
Comments by AnonymousJim (page 15)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    State Rep. Leslie Love's bills would regulate strip clubs, its employees
    There's a lot to unpack here, after you actually read the article. 1. This is from the Michigan state rep whose district includes some 8 Mile clubs. 2. "They’ve become a part of the fabric of the city and she’s patronized some for both research and a fun night with friends and husbands, as well as $2 lamb chops and inexpensive buckets of beer." Interesting. Makes you wonder if this had anything to do with the recent 8 Mile crackdowns. Might look bad for local authorities if the state rep comes through and has a friend's husband say, "I just got offered sex for $200." 3. The article doesn't get into great detail as to what she's proposing. While I'm a tad nervous, I'm not thinking an annual state inspection and a few guidelines for dressing rooms and anti-trafficking posters are going to change much. Worth keeping an eye on, though.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    You can run but you will only die tired
    Bad night
    From everything I've read about Ohio ... go to Detroit.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    When you know someone else in the club just overpaid
    I actually think it balances out in the end. There will always be suckers and there will always be cheapskates. Both hurt the product. If the dancers start thinking every guy is a sucker, they'll price themselves out of getting anything but suckers and will lose net business. If guys are too cheap, dancer quality will suffer. It's best to seek the sweet spot of the supply-demand curve. You don't want to be at the ends as either a consumer or supplier.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Negotiating for extras.
    I agree that too much negotiation can be a problem. If you and her are way off, then yeah, you're either going to feel like you're going way beyond your means to meet her or pushing her way down. That's why you also must -- must -- be willing to just walk away. If you will feel disappointed if you definitely don't get services from a particular girl, then be prepared to simply pay whatever price she will take. If she's way off, start with just "No." She'll probably come closer to her real floor.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Negotiating for extras.
    The process always sucks, but such is life. I find most dancers with their salt are at least easier to negotiate with than car salesmen. This is part of why I like to have a conversation with the girl first. It gives you a sense for how hardened and determined she might be. If she's a little more passive and genuinely friendly rather than acting like she's trying to get in your pants, there's a good chance you'll have an easier time with negotiations. This is also why I know my geography, in addition to the going rates, before I visit an out-of-town club. Never say you're from out of town on business. They're going to think you don't know the market, assume you have money to blow and run up their prices accordingly. Pick a town far enough away that it's not an easy trip, but close enough that you could become repeat business if you get a good experience, and say you're from there. Ann Arbor or Jackson are good choices if you're in Detroit, for instance. And for God's sake, say you've been to that club before, even if you say "But it's been a while." Don't be the newbie they think they can rip off. Up-front versus in the back is another question, and believe it or not, a case can be made for both, though confirming a dancer at least has a menu before going back isn't a bad idea, simply so you don't waste your time. There is something to be said for making sure a dancer, no matter how attractive, won't be a dead fish before you ask for services. A dance or two first can verify this, though you will probably pay a slight premium as a result.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    IP Addresses
    No thanks. I like anonymity.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Long-Distance OTC, Continued
    Still better than driving, and if you do early check-in, fly alone and only have a carry on, you can trim some time off your airport stay.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Don't knock masturbation. It's sex with someone you love.
    Anybody going to the Penthouse Grand Re-Opening
    Flight Club is still Flight Club, though, right? As long as there's that, you guys are still doing better than the rest of us.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Long-Distance OTC, Continued
    rick: I don't settle for 6s and 7s. Penthouse, at least before this "remodel," and Flight Club have 8s and 9s who have a lot of options on the table. I stick to the upscale places; I don't slum. When you stay upscale, there's better quality in The D than you think, sir. I should visit Miami sometime, but I'm pretty sure the odds of as full of a menu can't possibly be any better than Detroit. I'm more than fine with the Motor City, and it's a much shorter flight. Longball: She's already said that weekend is out, and that's my only free weekend for such travel until next year. Plus, I'm trying to get the most bang for my buck, and I don't think P4P three-way provides that. I'd rather I fly or she fly, not the both of us fly. And yes, Detroit is a flight for me. Six-hours by car to get there (six more to get back) or a quick one-hour flight. shai: You're pretty spot on. Check your messages in a little while.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Guy Rents Out Brothel For 4 Days
    It's always amusing to find a mix of such epic stupidity with such amazing genius. Thinking the bank would never come after him was stupid. But being able to win the case against the bank was sheer genius. I guess the question is if you'd be willing to trade two years of glory for four months in jail, mostly spent poring over legal documents and formulating a case, in addition to ruining your and your family's reputation. Not a situation most of us end up in, but an interesting dilemma. Personally, I'd like my life to be a little more calm.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Long-Distance OTC, Continued
    Enough of you seemed to think I should at least inquire such that I texted her to see if she was even free. She responded immediately (this alone sets her apart) that she's had longstanding plans for that particular weekend, but badly wants to come up another time and wants me to "set a date ASAP." I'm a busy guy during the summer, not to mention there's something to be said for turning the tables and actually making the girl wait a bit. But I think I will likely try to figure something out, with the help of the advice here. Gentlemen, you have served your collective purpose. I bow to you, monger gods that you are.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Long-Distance OTC, Continued
    Thank you, Papi. I wanted common sense, you gave it to me.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Long-Distance OTC, Continued
    abqspencer: You've clearly never clubbed in Detroit. Granted, it was better when Penthouse was Penthouse. But a trip where you fly in, get FS with two different DD 9's in one night and fly home the next morning is definitely possible because I've done it. Worth it, too.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Long-Distance OTC, Continued
    I'm guessing she'd want me to buy her plane ticket, and maybe a room. And who knows if she'd even show, in which case, what a waste. Seems like it would be a lot to talk out and I'd imagine even trying to broach the topic might even be awkward enough to sink future chances. I shouldn't even be considering her, right? Go to Detroit, go to FC, get what I want and go home is the far more sure thing.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Girls that don’t want your money?
