
Long-Distance OTC, Continued

Scanning the room from the back
Thursday, May 10, 2018 2:33 PM
A few weeks back, met a 10 in my book at a club across the country. Seemed willing to do OTC, but we couldn't make it work before I had to leave town. Legit excuse for her. I was there for an event and she was working the event in addition to her "side job." She saw me at the event and said hi. We were both staying with others for the event, which made it difficult. She asked if I'd be back. I usually only go once a year for the event. I hate the place otherwise. We did talk about clubs I frequent closer to home. I have heard of dancers from her part of the country flying into my area, working a club for a weekend, getting good bank and flying home. I told her about that in our club meeting and she seemed intrigued. I have a chance coming up to spend a weekend anywhere. Before I met her, my plan was to just go to Detroit. The flight to Detroit is about the same price-wise as the flight to her locale. Please talk me out of texting her to see if she's free that weekend, either there or to come here. Remind me how things will almost certainly go awry if I even attempt this. Better to just go to Detroit where things are guaranteed, right? And save her number for the next time I'm in her city? And yes, I am a PL.


  • PaulDrake
    6 years ago
    Seems better to offer her some travel expenses on top of the OTC money to fly her to you. Massively less chance of flaking.
  • clubdude
    6 years ago
    Come to the "D". Since she was intrigued about the fly in on a weekend, she just might do that for you.
  • abqspencer
    6 years ago
    People choose to fly to Detroit on purpose? I’d go see OTC girl. If she flakes go do something else Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
  • AnonymousJim
    6 years ago
    I'm guessing she'd want me to buy her plane ticket, and maybe a room. And who knows if she'd even show, in which case, what a waste. Seems like it would be a lot to talk out and I'd imagine even trying to broach the topic might even be awkward enough to sink future chances. I shouldn't even be considering her, right? Go to Detroit, go to FC, get what I want and go home is the far more sure thing.
  • AnonymousJim
    6 years ago
    abqspencer: You've clearly never clubbed in Detroit. Granted, it was better when Penthouse was Penthouse. But a trip where you fly in, get FS with two different DD 9's in one night and fly home the next morning is definitely possible because I've done it. Worth it, too.
  • Warrior15
    6 years ago
    Oh, the things we do when we are chasing prime pussy ! I actually like PaulDrake's idea. OTC is always a crap shoot the first time with a girl. They always seem sincere, but then don't show. I sure would NOT fly to a place I did not want to be in to see a girl that might not show up. Flying to somewhere that I would want to go anyway, would be OK. If she flakes, then you have a plan B in place. Flying her to you means you aren't wasting any time. And you aren't spending any money unless she shows up.
  • Dominic77
    6 years ago
    abqspencer+1. I'd fly out to see the 10. No question. Sounds romantic, as far as OTC hooker sex goes. I'd have already have booked the flight.
  • Darkblue999
    6 years ago
    Mention the dollar amount you are going to pay and fly out.If the number makes her happy she would definitely show [view link] upfront every thing.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    You've never OTCed w/ her; i.e. she's an unproven commodity - even if she doesn't flake does not mean it's gonna be awesome - Detroit seems a surer-bet unless you can still have a good-time in the SCs in her area in case you fly there and she flakes - I would not fly her to you or anywhere else b/c decent-chance "something will come up" and she does not get on the plane then you ate the plane-ticket (unless you are willing to eat that charge)
  • AnonymousJim
    6 years ago
    Thank you, Papi. I wanted common sense, you gave it to me.
  • Titus23
    6 years ago
    Offer to reimburse her flight, but don't buy her tickets up front. You'd need all her info anyways (I'm sure she doesn't want you knowing her personal info), and there's no guarantee she will actually show. At least if you offer to reimburse her, she has to show up to collect.
  • JohnSmith69
    6 years ago
    I’ve had otc companions that were located far from me. It never worked out very well. The time and expense of getting to each other was not worth it. But this assumes of course that she is not a DS. Cause I’d spend whatever I had to for a DS to be in my bed.
  • AnonymousJim
    6 years ago
    Enough of you seemed to think I should at least inquire such that I texted her to see if she was even free. She responded immediately (this alone sets her apart) that she's had longstanding plans for that particular weekend, but badly wants to come up another time and wants me to "set a date ASAP." I'm a busy guy during the summer, not to mention there's something to be said for turning the tables and actually making the girl wait a bit. But I think I will likely try to figure something out, with the help of the advice here. Gentlemen, you have served your collective purpose. I bow to you, monger gods that you are.
  • shailynn
    6 years ago
    I did what you want to do for 2 years with an amazing stripper. We were 2 time zones apart in two cities that didn’t have direct flights. Made it work but it took its toll. I’m also a guy who goes to Detroit a lot, and if it was guaranteed she would show up I’d take her over Detroit in a heartbeat (I love Detroit too). Staying in a hotel all weekend with a hot stripper is better than soulless fucking 3 drunk or high strippers in a strip club any weekend. But... your plans are not guaranteed and it sounds like it’s hard for you to get away. Probably best to play it safe and go to Detroit unless you can have a good backup plan in her town. Getting to know her better over phone/txt is a good idea but don’t wait too long as we all know strippers lose interest quickly.
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    The problem, as I see it, is that you are limiting your choices to guaranteed 6s and 7s in Detroit vs. a hot ass "10" elsewhere. Maybe instead you should choose a place with good odds and more attractive women, such as Miami. A few good suck and fuck sessions with a few different Grade A 9s will take your mind off of a girl who is a crap shoot at best.
  • Longball300
    6 years ago
    Has someone already mentioned to have HER get the ticket to fly to Detroit to meet you and offer to reimburse her? You would be getting a room in The D for your originally planned trip anyway. If she actually shows up.... bonus! Kick her some $$ and better yet take her to a club for a 3-way.
  • AnonymousJim
    6 years ago
    rick: I don't settle for 6s and 7s. Penthouse, at least before this "remodel," and Flight Club have 8s and 9s who have a lot of options on the table. I stick to the upscale places; I don't slum. When you stay upscale, there's better quality in The D than you think, sir. I should visit Miami sometime, but I'm pretty sure the odds of as full of a menu can't possibly be any better than Detroit. I'm more than fine with the Motor City, and it's a much shorter flight. Longball: She's already said that weekend is out, and that's my only free weekend for such travel until next year. Plus, I'm trying to get the most bang for my buck, and I don't think P4P three-way provides that. I'd rather I fly or she fly, not the both of us fly. And yes, Detroit is a flight for me. Six-hours by car to get there (six more to get back) or a quick one-hour flight. shai: You're pretty spot on. Check your messages in a little while.
  • abqspencer
    6 years ago
    1hour flight is more like 4 hours minimum, start to finish. FYI
  • AnonymousJim
    6 years ago
    Still better than driving, and if you do early check-in, fly alone and only have a carry on, you can trim some time off your airport stay.
  • abqspencer
    6 years ago
    To each their own.
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