
Detroit - Stagnation Effect

They never tell you what you need to know.
The Detroit Downfall.

This should probably be an article but I thought I would post it here instead.

As several of you know me, I travel a great deal and have been to clubs all over the United States and Canada. I have approached my 2 year anniversary on visiting Detroit clubs which ironically it around the same amount of time I have been active on the boards here at TUSCL (although I have been writing reviews for over 10 years).
In two years, I have probably been in Detroit clubs around 100 times so I have a pretty good foothold on how they run and what to expect. Flight Club, BTs, Criket, Coli, Penthouse, Scores, Players, Landing Strip & Legends. I know there are others, but this preceding list has held up well for me. On my first trip in September 2013, I went to Flight Club and fell in love with the place. The vibe was great and for the next 6 months I only went to the Flight Club on my Detroit trips and received full service every single time. I never repeated with a single dancer, but every time I had a wonderful VIP experience (with 7 different dancers) and only two things differed, if the dancer swallowed, and the price, which would range from $200 to $300 with the one time exception of $350. All girls were solid 8s with ages ranging from 20 to 30. Those were usually expensive nights, as I always took a cab so I could drink almost always leaving at the end of the night with a large bar tab, spending somewhere between $500 and $700 total on the night. I was okay with that, since this was something that didn’t happen often (at least often enough for me) so when I had the opportunity to do it, I made sure to go ‘all out.’ As dancers come and go, it seemed they would “go” really quick here and after my first 6 months, only 1 dancer remained out of the 7 that I had taken to VIP. When 6 girls are taken out of rotation that I liked, there wasn’t a whole lot left for me to choose from, so I moved on trying something new. I never got numbers from any of these girls because I was naive enough to believe I could keep coming here and finding a new girl to take to VIP on each visit. Really, could you blame me? I mean doing it 7 times in a row certainly was new territory for me. Deciding to branch out, I settled on BTs Dearborn since now I was usually staying in Dearborn and would always pass it on my previous trips to Flight Club.

BTs was certainly a step down from Flight Club, but just a small step, which I was okay with. Again, great success here just like Flight Club, I met 5 girls on my consecutive visits from March 2014 to that summer. These girls were all in the 7 range (with one 6), and I never paid more than $200, and they all swallowed. Sadly, none of them work there anymore. After last summer I branched out more and started exploring 8 Mile and some other spots in the metro Detroit area. I never had the same consistent success that I had at Flight Club and BTs but I still had fun trying.

My point is, fast forward to this summer and the quality that I once saw is not currently there. Most of the girls I met from Flight Club were from rural areas of Michigan driving (or being driven) up to an hour each way to work, my guess was they couldn’t keep up with the travel is why they disappeared, probably going back to their minimum wage jobs that they left in their rural towns. Working fast food and at grocery stores seemed to be where most of the girls told me they had worked at before deciding to become a stripper.
This past weekend I figured the clubs would be dead for Labor Day and I was right, they were very dead in Detroit. Talent sucked at Flight Club and BTs, so I made the trek up to Players. Luckily I was able to spend some time with a dancer I am very fond of at Players, but she just does high contact dances, which I have no choice but to accept, since I enjoy her company too much. I am working on getting her to do OTC (hopefully) but it’s been a slow process since I have stopped by several times and she has been tied up with regulars.

Detroit has a beautiful thing going, but it’s only beautiful when you have quality girls and as of late, they are becoming more hard to find. It could be that I’m just getting too picky, or maybe I am in a sophomore slump, but I hope things look up on my future visits.


  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    Good news and bad news.
    The good. With socialism and runaway government spending with no democrat caught dead reigning it in, all of America will likely have strip clubs like Detroit before too long.
    The bad, the whole country will be broke like Detroit as well.

  • Dancer_
    9 years ago
    Sure. You are not supposed to get fucked by 8 for measly few hundreds. What is going on in Detroit(and few other cities) is pure abnormality. Gals just seem to smarten up and switch to camming, escorting or dancing in better places.

    Having said that I am really glad that tuscl is not like SW with its strict moderation. Or else I would probably already get banned.
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    You're probably pickier, but part of the Dougster/Obama boom is falling unemployment, even in Detroit. Most sex workers don't think of themselves as lifers (and those who do are often depressing), and a lot more girls are now finding steady work. You nailed the fact that if they're driving an hour each way, the economics of working locally if they can find a full time local job start to tip.

