
Negotiating for extras.

Atlanta suburb
Wednesday, May 16, 2018 7:32 AM
I hate to negotiate prices when discussing going to VIP with a dancer. I know the standard price at my favorite club. I also know that quite a few dancers will ask prices $50-150 higher. When I run into one of them my normal response is to pass. When I pass most of the time they usually make a lower offer. Some will ask "what do you usually spend?" and I tell them the standard rate and they will usually reply "I can do that". Some times I start the negotiations by telling them right off what I normally pay and let them decide whether to accept, reject or make a counter offer. I stick to my guns and don't go any higher. But the question is always in the back of my brain if that by her accepting a lower price am I going to get her best effort. Is she going to give me the same service that she would have for her price. I have my doubts. It is a crap shoot. Some times you win and some times you lose. If she turns out to be a winner, she of course gets a modest tip and a repeat customer. Once a price has been agreed upon future transactions will normally be based on the original price. So it is important to get it right the first time. I know dancers that charge me the going rate but new customers are quoted higher prices. I have found this to work even if the club standard rate goes up.


  • chessmaster
    6 years ago
    I was quoted $250 by one of the cubans one time. I probably would have paid it because she was hot as fuck. But i didnt have that much left when she came around. So i settled for "just dances".
  • AnonymousJim
    6 years ago
    The process always sucks, but such is life. I find most dancers with their salt are at least easier to negotiate with than car salesmen. This is part of why I like to have a conversation with the girl first. It gives you a sense for how hardened and determined she might be. If she's a little more passive and genuinely friendly rather than acting like she's trying to get in your pants, there's a good chance you'll have an easier time with negotiations. This is also why I know my geography, in addition to the going rates, before I visit an out-of-town club. Never say you're from out of town on business. They're going to think you don't know the market, assume you have money to blow and run up their prices accordingly. Pick a town far enough away that it's not an easy trip, but close enough that you could become repeat business if you get a good experience, and say you're from there. Ann Arbor or Jackson are good choices if you're in Detroit, for instance. And for God's sake, say you've been to that club before, even if you say "But it's been a while." Don't be the newbie they think they can rip off. Up-front versus in the back is another question, and believe it or not, a case can be made for both, though confirming a dancer at least has a menu before going back isn't a bad idea, simply so you don't waste your time. There is something to be said for making sure a dancer, no matter how attractive, won't be a dead fish before you ask for services. A dance or two first can verify this, though you will probably pay a slight premium as a result.
  • TheeOSU
    6 years ago
    "So i settled for "just dances"." Buying dances is a chump's game. You should have chloroformed her then tied her with duct tape then proceed to DFK and FIV until your pants were ready to come down then tie her to the roof of your car, take her home, and finish in your bed.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    It really depends on the dancer and her attitude. Broadly, my assumption is that I'll get the same level of service, but she thinks I'm more of a pushover. This opens the door to asking for even more as time goes on. Dancers know what the median price is for services offered. If you negotiate for below that rate, *then* I think you run the risk of a low-effort performance. What I believe most often inspires a dancer to go "above and beyond" is spending money on her regularly and reliably. At least for a while. Some dancers also become complacent with regulars as time passes.
  • georgmicrodong
    6 years ago
    Pretty much the same with me.
  • JohnSmith69
    6 years ago
    This is one reason that I overpay strippers for sex. Yeah I could get her down to a lower price sometimes but that kind of destroys the whole GFE vibe that I want. I know it’s all about money for her but all of that haggling makes me feel like it’s all about money too which I don’t like. I will say however that shadow’s club has the cheapest prices of anyplace other than the crappiest dives. So negotiating a lower price there might not have the same consequences as it would with girls from other clubs.
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    I don't love negotiating, but not the end of the world either. I always name my price first, which makes me most comfortable. If she names her price first and it's way too high, it always sucks having to counter-offer a fraction of the price she named, so I just don't put myself in that position. My vague sense here is that similar prices get similar service, in general. If you paid $200 and someone else paid $250, you'll basically get similar service, and any differences in service may be more based on personal details (do one of you smell? Is one of you more handsy? Is one of you more of a regular vs just passing through? etc) I think there's a threshold below which, if you bargain that low and she accepts, she'll be annoyed and you will definitely get lesser service. If she usually gets $200-$250, and some guy bargained her down to $125 on a super slow day when she was desperate, she will take it out on him in service level. Over the years in a local forum, where the conversation was explicit and detailed, we saw countless examples of that. I also think that a **significant** bump in price -- if it's because you're a high-budget regular rather than just a transient sucker -- absolutely gets you a higher service level. If you usually pay $200 for what amounts to 15 minutes of fun, and some guy offers her $600 for 40 minutes (or whatever), that guy may get access to things you might not. Seen countless examples over the years on that, too. To the extent I've been able to put the puzzle pieces together, that's what I think the basic picture is
  • chessmaster
    6 years ago
    @OSU, LOL!
