Anybody going to the Penthouse Grand Re-Opening
Don't knock masturbation. It's sex with someone you love.
The Penthouse tries to pick itself back up off the mat starting today:…
Anybody going to attend? Penthouse with no curtain on the VIP does not sound like my cup of tea. Curious to see if it will get back to its former glory. I would expect it to start off very tame.
Anybody going to attend? Penthouse with no curtain on the VIP does not sound like my cup of tea. Curious to see if it will get back to its former glory. I would expect it to start off very tame.
If I would have done it it would be worth it to get a $100 booth and maybe do a local TUSCL meet up.
My Present CF says will be doing something in the opening ceremony. Should be a hoot.
If I would have done it it would be worth it to get a $100 booth and maybe do a local TUSCL meet up.
My Present CF says will be doing something in the opening ceremony. Should be a hoot.
There are plenty of other clubs in the Detroit area for those who want the full experience.
And, based on my most recent visit to Flight Club, the talent at that club may have already suffered. However, I am not ready to write that club off just yet after one so-so visit. But, now that Penthouse is back in the picture, closely monitor the reviews for Flight Club over the next few weeks to see if there is a trend.
The good old days are behind us gents. I for one am sad.
Now the Penthouse refugees are free to return, but the extas-friendly environment is gone so the logical inference is that FC will keep the extras-friendly hotties they added.