How many of you give zero fucks about Stormy Daniels?

avatar for max_starr
I mean if she was featured at a club, I would go out of my way to avoid her and find a sweet 20 something to play with....Maybe I'd have better choices if a few of the guys went to see her.


last comment
avatar for Huntsman
7 years ago
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
I don't have any need to see her at a strip club. But I would like to see her complaint against Trump. I also hope she keeps speaking out and becomes a prominent "Former Republican".

avatar for AnonymousJim
7 years ago
I would not go to a club featuring her, as it would probably draw too many curiosity-seekers. Much like being in a club with a bunch of bachelor parties, that tends to equal a bad vibe for us regulars: A lot of "don't usually go to a club" customers making dancers think they can raise prices, better chance of running into someone you know, etc. No thanks.

Plus, it's not that she's ugly, but she is kinda generic. She's just another busty blonde. I went to see Dillion Harper in part because she's a little different. Girls that cute aren't usually that nasty, too. But I feel like Daniels is just another interchangeable porn star. She just happens to be one our PL-in-chief overpaid for. As with many things in life, I'm not going to follow Trump's example and won't do the same.
avatar for Warrior15
7 years ago
It would not bother me at all if I never saw her again. EVER !
avatar for s275ironman
7 years ago
^ What AnonymousJim said.

Stormy is scheduled to make a few more appearances in Detroit a few weeks from now. I don’t plan on going to see her for all the reasons stated above. But, that applies to all feature performers. After seeing a few, it loses its appeal.
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
People, like in Spectator Magazine, have always said that the porn star day is a good time to go if you want to fraternize with the house dancers. They might not have much to do.

Otherwise I would not go to see a porn star. She's not at my social level.

avatar for shailynn
7 years ago
I think the train wreck is interesting. A porn star trying to shake down a sitting president.

As for seeing her in person, yeah I could care less, and like most others thus far I’d go out of my way to avoid her if she was a feature in a club I was planning on attending.
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
So here we have her 28 page complaint:…

avatar for grand1511
7 years ago
Trump gave her 130,000 fucks.
avatar for ButterMan
7 years ago
I don't care about seeing her at a club but if she can contribute to the demise of trump im good with that.
avatar for JimOsterberg
7 years ago
Like everyone I checked her out on PornHub and the others once the story broke. Couldn't even get hard with her. Not ugly just the most boring pornstar ever
avatar for DrStab
7 years ago
I’d titty-fuck and paint her just like any other ho.
avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
From my perspective - her 15 minutes of fame ended awhile ago. I find her continued presence in news reports to be unnewsworthy...
avatar for lolruned
7 years ago
If she was featuring at a SC I frequented, perhaps it's time to find a new SC. I don't like features anyways
avatar for rickdugan
7 years ago
So he fucked her when she was hot. Now she;s not, but in her declining years she believes that she has something to cash in on. No thanks.
avatar for sinclair
7 years ago
There was a news article out of Dallas talking about guys lining up 10 hours ahead of time to make sure they get in the club for her feature performance. Either the most pathetic of pathetic losers or liberals.
avatar for orionsmith
7 years ago
She appeared at a local club. I did not go and see her. If you search for how much I've talked about her, it's not much. Porn stars are a dime a dozen. Her claim to fame seems to be she slept with the Presudent. I don't care if she slept with Trump and Bill Clinton but it would be a more interesting story.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
7 years ago
Yet the Stormy Daniels posts will keep coming...
avatar for Warrenboy75
7 years ago
Less than....
avatar for Longball300
7 years ago
Negative fucks......
avatar for magicrat
7 years ago
She was in a South Carolina club soon after her story broke. Had no interest then and even less I vote for no fucks.
avatar for TxVegas
7 years ago
I have no interest in seeing her in person. I would not go to a club she was appearing at, but would avoid it.

I think it is obvious that she slept with Trump. Why would she get paid to not tell her story otherwise?
avatar for RandomMember
7 years ago
Stormy herself is boring as fuck.

The legal details and consequences of the payoff are interesting and important( e.g, does it constitute bank fraud or illegal campaign contributions).

Her lawyer Avenetti is an interesting guy. He's obviously a talented, aggressive, lawyer and a professional race car driver. He's been a regular on Lawrence O'Donnell.
avatar for Lone_Wolf
7 years ago
I don't give a fuck. I wish the story would go away.
avatar for larryfisherman
7 years ago
I have no idea why she’s getting so much press.
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
She gets press just like Fawn Hall, the one who destroyed Gary Hart, Jennifer Flowers, Paul Jones, and Monika Lewisnsky.

Only 7 pages for the actual complaint. She may or may not have a case. If Trump etal are really trying to intimidate her, that could get into criminal territory.…

If she is violating the hush agreement, then for Trump etal to enforce, they would have to file a lawsuit themselves. But her lawsuit seeks to nullify the agreement. Maybe what she wants is to be able to tell all, with no financial consequences.

But then, hard for a sitting President to go thru a lawsuit.

I believe that Daniels is mad over how she has been treated like dirt. To me it does not seem like she is lying. But as this gets more and more contentious, then more and more will be said in court.

I certainly do not want to have a President who does things like this. I don't care how many adult women he has consensual sex with. But I don't like the hypocrisy and the bullying.

Bill Clinton and Gary Hart never engaged in such bullying.


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avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
Probably Trump and his lawyer starting this arbitration proceeding is what opened the door for her to file a suit to nullify the hush agreement. If they had not started arbitration, meaning that they are trying to enforce, then likely she would not have had any thing to sue over.

avatar for hotdog0007
7 years ago
Wouldn't go near the b×=%h
avatar for georgmicrodong
7 years ago
Who is Stormy Daniels?
avatar for ime
7 years ago
Couldn't care less
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
7 years ago
Enough fucks given to generate over 30 comments.
avatar for Pyroxl
7 years ago
Trump has different tastes than I do, even w/ Ivanka.
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
How many would like to have Stormy Daniels replace Karen Huckabee Sanders?

avatar for Uprightcitizen
7 years ago
Never heard of her before this recent drama. Saw her meh porn stuff and I have zero interest in her big girl body type but sorta pretty face. The fact that she was fucking DKT makes her less appealing. Maybe if I was drunk mess and got a good vibe from her (and there was no money involved) would I tap that. No way am I going out of my way to see her or care about the selfish drama she is profiting on.
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
If somehow she and I met and we found that we had common views, then yes, by all means.

But with she as a Republican, then no.


Wendy Brown, very good!…
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
She's def hellbent on milking her 15-minutes and getting-paid - I assume she's hoping to be able to write some kind of tell-all book and make big bucks.
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
I think Trump opened the door to her lawsuit when he acted to start this arbitration case.


Celeb No Bra Day…

Wendy Brown, very good!…………
avatar for FlowerDoll
7 years ago
I saw her at Ultra in WPB on 4/14. 4 song set on stage and she was gone. Not worth the price of admission. But she did get me into a club again after 20 years. Now I'm the biggest PL once more and can't stay out of any titty bar within 20 miles. I blame Trump.
avatar for max_starr
7 years ago
LOL trump made me dfk in the front room for toda la noche
avatar for Jascoi
7 years ago
she is definitely making the most of it. but she is only a minor attraction to me at best.
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
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avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago…

Should we replace her with Stormy Daniels, or with Pamela Anderson?


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avatar for Dominic77
7 years ago
I kind of do, and will admit it. I was actually thinking of driving 5 hours or so to go see her this summer, lol. She has a cute face and I like her humor and wit.

Maybe I should get out more, lol!
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