  • larryfisherman
    6 years ago
    Exactly Shadowcat, I don’t know if she agrees to a lower price that she will put her best effort in. I don’t like negotiating.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    ^ @TheeOSU "... then tie her to the roof of your car, take her home, and finish in your bed." I was in full agreement until you got to this point. At this point I would suggest that he throws her in a wagon, tows her to his Mom's house using his Huffy bike, and finish her off on his bed in the basement.
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    I don’t enjoy negotiating prices. What I do is - chat with the dancer a bit. Then I get her price for an extras trip to the back room. Then I’ll detetmine if it’s in-line with going rates. If it’s significantly higher - I’ll assume she’s subtly saying no. If its a bit over - I’ll find out exactly what will be done. Then I also ask how fast she thinks she can make me cum. If we are having a fun sexy talk - most dancers take it as a playful challenge - and it makes for a good time in back. If I get a lowball quote - I think twice - as it can be a sign of a dancer who won’t deliver. Sometimes - they quote a low price - in the hopes of getting a larger tip. But the tip must be earned -
  • Huntsman
    6 years ago
    This is partly why I look for a good personality and like to chat first before talking about extras or what I want to pay for. I know my market and I’m a variety guy so it’s either an easy negotiation or I will move on. If we are getting along well, I’m direct and clear and I make the offer. I know that’s not the way everyone does it. Sometimes it will be an easy “yes” and other times not. If we’ve been getting along well but don’t have a meeting of the minds on services and cost, I’ll still compensate her something if she has been pleasant with me. I know that’s controversial here too but I know she’s spending time with me and I want to be free to move on without being an asshole if our negotiations aren’t going smoothly. Plus I never have a lackluster experience if the negotiations haven’t been difficult. If I wanted more stress, I would work longer hours. I want my trip to the club to be easy on me. Part of that is trying to be easygoing and respectful to the stripper and not continuing if the negotiations are not going smoothly and quickly. I don’t want to deal with a difficult stripper and I don’t want to be a difficult customer. I might lose out on some opportunities this way but I enjoy myself more and feel better about how I treated her.
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    Well said Huntsman. That’s a good strategy - and it keeps stress low too.
  • Darkblue999
    6 years ago
    Excluding extras..it all depends on the [view link] she high demand girl or more popular girl or the hottest girl in the club. I never negotiate dance prices.If I like a girl I go with the price she quotes. If I just want to try a girl for dances I will quote her the standard club prices. Only once I went with a girl for VIP by paying $30 extra and I tipped $40 on top of the price she quoted.I did that because she was in demand girl , hottest girl and unreachable. After that I never went VIP with her. It's waste of spending that much for 30 min fun.
  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    95% of the time I have gotten any form of extras there was no negotiation, no mention of extras and I just tipped them at the end. My last experience Friday night might have been the best one of my lifetime and except for handing her money at the end and a thank you from her, we never mentioned anything related to money.
  • TheeOSU
    6 years ago
    "@TheeOSU "... then tie her to the roof of your car, take her home, and finish in your bed." I was in full agreement until you got to this point. At this point I would suggest that he throws her in a wagon, tows her to his Mom's house using his Huffy bike, and finish her off on his bed in the basement." We're talking Chessmaster here not the creep. I'm sure Chessmaster has his own car and knows how to drive and doesn't live with his mom.
  • AnonymousJim
    6 years ago
    I agree that too much negotiation can be a problem. If you and her are way off, then yeah, you're either going to feel like you're going way beyond your means to meet her or pushing her way down. That's why you also must -- must -- be willing to just walk away. If you will feel disappointed if you definitely don't get services from a particular girl, then be prepared to simply pay whatever price she will take. If she's way off, start with just "No." She'll probably come closer to her real floor.
  • chessmaster
    6 years ago
    Lol. How about i call juice to pick us up. We go to arbys. And we do the nasty in the van while juice is eating chackin fangers.