    It feels like the clubs are going back to our bread and butter; college girls and single moms.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    "You are not supposed to get fucked by 8 for measly few hundreds"
    - I guess it's a good thing I'm so damn cute then. Joke! I would have to agree with your statement, and Detroit is one of the exceptions inside the United States. There have been stints of rampant extras like this in other cities in the past, but it comes and goes. BTW - here you don't get 'banned' you get 'BAND'

    "It feels like the clubs are going back to our bread and butter; college girls and single moms."
    - I have never heard that story when talking to any stripper in Detroit (college student) but I have met several waitresses and bartenders who say they are students.
  • AnonymousJim
    9 years ago
    I think part of your problem is that you started with Flight Club. Both here and on Two Sheds, Flight Club usually ranks behind only Penthouse, and the two clubs are basically alike in most ways. Seems to me that most other places will be a step down.

    Also, it does sound like you're just in a bit of a losing streak. All it takes is the one right woman at any given place to show you a good time. Try hitting up Flight Club or Penthouse again, maybe on a day shift (I've had better luck at both places days), and be picky.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    Economy activity is better at the moment, but the debt and entitlement spending due in future years is out of control and will never be paid in full unless the currency is devalued. kind of like borrowing 5 million a year for your personal use and say you're doing great but know you won't ever pay it back with your current salary. everything looks fine until it doesn't. This can go on for years until everything crashes.
    I guess everyone wants to ignore economics until it crashes.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    This weekend will be my first trip to Detroit. But in other good cities that I travel to I think the talent is pretty consistent. Sure girls leave left and right, and some nights are slower than others, but overall I think the talent in the clubs has been pretty consistent.
  • Longball300
    9 years ago
    S, I too spend a lot of time in D clubs and have seen things ebb and flow over the years. Mostly staff related. Was up a few weeks ago visited the FC three times in that weekend. Had a great time on a Thursday afternoon, OK on Saturday night and negative big time on Sunday...... all having to do with who happened to be working and available at that moment. Strangely, on a whim I went to the Landing Strip on Sunday night and had a blast with a girl there; go figure. It's always hit or miss.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    ^^^ totally understand where you all are coming from. One issue for me and traveling... I have only ever hit Detroit clubs on Friday and Saturday nights. I have done a Saturday afternoon twice. I have always thought it's quite possible that there may be a better selection on weekday day shifts but I haven't been able to experience that.

    One other thing, my last several trips clubbing have been on a Saturday night, and two things come to mind: 1. Fridays had always been better for me versus Saturdays in Detroit and 2. Going to the same clubs on the same nights often yields me seeing the same girls week after week which would certainly limit my success rate.
  • Longball300
    9 years ago
    I always have a better time on days M-SAT or M-TH nights and the selection is good. More mature in general but, they know what they are doing and why you are there. I have learned to avoid FC, PHC or Coli on Friday or Saturday nights due to the crowds and young money hungry coke head dancers just looking for a max payday. I generally do better at Cricket, Players or Landing Strip on Friday / Saturday nights and will FC or PHC as a last resort.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Two possibilities; and these are just possibilities/opinions:

    1) familiarity – you've being going at it hard and frequent and thus have become sorta immune to the SC game - i.e. perhaps if you had just recently started doing Detroit you may think it's great – may be hard to believe that one can do the same thing over and over again and still get the same thrill as when one first started – I often get sorta a thrill when I visit a new good SC area for the first time; but after I've gone a few times it's not as exhilarating anymore

    2) summer-time – there is often a slow-down in the summer – less dancers and thus less hot-ones that can move the needle for us
  • zef8mich
    9 years ago
    Fwiw I've heard that even though FC is slow during the week nights there are quality dancers because there are customers that spend big money.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    Stripper Slump!!!

    Papi always give good advice.

    A veteran stripper (who's opinion I value) that works on 8 mile told me this past weekend that this is now her slow time from September until December, with a slight uptick during Halloween. Maybe this will lead to more OTC opportunities this fall? Lol

  • warhawks
    9 years ago
    ^^^ I think you just got some stripper shit there Shailynn.
    If you ask most strippers (and if they are truthful and not just trying to get sympathy and/or make you spend money on them) they will tell you almost to 100% that this time of year is when they "bank".
    The fall months are where kids go back to school. The guys wives are either back at work or busy driving the kids to school events, etc. which gives guys a chance to stop at their favorites strip club on the way home.
    Plus, the October to December time frame is THE time for strippers to make money. Halloween parties, the night before Thanksgiving and all through December when clients take their customers out to "holiday parties" with a stop on the way home from parties at the strip clubs too.

    This time of year coming up is the best time of year for strippers. The bottom falls out in January and the winter months it slows WAY down.
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    This is what some gold digger said to me....

    Holidays....slow, everyone's spending time with their families
    Jan-May... slow, everyone's paying off credit cards and their taxes
    Summer...slow, everyone's on vacation

    So according to her, the only non- slow times were Sept and Oct
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    Who knows... Maybe it was some SS.

    I know all the strippers in Vegas love fall because there is a constant stream of guys coming in town every weekend to bet on football games.

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