
How long do you let "Maybe" ride?......

JS made me think of this. If you want OTC, how many visits do you put up with the girl saying "maybe"? Are you impatient, or have you a liking for the girl in the club, and are willing to go slow?


  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    It's a judgment call, and each situation is a little different. I'm searching for low mileage pussy. The ideal situation is that I'm their first OTC. That was the case with the DS and video girl. DS2 has also never done OTC.

    With these girls, I find that 3 club visits should be enough. Not saying I wouldn't ever go 4-5 visits some day, but you ve got to be on guard that she might just be saying maybe just to keep the itc money flowing. After spending significant funds 3 times itc, even a newbie dancer should be ready to say yes if she's ever going to.

    If she's an extras or regular OTC going dancer, then there's no reason that one club visit with a VIP wouldn't be enough.
  • AnonymousJim
    9 years ago
    "Maybe" strikes me as the classic "I'm not saying no, but I'm saying no" kind of answer.

    I'd read between the lines some. If it's the same kind of maybe each time ... then yeah, punt.

    That's the great thing about the club: There's always other options.
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    ....but when us PL's say that when asked for a dance, doesn't that kinda, sorta, means "no" most of the time?
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    I like a challenge, so some maybes wouldn't deter me.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    As with JS, I have absolutely experienced girls who said no, or maybe, and/or claimed never to have done OTC before, changing their mind after a few ITC fun & trust-building sessions. It is definitely not the case that "maybe" or even "no" always means no forever. That said, for guys who are impatient and only want girls who say yes after the first ITC, that's totally their prerogative if they're fine with "high mileage pussy" (as JS would call it). I'll give a girl 3-4 ITC trips to change her mind, depending on the vibe I'm getting from her (I've taken a risk and given at least one particularly spectacular girl more than that, and gotten her OTC eventually).

    I think it's completely a style thing. I totally don't blame guys who just want no-muss no-fuss OTC sex. I personally don't mind a short pursuit, I like the idea she was a bit harder to get, and no big deal if now and then a few ITC trips don't pan out -- I love being ITC anyway, so don't consider it time wasted as long as I had fun ITC
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    Good question. Sometimes i get the feeling they never will, so if i am bored i keep pressure up intil they react in some way. Like say definitely no
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    "Maybe" has not been a problem. It has been the "yes's" that don't follow through that are killing me.
  • ButterMan
    9 years ago
    I'd take "maybe for a little while and keep seeing her in the club. But I'm going to see and work on other girls there too. I'm a little like JS in that i like to do my OTC with girl's that don't usually do sometime's you have to build that relationship up but don't let them BS you too long. Sometime's they are just prolonging thing's to keep you as a customer.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Tonight's experience suggests that 3 is the charm with a newbie dancer. I might have gotten a yes if I had pushed the issue on my second visit, but I want her to be completely comfortable and relaxed about fucking me since it's her first time with a customer. There's really no hurry if you are reasonably convinced that she is not just stringing you along.
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    I'd agree if maybe isn't a yes by the third time, don't get your hopes up.

    I mean, talk is cheap, so you can keep asking.
  • PhantomGeek
    9 years ago
    My OTC encounters have always been out of town while I'm on a vacation, so I just don't have a lot of time. I won't press the issue with the lady, but if she wants me to do more than one follow-up, "let's get more acquainted" visit before agreeing to OTC, I have to be the one to say no and just move on.
  • TheeOSU
    9 years ago
    Usually 1 more try but I might give her 2 more chances if I'm very attracted to her but if she still puts it off I forget about her and move on.
  • Mr_O
    9 years ago
    No dancer is worth more that one or two "refusals", in my book.
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    @Mr_O: Had I followed your rules, I would have missed out on one of the best long term sex relationships of my life, as well as the current "friend with benefits" thing I have going with the MILF.

    Of course, who's to say what might have happened had I abandoned both after only a couple of denials. Might have been even better. Sometimes the inability to see into the other universes our choices create is a positive thing.
  • GACA
    9 years ago
    Well I don't ask until I've been there a while, so when I do maybe doesn't cut it as an answer, it means no, and I call them out on that fact, but I don't cut it off I just start spending way less, I am straight up with the fact that I want to enjoy my experience.
  • Mr_O
    9 years ago

    Might be why I have never had a true ATF. Favorites, sure, but none have stuck. Partly due, I think, to the lack of longevity in a stripper's career.
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