  • EzilyConfuzd
    6 years ago
    I only negotiate for BJ or FS, consequently there is no way for her to provide less service. Short of measuring the quantity of ejaculate in the finished condom, I'm not sure how I could distinguish between a happy enthused stripper and one that is begrudgingly going through the motions.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    I don't enjoy white-knuckle negotiating whether in strip clubs or anywhere else, I offer what I know, to the best of my knowledge, is a fair-offer for that particular (type) club and may go a bit over depending on how horny I am or how hot she is but I will rarely get into a back-and-forth b/c that feels like it affects the mood - I will often cut-it-off and pass if it becomes a back-and-forth or a "battle of wills". I will also pretty-much never offer what I feel is a lowball offer.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    w.r.t. service, IME I've gotten worse service from the high-quoters than the girls that accept the going-rate but it's not universal - IME/IMO the high-quoters can often be full of themselves and just wanna get paid and not care about giving you good value
  • shadowcat
    6 years ago
    Ezily I can now appreciate your name. Most of us are also only negotiating for BJs or FS but it's more than just busting a nut. Ever hear of foreplay? GFE? If I am buying 30 minutes of her time, I want to be shown a good time for 30 minutes. I have seen guys Go to VIP and come out 5 minutes later. I would not call that a good value or a good time. If all you want is a quickie, you would be better off money wise with a street walker.
  • s275ironman
    6 years ago
    I think a lot of it comes down to personality. IME, I’ve had the best times with girls that act like they are more interested in the play aspect as opposed to the pay aspect. I’ve had easy negotiations with these types. 2 examples from the same club Example 1: A girl quoted me a high price, but I quickly told her what I wanted to spend and she agreed to my counteroffer. She wound up being a lot of fun in the VIP. One of my most memorable experiences so far. Example 2: A girl approached and she told me what her prices were without me even asking. They were ridiculously hig. I told her I what I wanted to spend. She did lower her price, but it was still more than I have ever paid. She wouldn’t go any lower, so negotiations stalled. It was easy to let her walk away. She was nowhere near as pretty as the girl in the first example. Both these girls were offering the same thing, but the girl in the second example wanted double the price that the girl in the first example accepted without a hassle.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Deal with the girl in a civilian manner, don't make it into a money based interaction, and it will go easier to get her to do what you want. When full service and DFKing are impossible, then try for DATYing her, not for BJ / HJ / or dry humping. Since you need more than one song, negotiating that should make it a better overall deal. Also, select the girl that you want to be waking up in the mornings with, and steer it that way from the start. SJG
  • hoarker
    6 years ago
    “The process always sucks, but such is life. I find most dancers with their salt are at least easier to negotiate with than car salesmen.“ LOL!! Absolutely. If you can’t make a deal with a car salesman, he still keeps the car and you still have your cash. With a stripper, if there is no deal, you keep your cash. What does she keep? Guys we have all the power. I negotiate business deals for a living. The pooner/stripper deal is one of the most one-sided negotiations you will ever encounter. But they do have pussy power. The worst thing in any negotiation is to have the mindset that you must have a deal. You must set a limit beforehand and be prepared to walk away.
  • hoarker
    6 years ago
    As well I agreed with ezly. I only negotiate for head. When I drank my first scotch it was gross. But then you develop a taste. Same with negotiations. Ideally, like any sale, you try to develop trust with the person. Maybe it will take you a few visits to the club. If you are a salesman and you take a client golfing do you try to make a deal on the course? Fuck no.
  • JuiceBox69
    6 years ago
    Been wondering about $50 BJ in VIP at follies...Possible with the more attractive ladies or just the frugal looking ones ? Serious question planning a visit around August
  • PaulDrake
    6 years ago
    I think a lot of you guys are looking at this like it is negotiating in business or buying a car. One fundamental difference to keep in mind is that you are dealing with the dancer's own sense of self worth. @EzilyConfuzd - I would definitely disagree with you that there are not differences in quality of service.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    i’m all ears taking all this in. i have probably tried most every idea that y’all are posting and i have experienced the whole spectrum of results. to me it mainly depends on her attitude and the physical chemistry more than just the money.
  • joc13
    6 years ago
    "Both these girls were offering the same thing, but the girl in the second example wanted double the price that the girl in the first example accepted without a hassle." Never understood why the dancers can't figure out the math: $200 x several guys willing to pay it = a good night $400 x 0 guys willing to pay it = perceived intact self-esteem but empty wallet
  • etsutwigg222
    6 years ago
    Just in Detroit this week and I used suggestions from contributors here on the going rates. I had a few quote triple going rate prices, so I just responded with the going rate and a tip option if warranted. Worked each time and service was tip worthy.
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