
Comments by AnonymousJim (page 16)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Does Boob Job = Girl On Outs With Her Parents?
    I know a girl whose mom bought her implants when she turned 18. Mutual decision. Think the mom either had them herself or worked in that field. The girl was smokin' hot. Seen pictures of her mom on her Instagram and the mom's not bad, either.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Vegas for one night
    I did Rhino last year and it was OK. Just OK. A lot of what you're seeing here already. Overpriced. Women were attractive, but on par with what I see in the upscale Chicago clubs. A lot of hustle, but the girls come and go fast if you turn them down. Might try Palomino this year (just found out I'm headed back). But thinking I might end up at Rhino again. It's near where we stay. On my cab ride back to the hotel, the cabby did mention a 24/7 massage parlor near Rhino. So if you really want that kind of fun, that might be a way to go.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Turning a bad dance to your advantage
    This seems ... PL-ish to me. Remember, YMMV. The dance you're watching another guy get might not be the one you get. Plus, you guys must have some X-ray vision to see through the girl on your lap and actually get a good sense of how another girl dances. Unless you're in a really brightly lit lapper area where the booths aren't separated all that well (there aren't any clubs like this I frequent), I don't see this being all that easy. Maybe part of the reason you're getting bad dances is because the girl can see you ignoring her and looking around at the other girls dancing. If she's that bad, I'm just thinking about how quickly I can get her paid when we get done so I can get back out on the floor to do more scouting.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Accidental tipping
    There's this story from last year: https://www.tuscl.net/discussion.php?id=49661 I also have the story about a time I visited a similar club and engaged in a VIP session with a young dancer during the Saturday day shift. Neither of us thought to negotiate before we started. When we got done, I gave her what I thought she was worth, which was $200. She gave me $20 back and said I should use it for the valet. I said thanks and that she was way too kind. She said I was too kind because I got her to her goal for the day and and she could tip out and go home when she felt like it.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Dancers with kids / MILFs
    The only thing I disagree with is the idea dancers with kids are more willing to do extras. Not from what I've seen. If anything, they're less willing to mess around with any man. It was what gave them a child and put them in the position to have to dance to begin with. OTC is less likely if they have to be home to their kids, too. Otherwise, doesn't make a difference unless she drones on about her kids too much, but that's no different than droning on too long about anything personal I didn't ask about. I don't mind a dancer mentioning she had them. Makes her more real. But I tend to believe odds are better for activities with dancers who don't have kids.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    One year later, a lot has changed
    Smart consumers make for a better market. Good on you.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Detroit Metro Airport Night Talent
    When I was at Penthouse two years ago, there were two Asians in the house that night: Jada and Zoe. Both were attractive. Jada had the better curves and offered more. Zoe had a good personality, but didn't offer Detroit-level service. Granted, this was on a Saturday night. If Jada is still floating around, she's worth finding again.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Slightly OT: The new SESTA/FOSTA bill already impacting sites
    Red meat for the evangelical base, unfortunately. Elections have consequences. For the most part, we should be fine here. We're not pimping dancers. We're reviewing legal clubs. Plus, it's all a work of fiction. Might be a good idea to be a little extra vague going forward, though.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    College destress at clubs and otc
    That said, yeah, don't expect OTC as a college kid. Even dancers will think you're too young, inexperienced and irresponsible to either pay them enough or make it enjoyable. OTC is an older man's game. Not necessarily an exclusively elderly man's game, but definitely not a college kid's game. Go to a college bar with some similarly horny buddies and find ladies who are making enough iffy choices around midnight that they might also make iffy choices near closing time. Or, if you have the cash to club regularly, go to spring break someplace that's a destination and smash whatever you can find. Just use protection; don't become a dad at 22 (my recommendation would be not ever, but that's just me).
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    College destress at clubs and otc
    I clubbed occasionally in my college days. Probably went out once every three months or so. If you were like me and didn't do well with women in general, it was a good way to gain experience and not be intimidated by attractive women. Without getting too deep, I had a kind of troubled childhood in terms of a smothering, narcissistic mom in a codependent relationship, so clubbing helped me come of age and offered a release for my raging libido. Also, yeah, it was a nice occasional destresser or reward. I didn't have the money to go out more often. Once I got out of school and got a job that paid real money, I think it went to something more like once a month, which is probably what it's balanced out to since. Interestingly enough, I liked older women when I was younger, as they'd often kinda want to show me the ropes. Now that I'm a little older, I like younger girls more. Go figure.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    How much SS would you put up with if Extras are at stake ?
    I find it hard to believe you couldn't get a word in edgewise for a full hour such that you couldn't say, "Huh. Well, anyhow, ready to head to the back?"
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Another newb gets raped
    Isn't one of the unwritten rules "don't use your credit card at a strip club"? Isn't this why? Yes, yes it is. This is called learning the hard way.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    I’ve had enough and I can’t take it any more
    Yeah, that mix is nice. Kiana Tom. Tia Carrere. Chrissy Teigen. Yum. First girl I had happy mutual naked time with was a Chinese-Irish mix. Hot.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Indy 2AMer.
