, dancers should be a little more, um, desperate.
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    9 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Breaking News: Rams and Chargers going to L.A. (at least I think so)
    Rams owner basically got his way because he has the most money. He can build the biggest stadium that will make the league the most money by basically giving them an easy place to host the Super Bowl, Draft, NFL Network, league offices, etc. NFL owners have basically become ROBs. They don't care about the quality of the product or how they screw over customers. They just want the money.
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    9 years ago
    South Carolina
    Why have strip clubs slowed down so much since the 90s?
    Impala hit the biggest of many nails on the head. I sometimes wonder why I bother with the club when I can sit at home, find whatever kind of porn I want on the Internet, handle my own business and roll over to go to sleep, with the only cost being whatever I paid for my laptop and ISP. And sometimes, when I'm feeling lazy, that's what I do. Ten years ago was when home broadband started to take hold and online video became easy enough to get. So the already small portion of the population that saw the club as something it wanted to experience more often than the occasional bachelor party shrunk even more. Now yes, that does mean extras culture has improved in some places. But not everywhere. Whether or not it will get better is hard to say. On the one hand, the general trend is towards more permissiveness. On the other hand, there will always be moralists out there and strip clubs are the easiest targets for them, so they might see their regulation as one of the (few) battles they can win. I also think customer culture is changing. Between porn and Tinder, young folks aren't as desperate for it as they used to be, not to mention, most young folks don't have money.
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    9 years ago
    Motor city: Detroit
    I've done Detroit a few different times and am pondering the merits of taking a puddle-jumper over for a weekend of fun in April. A few things I've made the point to do while in the D (other than Flight Club or Penthouse): - Go to Canada, if you've never been. Research the kind of documentation you need to get across the border, though. A passport isn't necessary, but it's probably the easiest way to avoid hassles. - Visit the old Tiger Stadium and/or Silverdome sites. Tiger Stadium was downtown and I'd recommend going before the sun goes down. They've torn down the entirety of the structure after years of it sitting empty, but there's still a baseball diamond there where kids and rec leagues play and stuff. The Silverdome is out of town to the north in Pontiac near Oakland University, but is an interesting ruin. - While we're talking ruins, do some urban spelunking. See how close you can get to the old Michigan Station. Do some research and find some of the more interesting abandoned structures you can see from as close as you feel comfortable. Just also do research such that you're not being unsafe. Again, daytime activities.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Why Soccer is the preferred world sport
    Um ... https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/6a/a0/42/6aa0428b01a0df9613c3bf2830a416cc.jpg http://i.ebayimg.com/images/i/201340825002-0-1/s-l1000.jpg https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/35/a5/9a/35a59a7cec8c92af73b6a991b95386a9.jpg Your argument is invalid.
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    9 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    Strippers: Filet Mignon of the sex industry
    Escorts are kind of a pain. So many use fake pictures that you have to be very diligent about seeking out reviews, only to find that even the ones with real pictures are often poor performers. Once you do find one that seems pretty good, the verification process often involves giving a less-than-trustworthy service or someone you barely know your most personal information. The whole Ashley Madison thing showed why that's an awful idea. Taking into account personal preference, I've literally only found one or two escorts have come through my area the past few years that have made me willing to give it a shot. One is ridiculously difficult to get a hold of as it seems her phone always goes to a full voicemail box. Once, I finally did set something up, but if you know anything about the "two-call system," you know there has to be a second call right before the actual meeting, and she never picked up for the second call. Someone told me there was a decent chance a "big fish" may have outbid me for her services and/or purchased a full night date. Ugh. With dancers, you get what you get. You get to see and "test drive" the merchandise in a fun setting with music and drinks. Rather than seeing an ad you have to research, she basically presents her best sales pitch to you personally. I'm more than happy to spend my money in a club versus with an escort. Of course, give me an extras-friendly club and we get the best of both worlds.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    What is essential Detroit food?
    Dancer pussy. If you haven't eaten some of that before you leave, you haven't experienced Detroit.
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    9 years ago
    Do you think it's mostly women who watch the tv show Victoria's Secret?
    I think that's a fair assessment. Watched it tonight with the SO, who wanted to see it for the fashion and knew I wouldn't complain. It's definitely moreso sexy in the way females want to be sexy than sexy in the ways guys want women to be sexy. Yes, you have women who are moreso hot than not walking around wearing next to nothing, including Selena Gomez, dancing and having fun. But it's not so much flirty towards men as much as it is, "Hey women, look how happy and sexy you'll feel wearing this stuff." There's a difference. It's hard to describe. It's probably in part because the ladies never actually flirt with actual men at any point, which kind of serves to make them look too perfect and unattainable. Also, compare it to, say, watching an SI swimsuit shoot video. Kate Upton in a necklace and nothing else. Marisa Miller wearing just an iPod. There's less clothes, which puts more emphasis on the gorgeous woman, which is what the guy wants to see. Victoria's Secret, meanwhile, puts the girls in the lingerie, yes, but with some sort of ridiculous wings or a seven-foot papier-mache fireworks diorama or whatever behind them, as they walk around The Weeknd singing, with intercuts of the crowd and fake snow falling everywhere. It's a little too overproduced, like the musical theater version of sexy. And most guys who like musical theater aren't turned on by women. Lastly, the models themselves are far more fashion-model types than what guys want. Hot, yes, but SO thin, SO FEW curves and such freakishly long, thin legs that make the girl look like she's on stilts. Sometimes, I'm watching and I'm like, "She doesn't look right." So yeah. I was kind of "meh" about it after a while. I can see how it's moreso for women than men.