
Comments by AnonymousJim (page 28)

  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    My trick to LDK'ing
    The reason for wearing a condom is simple: It keeps your splooge from going where you don't want it to go. Whether that's not into a woman's vagina, either because you don't feel like 20 years of hell with a child or she's worried you've got AIDS, or not onto your pants, it's doing its job either way. I do, but only if I'm going someplace where I have a history of getting great contact dances with women hot enough or sensual enough to get me going (it's worth noting that I'm in a non-extras part of the world). It just seems smart. That walk of shame back through the club with a spot on your pants? The girl stopping mid song because she feels something wet that isn't her? Why not avoid it and still get that good feeling of popping if you're getting great mileage from a great girl?
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Tesla Snake Charger
    Someone beat you to the punch with your thoughts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7GIv8oYCcmY
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Detroit This Weekend
    The better clubs I've been to at least have one or two dayshift lookers. Last time I was in the D, I met a 20-year-old brunette nympho on a Saturday afternoon who was quite the find. Body type reminiscent of Kate Upton's, a great attitude, a full menu and reasonable prices. Hit or miss, sure, but in the D ... it's worth a shot.
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    9 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Detroit This Weekend
    Kinda figured you weren't serious, but hey, we have a club near us that has a third-shift party once a month on Fridays. Thought maybe there was something I didn't know. I'll be making my way back home by Sunday night, so that will probably be my day of rest, so to speak. Last time I was in town, Penthouse had a Saturday afternoon shift, but with the 4th, hard to say.
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    9 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Detroit This Weekend
    Penthouse is open at 8 a.m.? I had seen 11:30. If I get a quick start tonight, hoping I can sneak in an afternoon shift tomorrow. I've had iffy luck after midnight at Penthouse. Around 1 a.m., it seems the girls all decide they're just about done. Might be different, or worse, on a holiday. I could see there being no afternoon shift on the 4th. I could also see it being pretty busy that night. I'd imagine a lot of guys will want some fireworks after their fireworks. How many dancers, however, is another story. Any Sunday afternoon shift anyone know of?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Shoring Strippers
    I don't know if I'd want to. As the saying goes, "You pay them to leave." I'm a little afraid a girl who normally gets paid to put out, who then puts out for free, will be expecting something else later on.
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    10 years ago
    Booking a hotel how to
    Count me in the Hotwire camp. Good deals, low prices.
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    10 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Inside the bar stages
    At the closest Spearmint Rhino to me, they have a stage behind the bar, but the girl then walks along the bar to get tips after anywhere between one half and one full song. It's kind of cool for her to tease a while, then get up close and personal.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    I may have reached a new level of PLness
    In some places where cameras and bouncers are both watching closely, a girl sneaking an HJ can still be fun. In my younger days, before I put on some pounds, there was a girl who was very good at reaching inside my pants (not through the fly, mind you, over the top) and doing it completely out of sight. She was fun.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    I may have reached a new level of PLness
    If you wait a few weeks, footballguy, the HJ dancer won't even remember what she did. Also, generally speaking, you're probably not the only guy she gives that sort of treatment to, and dancers generally have difficulty hiding their reputation from other dancers. Good chance everyone knows what everyone else does and, if they weren't OK with it some level, they wouldn't work at the club.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    What are a strip club's most busy days of the week?
    It varies club to club. Whereas someone said Tuesdays, and I'm bound to agree, one clubs I frequent on occasion does a half-price dance special on Tuesdays and, as such, does the most business then. There's no one good answer.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    North Carolina
    OT - Weather Girls & Female News Reporter
    We had a reporter here locally that I really had a thing for back in my school days. Even met her once at a local function -- I think she knew I had a thing for her. She then proceeded to get into politics on the side opposite mine. Not cool.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    In a brilliant place!
    Ever regret your handle?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    My College friend's Strip Club Funding Method
    I was just about to say, I had heard sperm donation wasn't as easy as one would think. Plus, I thought that, because prospective mothers were fairly particular about who they got for a "father," they were also pretty particular about who they got for donors. You occasionally see it in TV shows that they explain, "This is from a 32-year-old New York City banker," or whatever. You don't usually hear, "This is from a 20-year-old college junior who likes to use the money to visit strip clubs."
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    I may have reached a new level of PLness
    I don't think she cares. Or, if she does, she's in the wrong business. I sometimes think we have the errant perception these girls care about us customers way more than they actually do. Ultimately, we have the money, so we make the choices. Here's a thought: Next time, take both back together with you. Maybe the ATF can teach the new girl some tricks in the process. Plus, it sends the message to both that there's always room for more.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    I may have reached a new level of PLness
    I don't necessarily think you should be ashamed two dancers made it happen for you in 30 min. A lot of the older guys on this board would love to be able to recover that quickly. I guess the thing that makes me go 'ew' is that you say your boxers absorbed the mess you made with the first girl? Unless you really don't release much at all, I find that hard to believe. Even in your scenario, it still made a mess in your boxers, which I assume still had a big wet spot up front, so even if you went to the bathroom and turned them around so you were wearing them backwards or inside out or something, you still have a wet spot you're feeling. And you not only didn't leave ... you let another girl dance with you and rub it all into you and stuff? Ugh, no thanks for me. Furthermore, I find it hard to believe it didn't somehow get through to your outer layer unless you were wearing some REALLY thick jeans. If I think there's any chance there might be that kind of activity, I generally wear protection, both in case FS is on the table and because, if I think I might LDK, it saves both her and me from it getting all over both of us.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New dancers vs the ATFs
    I think a diversified approach is important. ATFs serve a purpose -- they provide reliable ROI. But without risk, there is no reward. I go about 50/50. Granted, it's maybe been more 75 new/25 ATF since I've started trying to play the OTC game, since more girls weed themselves out as non-ATF material as they're less open to other options. But when one gets a dance from the best looking girl in the club one night, there's a good chance she'll be the best looking girl in the club another night, too.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Two of the girls I'd put in my all-time Top 10 went by Barbie. Oddly enough, one was a brunette. I think they gave her the name because she seemed to be more innocent than the average dancer. Was trying to follow the Flashdance path. Was classically trained in ballet. Great dancer, no tats, tremendous shape, seemed "clean," but could occasionally be seen at the bar with the distant, "This is not how I thought my life would go when I graduated from suburban high school after being poms captain" look on her face. I don't remember seeing her there for more than six months. As for this girl ... yeah, a little too big. The girl on the left in this picture -- http://img295.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=170943695_SoftPics2207_thumb_123_335lo.jpg -- is my upper limit on size. Picture doesn't do her justice, either. I've gotten dances from both the girl on the right and the girl on the left and the girl on the right is a healthy D. (To give you a frame of reference, I've seen pictures of the girl on the right with Lisa Ann, and they're about the same size chest-wise.)