    If you're missing it, then aim better, like this shooter did.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Founder - trust counts don't add up.
    Sheer conjecture, but I think the trust number may be becoming more of a trust score. It seems like it's been shifting some, and it might be to account for other factors, like contribution level, comments on reviews and whatnot. I know this last iteration put me into the Top 40. Gooble gobble, we accept you, one of us. I feel both a little proud and a lot ashamed at the same time.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    from that Adam Westsiiiide of Gotham
    ever been inside the dancer's dressing room at the SC?
    Papi: This is part of why I like to spend time talking with dancers before I get dances. I tend to skew towards girls who don't put on as much of a show in terms of being loud and boisterous personality-wise (that doesn't mean they're bad dancers or not aggressive in the back, though). I skew toward the ones who can have an intelligent conversation. I imagine most of the girls I get dances from don't talk to a lot of the other girls in the back, or have a small clique they stick to and that's it.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    from that Adam Westsiiiide of Gotham
    what's the current dad at your favorite SC?
    Gown clubs seem to be fewer and fewer in our area. Moore swimsuits. Short hair seems to be in right now, too.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    from that Adam Westsiiiide of Gotham
    Will strippers be at your funeral?
    My guess is one. Maybe two. There's one I know from her non-stripper life. I don't think she knows I know her other life, and I've done everything possible to avoid her at the club, including visiting that club a lot less. She might show up. There's one other one who follows me on Facebook. I suppose she might show up.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    from that Adam Westsiiiide of Gotham
    ever been inside the dancer's dressing room at the SC?
    No. Maybe I'm too realistic, but I don't picture it as a fantasy at all. That's where I figure the dancers are cranky, eating from styrofoam trays, only partly made up, sweats, ratty T-shirts, tampons and makeup brushes strewn about, basically balancing out how sexy they may be trying to be on the floor by being totally unsexy in the back.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Why club hop?
    I definitely don't club-hop much within a single night. A lot of the time, I'm going out too late to do that, anyhow. If I'm getting to a club at 10:30 p.m., the clubs are closing at 2 a.m. and it takes me 30 minutes to go from club to club, it's pointless. The only time I'll leave one club for another within a single night is if I'm really not finding what I want. That doesn't happen much.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    UMBC beating UVA
    Someone pointed out that the UMBC uniforms looked a lot like the ones in the Michael J. Fox version of Teen Wolf. And they were the Beavers.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Why club hop?
    The same reason you don't eat at your favorite restaurant every day: Sometimes, you want something different. I have six reliable clubs I will choose from when I decide to go out near home. Two are within 15 min. of where I live. One has better looking women on average and cheaper prices, but less mileage. The other has OK looking women and is more expensive, but better mileage and slightly better extras odds. Another two are an hour away. Both have far better extras odds and are full nude, but are very hit-or-miss talent-wise and are trending downward. Anther two are 75-90 min. in the other direction. One's more like 75, the other 90. I like the 90 better, and it's full-nude, but don't always want to drive that far. Both have very hot ladies, some of the hottest I've seen. Good mileage, definitely better than the one 15-min. club and usually both. But far more expensive and zero extras. So there are a lot of variables. How far do I want to drive? What's my budget look like? Am I trying for extras or no? What was my experience like the last time? Plus, these clubs get new talent all the damn time. You don't know unless you go. You occasionally even find an old favorite you'd lost track of. I'll even range outside the six to less- reliable options sometimes, just to see if they've gotten better. Also, favorites don't always remain favorites. I like to say that a lot of my favorites usually lose the title when I ask, and they decline, OTC. So, onto the next club and avoid that one for a while until she's forgotten about me. So yeah. Honestly, unless you live in a city where one club is head-and-shoulders better than the others, I almost see it the other way: Why wouldn't you club hop?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Your Friendly Neighborhood Average Guy
    What do you guys consider low, medium, and high mileage?
    In most places that aren't Detroit, Tijuana or an FKK club, I think FS is an extra, not part of mileage. Presumably, at extras places, the mileage is also high.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    UMBC beating UVA
    Time for us all to ask our ATFs for OTC. If UMBC can get the miracle to happen, we all can.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Your Friendly Neighborhood Average Guy
    What do you guys consider low, medium, and high mileage?
    I think UHM is a category for things that fall just short of extras but are still outside most "rules." For instance, if a girl allows FIV or even just under-the-undies rubbing, in addition to good mileage, that would be UHM in my mind. Those aren't necessarily services you negotiate for, but if she's taking care of you otherwise and lets them happen, they're very nice value-adds. Subtle DATY could fall into this category, though that and FIV, I think we're talking a few seconds of glory in a lapper rather than an all-out session in VIP. When Little Jim comes out to play, we're officially into extras territory.