    This happens to me occasionally, too. Could be a regular customer of hers. Could be a whale that bought her attention for the night. Could be she smells, rightly or wrongly, a better chance of doing a room with the other customer, or had already did one. Could be as described above: She had made her money for the night and just found one guy, maybe the one that did the trick, that she was into. She could be on club orders to entertain an important club investor or city official. She could just be more into the other guy than you. This could mean she's really into the other guy, or really doesn't like you. Could be just about anything. The good news is, there's always next time.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Awaiting the edit button since 2011....
    (Single) Mother's Day?
    I was in Detroit last year on Mother's Day weekend. Noticeably less talent than usual, even on Saturday night. If they're not being celebrated as a mom, they're probably celebrating their own mom. Just not a good weekend to club. Father's Day weekend, on the other hand, is the right time to celebrate daddy issues.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Penthouse Club commercial on re-opening
    No curtains/VIP = I'm not going That simple. I have a feeling Flight Club will remain the go-to.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Dancer Logic
    This is someplace I only go once a year at best. At least what she sent was just flirty and not actually asking for anything. But yeah, I might now be on the "Send Cute Emojis When I'm Working" list.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Cleveland, Ohio
    How many of you give zero fucks about Stormy Daniels?
    I would not go to a club featuring her, as it would probably draw too many curiosity-seekers. Much like being in a club with a bunch of bachelor parties, that tends to equal a bad vibe for us regulars: A lot of "don't usually go to a club" customers making dancers think they can raise prices, better chance of running into someone you know, etc. No thanks. Plus, it's not that she's ugly, but she is kinda generic. She's just another busty blonde. I went to see Dillion Harper in part because she's a little different. Girls that cute aren't usually that nasty, too. But I feel like Daniels is just another interchangeable porn star. She just happens to be one our PL-in-chief overpaid for. As with many things in life, I'm not going to follow Trump's example and won't do the same.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Clubs and Lucid Dreaming
    (That last part about writing a review was in jest, for those of you with no sense of humor.)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Ford is basically giving up on US car business, and GM is not far behind
    This annoys me greatly. I hate SUVs. I'm sure they're big and comfortable, but they're also slow, hard to maneuver and not nearly as good in bad weather as everyone thinks. My Cruze corners at speed, uses far less gas and has more than enough space for everything I carry around. My only annoyance is that I can't see over all of you folks driving cars way bigger than you need, and can't get around you when you're clogging lanes and going five under the speed limit because you're afraid you'll tip over at the next turn. I've got places to go, the club included. Buy smaller cars, people.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Poof! TUSCL is Gone, How Do You Continue?
    I rarely do the escort thing, as most of the traveling talent that comes through here is too expensive and most of the local talent is beneath my standards. But I like to check to see what's available once in a while, in case a literal 1-in-5000 pops up. Yesterday I went to Eros to see what kind of talent was coming through. Force of habit kind of thing. Saw one that looked good, then realized as I scrolled to her number -- oh yeah. Usual process was to Google the number and see if she was on TER, then check the reviews. Not on TER, might be a fake or a sting, do not call. Bad reviews, not reliable, do not call. But yeah, no more TER. I Googled a couple numbers anyway and, for one, a TER link did show up in Google, but clicking on it took you to the 'blocked in America' page. It occurred to me that the death of these kinds of sites would be exactly that: Like things just kind of stopping in time. There was a lot of knowledge to be drawn from TwoSheds: Which clubs had curtains still up, what places were remodeling, what dancers were hot, if you could track down any dancer you saw the last time you were out, etc. Now, that's just all gone. It occurred to me that it's not the mongers like us, who have been at it for some time, that would suffer if TUSCL went away, at least not at first. It would be the new mongers. The guys who won't know which cities offer more than others, what can happen in Detroit, how to at least broach the topic of OTC without getting yourself kicked out of the club, etc. Over time, we'd suffer, too. Things change. Clubs close or remodel. New clubs open. You won't know if they're any good unless there's a way to compare notes. I dunno. It just sucks. I feel like I've learned a lot from clubbing. I've been smart and learned a lot, although some of it came from being dumb sometimes, too. I've had the greatest times of my life. Met so many amazing women. Was able to find out what worked and didn't work in terms of a lot of things and took a lot of knowledge out of the club. Have had so much fun. 95 percent of the dances have been awesome. Worth almost every penny. It seems so odd that this can be seen as so wrong. Having people impose values upon you, when you know no one's hurting you and you're helping others (back to my mantra of "smell nice, dress nice, tip well") is just tremendously depressing. Clubbing helped me get over an upbringing where overly restrictive values were regularly imposed on me and taught me to enjoy myself, to feel comfortable around women and to be nice and considerate to those who society might shun, which I think is a worthwhile value. And it's all going away because a group of people that isn't even the majority, even though they've had most of the power for most of the history of this country, felt a little slighted by the fact a guy with a different racial makeup was in charge for a while and now feels the need to go on a power trip in revenge. It just doesn't seem right.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    Emily Ratajkowski, like you've never seen her before
    Headline: Emily Ratajkowski, like you've never seen her before My thought: "Clothed?" [clicks link] Nope. Not complaining, though.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Where are the asian strippers or whores that look like this?
    Yes, please.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I'll sleep when I'm Dead...😈
    Felt Compelled
    Good list. A few blasts from the past on there. Keeley Hazell has seemingly disappeared. A lot of Playmates, I noticed. All the more why, once, before I die, I'd like to get into a Playboy party, particularly at the Mansion. It just seems like the Holy Grail of places to meet and "do things with" super hot women.