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Funding the hobby...
    Whereas I live in a largely non-extras area where even OTC is difficult to come by, #3 is the only one that basically doesn't apply for me. I outlined in a different thread that joint accounts aren't a thing my SO and I do. I have a rough monthly budget for club activities of about $300. Some months I go over, others I don't. I often go over if traveling, but if I'm traveling, I'm also likely working for extra money, so it ends up being kind of a wash.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Happily Married
    I've been nothing but happy with my SO. Pretty much the only way we don't see eye-to-eye is she's monogamous and she can only be one woman, with one hair color and body type, at any time. Is there some deception involved with #3? Sure, but I don't necessarily think there's all that much. First off, no joint checking account. I have mine, she has hers. We figure out what shared expenses we have and how much income we brought in each month, and if there's a disparity in our ratio of expenses paid versus our ratio of income, one of us writes a check to the other -- usually, she writes me a check because I pay our biggest expense, the mortgage. Then, what she has left in her account, she can spend as she wishes. She loves it because she knows she gets to keep what she earns and can do with it whatever she wants. Whereas one of her friends is always asking her husband if she can afford a dress this month when they go shopping or whatever, my SO knows whether she can or not because she's the one buying it for herself with her money. I like it because she doesn't need to know what I sometimes spend it on. With the work I do nights, she knows I sometimes like to have a late dinner or drink ... she just doesn't know I occasionally like to have some scenery or company with it. So no real issue there. I love my SO, and spending time with her, and her me. Every once in a while, though, I just need something else. It's great to be loved by a wonderful woman. It's even better to occasionally feel like you're loved by two, or three, or however many you want. It's an awesome life.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New York
    NYE is also a big drinking night, but honestly, so many people, young and old, go out on NYE that I don't think the concentration of hot, young women is all that strong. Not to mention, NYE tends to be more of a "go to someone's party" night around here, whereas St. Paddy's and Halloween are very much more *bar* nights. In this part of the world, I think I might also have to include baseball's Opening Day as a third such "holiday." It's a little too cold, though, for the ladies to look too revealing, however.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    [OT] On Robots and Redistribution
    Kind of crazy idea, courtesy of the Animatrix series: What if we got to the point where robots could do all the "work" and us humans were just free to enjoy ourselves? Are we slowly moving towards that point? How would we evaluate "worth" then? (Of course, in the Animatrix/Matrix, the robots start becoming sentient, having feelings and wanting freedom of their own, which the humans deny them, leading to the Robot Wars and, well, The Matrix. So yeah, we'd have to make sure AI is limited in that regard.) Would/could the world become, essentially, basically a lifelong retirement community? All the food we need, prepared just as we like it whenever we want by 3D food printers and served by robots (or, if we want to make it ourselves as a hobby, the ingredients 3D printed for, chemically created for or somehow teleported to us, right in our house)? No need to drive anywhere with autonomous cars? Golf whenever we want, with courses cared for by robots? All we'd need to do is socialize and entertain each other? Thing is, there's always going to be people who, in some way, shape or form, are going to want to somehow show they're "better" than others. So I don't think currency will totally go away. But what if we could also bring up the minimum standard of living for everyone so no one has to endure what we currently consider to be poverty? Would folks even want that? I honestly think there are some that wouldn't.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    How long have you been unemployed?
    Never did any drugs, but the longest I was unemployed was four months during the rough times of 2010. I was actually still doing contract work on the side while that was going on, so I was still busy, but my contract work isn't enough to make a living from, so I still needed a real job. I occasionally consider moving on from the day job I'm at now. We get consistent raises, but promotions look far off in the distance and I've been in the same spot I was when I was hired nearly five years ago. Dunno.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New York
    Is ten years too long to wait to write your review?
    "So I went to Spearmint Rhino based on the last review I saw on the site. Even ran into one of the dancers described. I was a little surprised, though, when he said she was a tight MILF in the review, only to find out she's now the House Mom and has dentures. Plus, his prices given were way off. And what was that about one of his dancers saying we should 'Kill that Saddam Hussein'?"
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Are you on Facebook? Dancer told me she was going to search for me.
    I've had a burner phone, have a burner E-mail and have a few burner accounts (I kinda consider TUSCL to be one of them). But for some reason, social media doesn't seem like a place where I want to have multiple accounts. I'd start feeling like a real schizophrenic then.